here's a bit of an update on the shigascope,....
i have been shooting tonnes of stills and since the redstan clamps came in, i'm never going to shoot spherical ever ever again!
unless threatened with castration,... and even then,... maybe,...
so here are some stills i've taken over the past couple of months, most with some post work done. i post more on flickr and me facebook if you like what you see.
[url=]Tak the writer, still chatting,...[/url] by [url=]nanntonaku[/url], on Flickr
[url=]Simonã•ã‚“[/url] by [url=]nanntonaku[/url], on Flickr
[url=]paying respects[/url] by [url=]nanntonaku[/url], on Flickr
[url=]Down at the Y 3[/url] by [url=]nanntonaku[/url], on Flickr
[url=]hoodie-ed[/url] by [url=]nanntonaku[/url], on Flickr
you guys really need to get your hands on one of these,... had I an extra one i'd be happy to send it to more capable hands to see what can be done by a pro. unfortunately, these dont seem that common.
some footage should be up early next year.
merry christmas and happy new year guys, you've more than made my year by sharing your knowledge here!