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  3. That was what I loved about the Sigma Contemporary primes. I think there is a bit of magic shooting them wide open, especially the 65mm f2. Maybe I should AI my Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 by one stop... I reckon though that it would easily achieve the shallower DOF, but the 'magic' part you can't quite define will be missing? A bit like film vs digital. I'd rather shoot with digital for all kinds of reasons, costs being the chief one, but film still has a certain look that digital cannot replicate. With digital and AI, it's almost too clinical and perfect and that's what it's good at, but being 'perfect' is not necessarily art/appealing...which is why I guess some folks like using $5 lenses on $5k cameras.
  4. I agree, even it will maybe harder to make this AI shallow depth of field for videos. But the lenses I like the most are not the ones with the deeper bokeh. I love the Leica 35mm F2 APO Summicron SL or the PL 25-50mm f1.7. Not because of their deep bokeh but because of their rendering, the way how the light convert on the point of focus, the highlights/shadows transitions and contrast. I think it will be harder to mimic the look of some lenses than adding some blur to mimic deep bokeh.
  5. Take again another look in that model up there! LOL Nope, never! LMAO :- )
  6. F2 is where the magic rendering starts for me, but no matter what look you are going for be it shallow or deep DOF, AI will be able to apply it all. To anything with a small sensor. Much harder to get rid of a shallow depth of field baked in by the optic, than to take a deep depth of field and make it shallower with AI!
  7. For that app you still need a smartphone though don’t you?
  8. I completely agree that AI and computational photography is coming for the middle of the bell curve. I do think there's still a place for companies like Fuji that can capture the nostalgia and "photography as an experience" market. Fuji seems to be one of the few companies that have truly embraced the mirrorless concept you speak of, smaller bodies, smaller lenses, especially the little Fujicrons. Also Fuji is going after the very high end with their medium format stuff. They're leaving the middle of the bell curve, full-frame for others to sort out, if they can. I like their strategy so far.
  9. Joking aside, it will get really interesting if (and when) Pana introduces an ARRI-certified LUT in the next S1II or S2.
  10. And honestly f2.8 is about the shallowest depth of field you could want for most standard work
  11. The best part was the ball scratching at 1:36" 😄
  12. Well I own precisely zero fast lenses as in primes such as 1.4 or 1.8’s and moved exclusively to zooms recently. I prefer primes, but the reality for my work, is I tried juggling them for far too long but the simple reality was a typical zoom covers at least 3 prime focal lengths with simple rotations. OK, other than a few exotics such as Canon’s RF 28-70 f2 monster, faster than f2.8 zooms do not exist and I am over using any lens above 1kg and most of my zooms are ball park 500g or under. AI could certainly adjust DOF to be even shallower, but you know what? I am also over ultra shallow DOF and f2.8 is just fine thanks!
  13. With this logic, which I'm not arguing against, AI would kill the smartphone market first. Why should I upgrade my $1000 phone when I can update my camera app for $1.9 per month?
  14. I think the trick is that there are extra categories included as "directors fortnight" and others
  15. Digital Bolex too. I would be really curious but I really don't know how to go into the data.
  16. ...and the (analog SD video) 'Sony Video8' 🙂 It's quite an eclectic mixture of cameras in the bottom half of the 2021 list. The Sony A7S is also relatively popular - I wonder if those are actually all the original, FHD, 10-year old version, or if it includes the later versions with 4k video?
  17. MrSMW


    Had one, sold it in favour of something faster. Sold the something faster and bought a pair of used 20-60’s to be my video workhorses. The reality is I either work in good light and don’t use these things any faster than f5.6, or I light the scene, so in either scenario, plenty fast enough for me. Also, 20mm is more than wide enough as is 60mm long enough because in my bag, is a 70-200 f4 for those scenarios when 60 really is not enough reach. They are really good ‘kit’ lenses. I wish they were constant aperture but then they’d be bigger, heavier and much more expensive.
  18. Some of my thoughts here: https://www.eoshd.com/news/ai-will-mean-lens-prices-have-to-be-completely-reassessed-by-camera-companies/
  19. I'm an idiot, I do have the S5ii, and got it at a great deal with the 12-105/4 last November. Sorry, I need to update the firmware and see how it goes.
  20. I'm an idiot, I do have the S5ii, and got it at a great deal with the 12-105/4 last November. Sorry, I need to update the firmware and see how it goes.
  21. Thanks for the replies, but I'm a complete idiot. I actually have the S5ii with PDAF. I will update the firmware ASAP and see how it goes. Any suggestions on best Sii autofocus settings would be appreciated. I need to check out some online tutorials and do some testing.
  22. I saw Y.M. Cinema Magazine published updated statistics on cinema camera used at Sundance, Cannes and Oscar in 2023 and 2024. Interesting reading indeed: https://ymcinema.com/2024/05/29/the-most-popular-cinema-cameras/ Basically Arri leads and Sony Venice is making its way. But I really would like to know who was the hero who made a feature at Cannes with the mighty Panasonic SH1 🙂
  23. BTM_Pix


    Wide end of the Panasonic 20-60mm kit lens on an S5ii capturing some people so desperate to avoid the outlandish parking charges at British seaside town that they've decided to parachute in.
  24. I would like to add, pretty models filmed in an uninspired way make any camera look dull.😊 @Emanuel
  25. this is the most difficult scene, because dr is so drastic. yet gh7 is ok, not as good as Alexa but not bad neither. in real world project, it is easy to adjust the light intensity and direction and distance to reduce the dr. gh7 in real world shooting in one of the previous pool scenes is very close to Alexa.
  26. I already have different kinds of video cams. 4k or oversampled 1080p are enough for me. 11 stop dr is fine for me too. I need latest cams mostly for the ibis. I have go pro 12 as a pocket cam, I will buy an om-1 during the Christmas season. I have not decided a full frame one yet.
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