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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2013 in all areas

  1. I have a 3 element, focusable century 1.33x here on my desk.  if it is indeed based in any way on this type of design they're onto a winner.   Please please please give me some samples on aps-c or full frame at f2 and f2.8 in daylight with an ND.  This will truly give an accurate idea of what we can expect with minimal and/or battery powered lighting setups.   re. the 77mm diopter set...  This sounds like a great set.  I'd buy the pair straight away. - since the tokina +0.4 being only 72mm vignettes ever so slightly on iscorama and 35mm taking lens.
    2 points
  2.   With the vested interests you have in impractical projector lenses, I can hardly take a word you say seriously about this.
    2 points
  3. Such rumours have been put around before about the 7D and have not turned out true, if Canon really were interested in pros using DSLRs for video they would not have a Cinema EOS line. As for enthusiast video I really think they have kind of given up.
    1 point
  4. Owner of the G6 since yesterday. Colors are definitely nicer than those of the GH2. Now I am all for grading, not because I detest good video out-of-cam, but because it's fun. An image that shines does so because of vivid skin tones. So it's not just a matter of shoving colors in post to cover the so-called skin line, but mainly because a broader spectrum around that line was recorded in the first place (must be the Canon magic). Otherwise your motifs will look doughy. I don't know yet, how good the colors actually are compared to EOS. With raw, you shouldn't have to worry about colors, if post-grading raw photos is comparable. I will have the Pocket (hopefully it won't take too long), and it will have a complete, well-thought-out rig from the beginning, and some day raw, for the price of a Mark III (body only).
    1 point
  5. look at the massive hypergonars nice long focal length distance between optics add a little radioactive material to change the abbe number. even the baby lens have more distance and if not complex high index doublets your tiny optic included. glass like lananthanum used by leica long ago. bk7 type glass is regular standard stuff some of the magic is in the recipes. some of the glass types are not even made any more. this is not a problem for companies like cooke who can spend a year playing with modern glass types refining a modern optic with vintage character traits. compact short barrel wider focal length of anamorphic giving a wider field of view heavier f stop giving many zones of sharp focus,glass type,1.33 compression and lens coatings. complex stuff even for a budget scope lens a tough nut to crack and a difficult ask to satisfy different market segments. cannot wait for the letus v slr v century with achromat video
    1 point
  6. It's because it's 1.3 stretch. Not worth the price of admission for me, i'd letterbox for a similar effect and spend the money elsewhere. That said I'm sure its a suitable solution for some, certainly sounds functional and would be an upgrade from a LA7200.  
    1 point
  7.   He's got his re-housing of projector optics for rubes scheme to deal with.
    1 point
  8. If that OMD EM1 had had a decent bit rate and 25p, I'd have one by now.
    1 point
  9. I was out testing my two Dog Schidt Optiks lenses in Stockholm, and found two guys playing on a street and decided to shoot them:   https://vimeo.com/75661923   I have two FF58's: one low contrast +  more flares and amber tone, and one with a bit more contrast but with less flaring and neutral tone. This is shot with the one that flares less.   Footage is a bit shaky, all I had for stabilizing the camera was a minitripod, Velbon Ultra Maxi Mini: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4mZLVSi-Cl4d8xdloHiWpLyIjGvb5EBnbDU5Eg0LuG1WLfmX-JA   Having the weight of the tripod and a bit more to hold on to helps a bit, but not much.
    1 point
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