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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Messing with the A7R II - good, but I would wait if you can till the A7S II - rolling shutter issues. Also save some cash. Here's my receipe that I'm liking: COLOR MATRIX - Pro, not s gamut - reds feel more red COLOR GAMMA - CINE4, not slog - cleaner highlights. Slog2 looks weird with an 8 bit codec how it gets noisy in highlights Black Level: 0 Black Gamma > Range: Middle , Level: -3 Knee > Mode: Auto , Auto Set > Max Point: 95 , Sensitivity: Mid Colore Mode: Pro Saturation: +8 Color Phase -2 Color Depth > R+1, G-1, B+2,, C-2, M-1, Y-3 Detail > Level, -5 Adjust > Mode; Manual, V/H Balance: -2, B/W Balance Type3, Limit: 0, Crispening:0, hi_light Detail: 0 White balance > Manual > Grid setting B 1 (one to the left) You don't have to follow it perfectly, but overall it can get to some stunning results. And the secret to any log recording is post. Use film convert. filmconvert.com. Or impulz luts. Select slog 2 - modify it - less contrast - less of a curve since it's less flat as s log 2 I used Film Convert Arri Alexa Log C profile for grading. FilmConvert setting is Arri Alexa as the camera. logC. film stock is Fuji Film 8543 Vivid. color 93. curve 100. size 35mm full frame. grain 0. But just mess around - find what you like. Have fun! And everyone post your own. Together we can help each other improve. That's what it's all about - using the Hive to get better. Get knowledge, give knowledge.
    3 points
  2. Anyone notice anything worse about the Davinci Resolve PC version over the Mac version? Because I think I am jumping ship from apple to PC - the Thinkpad p50 seems like a mac pro but $2000 cheaper - and all I really need is resolve to edit my stuff and color. I'm pretty much done with final cut pro - and therefore done with the price gorging - all the cult-like Apple BS at their stores - and just all of it. Windows 10 I have been using for 3 weeks or so - super stable. I love it. Works very fast and well. So goodbye to you Apple, I hope. You have a really nice OS but it's not worth $2000. Also this way I can play the Witcher 3 and GTA V on the road!
    3 points
  3. Couldn't get past 0:20. That guy is seriously annoying.
    3 points
  4. This is my first official test with the Sony RX100IV. I wanted to create a project that tests 3 things: 1) Slow motion quality 2) Dynamic Range 3) Slow motion with Dolly (using the ronin-m). I decided to use my energized furry friend Simba as my talent. The dynamic range is incredible in 120p due to the high bitrate and I found myself having the best grades in post using this mode. Using the Dji Ronin-m made this setup extremely light and I was able to move extremely quick. I shot this video using only 120p, 240fps, and 480fps. Decided to get creative with the editing. Watch in HD and enjoy!
    2 points
  5. Yes, Standard. Right now I use Natural with : Contrast -5 / Sharpen -5 / Noise reduction -5 / Saturation 0Highlight 0 / Shadow 0Almost no noise up to 800 ISO. Check this beautiful video by a user with same settings on LX100 : https://vimeo.com/116671977 You can download the 2.5K version from Vimeo, and the quality is very impressive !
    2 points
  6. Hello again, I'm very sad to be saying this but I must part with my cherished Iscorama 54 Non MC anamorphot. It's in fantastic condition! I need the money for post on a feature I'm completing. It comes with a 67mm Redstan mount. I'm also selling a Bolex 16/32 with Redstan mount, a Letus anamorphot for GoPro Hero 3/3+ & 4, some Redstan mounts for the Bolex 8/19 anamorphot as well as for Iscorama 36 and other stuff as well. Let me know if you're interested in anything. Thanks guys. Here's the link for the Isco 54 :http://www.ebay.com/itm/ULTRA-RARE-Iscorama-54-non-MC-anamorphic-Redstan-mount-FF-gear-UV-/221854404259?hash=item33a78d8ea3
    1 point
  7. I think I heard 3 but it turned out to be a little more when I tested. I can check.
    1 point
  8. And here is V-Log > AlexaLOGtoREC709 > Osiris M31 LUT
    1 point
  9. Thanks Ed. I am very curious to play with the Knee parameter for better highlight roll off. Is the knee being used in your setup? Cause here is what the manual says and I am not sure what "Mode" refers to: KneeSets knee point and slope for video signal compression to prevent over-exposure by limiting signals in high intensity areas of the subject to the dynamic range of your camera. When selecting [Still], [Cine1], [Cine2], [Cine3], [Cine4], [ITU709(800%)], [S-Log2] in [Gamma], [Knee] is set to [Off] if [Mode] is set to [Auto]. To use functions in [Knee], set [Mode] to [Manual].
    1 point
  10. Ive just looked at some of yesterdays shoots from after sundown and started playing a little in Resolve. I like what I see so far. Im installing the Beta of R Studio so it might be a while untill I have some video to post.
    1 point
  11. Yes I use it, but I have not yet made a video project with the LX100, only tests. For Windows and Mac users, there is the freeware Rocky Mountains Movie Converter. It uses FFMPEG with simple interface and it's really fast compared to Adobe Media Encoder, Apple Compressor or others encoding applications. Download : http://sourceforge.net/projects/rockymountainsmovieconverter/files/
    1 point
  12. Found an open-box lx100 so have been playing around. I'm using a script to downsample all the files to 1080 so i can view/work with them easier. So for anyone interested in a windows script using ffmpeg. Copy this "converto1080.bat" script (or whatever batch filename you want to call it ) into a folder with 4K mp4 files. Run it and it will created 1080 COPIES in mp4_1080 (or whatever you want to call the folder). ALSO, if anyone has better ffmpeg paramaters, please post! @echo OFF SETLOCAL REM title Converting... REM ***** CONFIG ***** REM like F:\Files2015_Maxotics\Video\ REM fold= curent folder set fold=%~dp0 set ext=*.mp4 REM dest = curent folder + mp4_1080 REM like F:\Files2015_Maxotics\Video\mp4_1080\ REM change to whatever you like... set dest=%~dp0\mp4_1080\ REM ***** END CONFIG ***** :: This makes the target folder ::MD "%fold%" MD "%dest%" REM make sure you have correct path to ffmpeg.exe for %%f in (%fold%%ext%) do "C:\Files2013_VidPhotoSoft\ffmpeg\64bit\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i %%f -vf scale=1920:1080 -c:v libx264 -crf 10 -preset slow -c:a copy -sn "%dest%%%~nxf" REM if errors, pause so command window doesn't lcose REM pause If I need to just convert one file, I edit this batch file echo OFF set fold=%~dp0 set dest=%~dp0\mp4_1080\ set usefile=P1040162.mp4 ::MD "%fold%" MD "%dest%" "C:\Files2013_VidPhotoSoft\ffmpeg\64bit\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i %usefile% -vf scale=1920:1080 -c:v libx264 -crf 10 -preset slow -c:a copy -sn "%dest%%usefile%" REM pause REM unREM pause to look at output in command window
    1 point
  13. Hey man. I think some 2.5mm thick rubber o rings should do the trick. grab a few 2.5mm and 3mm o rings. cut one into three pieces and evenly space it around the element then gently push each piece in the gap. for attaching the other section of the helicoid I just pvc taped it around the main body.
    1 point
  14. Ok...now I'm definitely going to add this to my camera bag after seeing more footage.
    1 point
  15. A GH3 or G6 with a vintage lens or two could do the trick if the operator can manual focus.
    1 point
  16. It's called the Render Cache, go to page 140 of the manual: But usually, you won't need to render in the Edit page, since pretty all funky things happen in the Color page (those few old-fashioned effects can't be a big deal).
    1 point
  17. Additive imagers (slide film, digital) increase saturation as brightness approaches 100%. Negative imagers (color negative film) decrease saturation as brightness approaches 100%. The Alexa clamps saturation at its highest at 30IRE then gradually decreases it as it approaches blowing out. There's a custom SLOG3 for the F5 that sort of does this, Canon Log and WideDR sort of do this, and Red's new color sort of does this, too. Arri still does it best. I'm not smart enough to figure out the correlation between those gamuts and saturation clamping, but the a7s blows out to ugly colors unless it's white balanced to that one particular color. Sorry. This is why I've always liked Canon's cameras and the Alexa. Great color.
    1 point
  18. How to use in Adobe After Effects : https://youtu.be/_39GzdjZKmA How to use in Adobe Premiere Pro : https://youtu.be/PvjHqNlrCJw How to use in Adobe Photoshop : http://is.gd/wX8zqs How to use in Final Cut Pro X with LUT Utility plugin : https://youtu.be/xlm-Wqdmu4A How to use Magic Bullet LUT Buddy : https://youtu.be/hrSbtqLIamE Hope it helps
    1 point
  19. VanDaven

    Canon XC10 4K camcorder

    Finally I could spend some (very limited) time outside and also some time to hack it together: Not the best that I could do but gives some additional impression over the capabilities of the XC10 in bright daylight. Here's a photo of my XC10 ENG configuration that has been tested and hopefully soon will see some real action for a report: Cheers!
    1 point
  20. Went to a race track. Only had about two hours, no tripod, no credentials to get closer to the track or a decent microphone. But I still wanted some video from it. Thank god for the camcorder Would be really fun to bring a good mic next time, get credentials and do some reporting as well. Simply didn't have the time for preparation or at the track. Oh well maybe by winter I have time for my hobby again
    1 point
  21. Version 2 of the Beta is out, just reinstalled and all my audio issues went away Now there are 0 reasons for me to keep CC.
    1 point
  22. Still haven't had time to shoot anything for more than 30 min. Hopefully next week. So I took it for a quick run when I went to the store. Wanted to see how the XC10 worked under really bright conditions in C-Log using just the built in ND. The C-Log has a base of ISO500. No highlights where blown when making this video.
    1 point
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