Admittedly, I hadn't considered that. Most of the information I found rather quickly on the subject deals with shooting RAW and from a stills photographer perspective but I'd assume these same factors play into shooting video. They have much, much more latitude to de-noise without wrecking usable information than we do at HD resolution and only 8bits of compressed, sub-sampled chroma.
At that point you have to weigh whether the slight dip in DR going from 320 to 400 that may or may not actually affect your image in practical, observable effects is more important than the difference in noise that, depending on the patch, is clearly visible and clearly affects your image in practical, observable effects.
From a RAW, stills photographer standpoint, DR at ISO160 is 10.8 stops and at ISO400 it's 9.8 stops...that's based on one site. Another claims almost a whole extra stop of DR starting at ISO160. Yet others claim ISO400 is the base and then multiples of 160 are derived from these multiples of 400. All I take away from it currently, given the very thorough explanation of exposure and DR with the GH2 for video by Shian Storm at his ColorGHear site, is that the useful DR is much lower than these stills guys enjoy, I'm going to go for less noise (though shooting Moon versus Flowmotion renders the difference between 320/400 ISOs less of an issue).
Most of what I intend to shoot I have to try to contain under ISO1250 so it's all gravy, so long as I stay away from 250 and 500.