I wanted to buy this Iscorama 42 on Ebay for $2000, MINT. The buyer wanted me to email him my name, address and ebay user name, so I did. He said he was going to give my info to Ebay, and said I would have to pay through wire transfer, but it was protected by ebay buyers protection. I then received an invoice in my personal email, allegedly from Ebay with the address aw-confirmation@ebuy-protection-ebay.co.uk, but didn't receive a message in my Ebay account. I called Ebay and they said that they don't provide buyers protection for wire transfers, and any message sent to my personal email from them, would also be send to my Ebay messages. So, I didn't buy it(or get scammed). Now the lens has been re-posted on ebay, and has my zip code where the estimated delivery time is? It also says the lens is located in the states, but the seller wanted me to send the money to London. Also, his email has changed... it was lazerfree75@gmail.com, now it's serto1629@gmail.com. Maybe he's legit and I'm just being paranoid, but nothing adds up, so be careful. Jeff