Some interesting points on building your own Hackintosh, especially the soundcard comments. I've been using a hackintosh for three years now and have never had a problem with updates. I find Gigabyte motherboards to be the best for compatibility. I'm still using a Gigabyte GA-X58A-UDR3 motherboard with an i7 6core processor and 24gb of triple core memory and have never needed to upgrade it. I like this system as its fast and doesn't have the speedstepper issues when updating through Software Update. Whenever Apple release a new update, the only thing I need to do is replace the sound driver with an older 10.6.2 kext, and replace the USB3 kext, then reboot, but multibeast does that for you these days!
If you know someone who already owns a mac, try and persuade them to create an account for you and purchase and download Mountain Lion, then work out how to install this to an 8gb USB stick (many websites show you how to do that).
I've installed a 480GB SSD for the operating system and raided three 3TB hard drives together and get a nice speed from it, All easy to do in Disk Utility.
I've always had problems with Dell systems as they lock their bios down too much. This is much the case also with many laptops, In the end I gave up with hackintoshing laptops and purchased a retina macbook pro!