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  2. Sony ZV-E1 has what you need. Smaller than S5 form factor, nice small kit zoom lens and all the key specs from FX3/A7S plus cutting edge Sony AI focusing and stabilisation tech. Although it’s not jeans pocket pocketable.
  3. An interesting mod, looks irreversible - but still worth it. The Xiaomi 12s ultra would be a good candidate for this too.
  4. They must be involved in some way! Hopefully they'll be honest enough to admit that it wasn't entirely a "creative choice"?
  5. Andrew Reid

    Leica Q3 43

    $7K is an absolute joke. You are not getting a Leica, it's a Panasonic. The 28mm lens on the normal Q3 is really terrible, it's worse than a toy and relies on Panasonic's correction to get rid of the massive distortion and vignetting. Leica just need to be more honest... what is the $7K getting you in terms of engineering from LEICA? Cutting edge lens? No. It's very misleading marketing in my view. Leica Q 28mm RAW: With the built in software profile applied in-camera and Adobe Camera Raw:
  6. Today
  7. One inch S16 sensor estate on that phone? That would mean Super16 4K raw for 400 Euro if I got that right. Could the 1" 20MPix sensor be the well tested sensor of the RX10/100 series? I am pretty happy with the colours in photo Raw on my LX15 which also sports that Sony 20Mpix imager. Pretty sweet! Thanks for posting! @Cosimo Is there a more detailed instruction video how to do this mod?
  8. Hardly anyone has posted any involving videos in 120p here, which they have crafted themselves. Why that tristesse would change in 4K is beyond my comprehension. I couldn't feel less inspired to wonder about 120p in 4K than I feel by this thread. Decisive moment, seriously, where is it? Show me! Or maybe much rather not. I really enjoyed @kye 's essay miniseries and screenshots from his journey with the micro cinema cam, travels with a cinematic eye and consciouness through and about the artistic journey. Stuff like that is my fuel to keep coming here. But this thread is 4K of nothing and that in unbearable 120fps slomo hell. Grain of salt and two cents, so don't get too upset.:)
  9. MrSMW

    Leica Q3 43

    The other thing about this Q3 is I already have a 1/2 price one, in a more ergonomic body and with the ability to change lenses. It’s called an A7RV. And even cheaper and a similar style body to the Q3, the A7CR. Except that one only has a single card slot and the rear screen isn’t anywhere near as good, plus some other ‘deficiencies’, because I looked really hard at it as a ‘budget Q3’, the limiting factor of that camera being the 28mm. I rarely need to go wider than 28 and 28 I much prefer over 24 and though that sensor has the ability to crop and crop fairly hard, I also need 75+mm and that is beginning to push things a leetle too far. So nope, went for a used ‘like new’ A7RV for €1000 less than current retail with 3 lenses giving me from 20-180mm. Also, it can use adapted WITH AF, Leica lenses. IMO, it IS a better and more wallet friendly option than a Q3 or SL3, but without a red dot badge. I’d love a Leica or a Hassie but the reality for me is I cannot afford the latter and cannot justify the former.
  10. As far as I could see by searching sold items on ebay, the current going price is about $4,600 for a 2TB model that works or $1,900 for a 2TB model that doesn't work. There's also a more recent sale that was a $7,700 for one with 1TB, but it was apparently recently serviced by Rubenstein which included battery replacement - and that one also included a Zacuto EVF, PL mount adapter, gold mount adapter, and 3 Zeiss Tevidons. So it seems like it's probably $4000ish for an unserviced camera - but it'll be on the market for a while before an enthusiast picks it up. If I saw one in working condition for $2k, I'd probably jump on it, but I'd also be pretty sure it was a scam. At $4k, the camera is competing with stuff like used Komodos and C70's which... is a little crazy. I'm also expecting Komodo prices to start dropping more soon as the ones with buy-it-now at $4k+ are not moving and those selling for auction are going for between $3-4k. A lot of sellers still seem to be in denial about the recent price cuts.
  11. I don't know what the current going price would be nowadays. It was higher than the original price for a few years but now recently I think things have changed. There has been one on eBay (with lenses and monitor) with a starting bid of 4300 Euro that has been relisted twice and has had no bidders. Earlier this year I saw one on eBay for US$1000. 😳 !!! There are many more camera options now and to get a film look, there are good emulation options too. Older used BMs, Reds and Alexas are pretty affordable too. It's a great camera and I love mine and all but if I didn't have it I would likely also be pretty happy with one of some other cameras that are out there.
  12. The Atomos stuff can be a bit fussy sometimes over its HDMI input source but this would do the trick to get it into a Ninja for example if you were using composite or s-video sources. Alternatively, if you are using component output gear then this one would do the job.
  13. One product they could make that would stand out in the marketplace would be something like a Ninja monitor-recorder that records internally to ProRes but has analog inputs for standard definition NTSC and PAL. A big thing with artists now is to shoot with old video equipment but most analog recorders save only to MP4. The Ninjas only have HDMI and SDI inputs. I've looked but can't find anything like it out there. Has anyone heard of something like this?
  14. Looks really good. It's like design-wise they kept to just two channels and concentrated on all the other aspects of a recorder. For me I'll wait until they have a 4 or 6 channel version. I've been eyeing the Zoom F6 which seems good. I don't have a project for that many channels just yet (but sometimes have needed three) but I know at some point I will.
  15. On a random reddit thread. Again totally a rumour, but it doesn't seem far fetched to think that Zoom would counter such a direct competitor to their F3 by either offering a FW update of some sort or an MKII. However, I'm not sure what FW update(s) they could offer that would make the F3 a more competitive option than the FR-AV2.
  16. Sure - one thing that might be nice in terms of not missing the moment is that now you can raise the phone and push a button and it will instantly load a photo/video app which is faster than it used to be. But if you're worried about missing a moment, no amount of speed improvement will help. A lot of people prefer a bigger phone! If I could, I'd take an even smaller phone. If they put the 16 Pro guts in a 16 body, I'd probably take that instead. The ideal would be a Zoolander-sized smartphone (maybe it could have a projector for the screen). 😀 You can turn down the screen brightness a lot if heat genearted by the screen is a concern. I meant to try it the other time, but my attention span isn't so long. It's the same thing that I realized during the brief time when I considered becoming a YouTube camera reviewer. Maybe I'll try again today. I could point it out the window or something and leave it while I work.
  17. Phil A

    Leica Q3 43

    I struggle with the prices of the Q and SL Leica systems. While the M has a clear differentiator because there are no competitors (except for that super niche PIXII that I never saw someone use even on social media), the other two are something that Sony/Panasonic/... could easily replicate for half the price if they'd want to. It's funny when the Leica fanboys start arguing that it's worth paying 3k more than a competing product because it has less buttons or no "unnecessary" video function, etc. Reminds me of back when the DSLR guys were suspecting that the camera would be WAY cheaper if they had no video recording (but of course still have live view).
  18. Well, it's more to be open to have it without much restrictions. When you're looking for that shot in specific, you can have the chance to roll if for long until to reach the magic moment we'll find the exact moment that will be gold for all the time spent and efforts invested there. Some other day I was throughout 2 hours of a concert which led me to results I variably lost or not, which means in 10 possible millions, one of them is still a loss, no other 9 will bring it back. If you follow what I mean here. Yes, I am insatiable for shots ; ) Sometimes they make all the difference just in time for paycheck of people working with me. Well, I understand your fair concern and nothing I hadn't thought of it yet, really. However TBH, comparing both options with my last purchases: I don't think Max route will make such an inconvenience other than weight maybe? I found ASUS Zenfone 7 Pro a cumbersome brick for daily use but not really OnePlus 9 Pro : ) https://www.gsmarena.com/size-compare-3d.php3?&idPhone1=10806&idPhone2=13123 I wonder though if the larger screen on Max model will bring more heat anyways or more room to dissipate it? https://www.gsmarena.com/size-compare-3d.php3?&idPhone2=13123&idPhone1=13315 I usually don't like white stuff, black is always my fav but if I will buy this one here it will certainly be for handy 4K 120fps on mobile side. Some other day, that would have saved the night when teles stayed at concert door. PS: I have obviously followed up your most recent post now, so I do appreciate your findings... Maybe you could try it up to the edge? Thanks BTW :- )
  19. Nikon needs a camera that sits in the middle between stills hybrid cameras and cinema cameras. Whatever is the equivalent of Nikon's FX30/FX3/C70/R5C could be easily released under either the Nikon or the RED brand name. (or be released under both at once?)
  20. I posted about this over a week ago! 🤣 😂 😆 As the specs got leaked a while ago. But posted not to here, rather to a subreddit specifically for production sound: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProductionSound/comments/1fl0rn9/new_tascam_frav2_is_coming_a_zoom_f3_killer/ I agree with the first post from @BTM_Pix, the fact that this is able to treat TC normally (rather than the hacked up weird way TC is done with the Zoom F3, although yes, the Zoom F3 is technically "timecode capable") means the Tascam is a better idea than the Zoom F3. (although I suspect the small $100 difference in RRP means that the average buyer who doesn't even know about will end up choosing the F3 instead 😕 However I suspect within 18 months we'll see the Tascam street price getting closer to the F3's RRP) So true that many "Boom Ops" lack the necessary skills at the indie level. (in a way this is due to the extremely low value placed on the Sound Dept. Where they think the entire department could be done by just one person. And if we do get a 1st AS that it is basically a glorified PA position, not that their skill level has to be at the same level as a 1st AC or Gaffer. Honestly even getting two people who can each properly boom one person at a time is often a tall ask. That they will get it in close enough, and on axis, and with no shadows, and with no reflections, and do all of this while this one person is moving. On an indie no / low budget shoot I feel lucky if I get even one Boom Op who is competent at all of that. If they can lav people up too, then I've hit gold. Yup! That's why I just said "If they can lav people up too, then I've hit gold". And is why in the vast majority of these scenarios I will have to lav them up myself. But on bigger budget / professional film sets, where you have actually skilled people in your department, then it's the normal process for the AS (usually the 2nd AS) to be doing the lav-ing rather than the Sound Mixer. For a long time I went hard wired. But eventually I felt the audio quality sacrifice of using Lectrosonics wireless on the boom was worth it due to the practical benefits. If you've got a person dedicated for being the Mixer, not someone booming at the same time, then I don't think it's that hard for them to grasp basic gain staging. Ohhhh.... where did you see this? Wish the Tascam FR-AV2 would also let you record the 3.5mm stereo input as well as both XLR inputs. (currently it can only do one or the other, not all four inputs at once) If the new Zoom F3 mk2 could do that and does TC sensibly (not only via BT!) and does 24bit 48KHz BWAV, then I think I've found myself my next backup / supplementary / compact recorder. That's true, due to firmware updates for the OG F8 then it's almost identical to the latest F8n Pro.
  21. enny

    BMPCC 2.5k or RED MX

    Hi there still debating which speedboster to get did you get any?
  22. Yesterday
  23. I never stated that the R1 would be a better on-set cinema cam than the C80. I actually said the opposite way up there. I just think it could be an alternative for those also interested in the C80 (like me) who need something mobile. Then we had the discussion about why you would get an R1 over an R5 II, which I did not initiate. I only responded to the R5 fans (pun intended) with all those graphs and charts to suggest that the R5 II does not really improve on the highlight clipping problems I have with the R5C. The point here is that the 6K sensor in the C80/C400 is going to offer a substantial IQ improvement on all the R5 cameras, which really can't be compared with proper Cinema EOS. In the meantime, I've recently seen more RAW C80 footage and it is pretty awesome: The C80 also looks fantastic in XFAVC 10 bit. Here are some XFAVC files available for download: Despite the charts I posted above, in most scenarios the differences between the C80 and C400 will be minor. Perhaps you will see some differences in extreme low-light with noise in RAW LQ, but otherwise the C80 looks gorgeous overall. I don't use HFR much, so that C400 advantage doesn't worry me. In any case, RED and Sony should be scared.
  24. Why limit yourself to cinema lenses? Now you can also use this cage to make sure your phone is powered by v mount and has an external screen and shotgun mic! You can finally realize the dream of having a cinema camera in your pocket... just as long as you don't mind a heavy backpack full of accessories. https://petapixel.com/2024/09/26/moments-smartphone-supercage-has-integrated-power-mic-headphone-jacks-and-more/
  25. The idea that the R1 is a camera that some people might choose instead of the C80 is not offensive. However, your continuous bombarding of this thread with test charts and graphs to demand that it's a better choice than the C80, once again despite that you have touched neither camera is not necessary. If the R1 is noticeably better than the C80 in real-world usage once both cameras have been released, Canon will sell more R1's than they would otherwise. I'd certainly consider it once it's available on the used market or there's a big sale, just as I am considering the C80 now (but no way I'm paying full price). Regardless, neither camera is "better" than the other - but one might be a better fit for you. If it is, that's great. You should get that camera. If you plan to buy/use neither camera, then you should stop caring about which one is "better."
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