GH2 will be getting the same field of view as the 1DC shooting in 4K mode. That's very exciting.
Where I'm excited for s35 stuff, like the bigger dog cameras, is it means we'll potentially be seeing a return of an aesthetic that doesn't exist in current motion pictures, in the theater. Outside the occasional indie shot on a 5D, like Rubber perhaps, the cool, small-format, experimental stuff is going to be limited mostly to online and festival venues.
Applying this technology to the likes of a Genesis or Alexa or RED means we could see a new era of epic aesthetics show up in the next mega-million tent pole picture (that odds are would have been made in pedantic S35 spherical otherwise, unless it was from one of the few filmmakers still out there with enough interest and enough pull to insist on anamorphic).
There's only a few directors, like Nolan or PT Anderson maybe, willing to dust off one of those Smart Car sized large format film cameras to shoot in 65mm or 8-perf 35mm. Something like this means digital for big budgets could finally aspire to something beyond just mimicking or replacing the most generic, least quality 35mm format that's been employed for major motion pictures since the introduction of color nearly, and without major new investment either. Everybody wins.