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  1. Turn casual moments into unforgettable dates – choose the best casual dating site! Free connections, confidentiality guaranteed Authentic Maidens [URL=https://matchnow.life]Exemplary casual Dating[/URL]
  2. new facebook group 'MLV RAW on EOS M' dedicated to what the title of the group is, for anybody that is interested. Other ML discussion is welcome as well. I have been testing ML on the M for the past couple weeks, and I'm absolutly blown away. I've almost forgot I own a Pocket 4k.
  3. peaking water proof which brand mic?? canon duel AF built in ND filters (like canon has done the past few years) can we get the 10 inch screen from the ursa also?
  4. I have a raw shooting mk3 and I will disagree with you on this.
  5.   i've stuck with rokinon because of their affordability and for the most part always have positive reviews, I've not regretted any and I have a mft 8mm fish, 14 t3.1, t35, t85, the 85mm looks REALLY nice IMO.    If you want a good deal on my 14mm I'm looking to sell it to get a sigma or slr magic   also, if what you have tried shooting handheld with a 24mm (on bmcc) isn't going to look very pleasant. as I said on the other message board, I've achieved very usable handheld with post stabilization...but that footage with with a 14mm lens and me walking like a ninja while having a nice firm grip to prevent bobble.
  6. you guys want to team up and make a video (shot only on BMCC) about the trolls or canon fan boys (I respect canon, their fans on the other hand)   if Jeremy's footage ends up in the cutting room looking little rough, we know Hurtin can clean it up  :P
  7. @hurtin   use the AE workflow if you are going to really try and recreate the issue.  
  8. Word is BMD took a look at the DNSs and they are considering the camera defective.
  9. I guess that makes sense, because I have noticed with raw just the slightest color change or very very slight pinch of NR has very noticeable results,  so I guess a slight pinch of "high/low correction" will do the same.
  10. @HurtinMinorKey   Lets not close the case yet, because some things are still up in the air.   Others do not have this issue using AE, and your results testing the DNGs in Resolve have been positive, and we know the footage isn't a complete waste (tying to help the guy get a few hours of his life back ; ) .  What is going on in AE that would create this other than "pushing too far" because lets say a person DIDN'T push in post but still see the noise?  Could a export setting or project setting cause this?  Possibly a debayer issue?  Maybe AE is doing something "auto" during export?     Basically, now that we're sure it isn't a hardware issue, it's obviously a workflow/software issue....but what? lol 
  11. This edit isn't to focus on flaws, raw ability, image quality/detail, highlights or shadows.  Just a simple Glidecam test along with a few CobraCrane shots.  It's no MoVI but i'll settle for it being that it's about $14k cheaper.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d395j6x4RJg
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