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So I will use my focus peaking on the D810 to focus…..what no focus peaking? Ok I will magnify the image to focus…..Nope? OK so I will shoot at waist level to not attract attention to my filming……I can't? OK well at least I can use my Canon 50mm 1.2 on my D810 and some of my other legacy glass…..No again? Yep, that D810 is looking like a cracking competitive option to the Sony, OK OK I will at least have IS on all my lenses….Nope? 4k?….Nope…hmmmm, Log options? That D810 is looking like the obvious option :-)3 points
So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!
Liam and one other reacted to fuzzynormal for a topic
Man, you should see the crap I do to pay the bills that I never show anyone. Besides, I look at stuff like what Ed David does and think...why am I even pretending. I came to terms with the fact that there's always going to be people out there so much better at this than me. That's okay and as it should be.2 points -
yes I do like color and flair a lot - especially to harken to older run down boxing films and b movies. The directors had a pretty good game plan on this one - they had their shot ideas - I think they had the flare idea. We had to not use any lights too which made us able to move super fast - but in terms of scouting - none of it - we just show up and shoot - and it was just me with probably an easy rig and what I like is I shot a lot of movement on the 100mm lens - I wasn't scared there of moving with a long lens and it pays off. the bridge stuff we shot on a tandem bike. And Heather from being with her for the day she loves her son - she really does - but there is more to inspire to for many people than to just produce offspring. Like, well I assume most of the people on here are filmmakers who want to go down in history as at least having made some sort of film or piece of art, in addition to everything else. So why not give her canvass the boxing ring? Danger be darned.2 points
if budget and lenses are still a slight concern with the gh4, the g7, or lx100 even, have been proven to have really great images. might feel restricted slightly on the telephoto end with the lx100, but the focal lengths you have, it would appear (and according to Andrew Reid), are like having a set of primes. you definitely don't have to get obsessed with videography, but having a camera of your own to fiddle with and googling/asking when you're confused, you'll be fine. especially if you're already getting a lot of good feedback and people wanting you. also, if you ever want to make films, liking films really is good enough to go on.2 points
Why not make your own grade, not based on a exciting LUT. It has a couple of advantages the first being it’s your own grade, the second being that if you adjust it you adjust the grade and not add an adjustment after the LUT (deteriorating your footage even further) and third you learn a little more about grading or at least your grading software. I tried to recreate the ArriRec709Lut image I found on Driftwoods twitter page of the woman in the close up. Took a day or so …and later I found more efficient ways to do the same thing and eventually made my own version. Applied that same setting to the other footage as well and it seems to hold up just fine.2 points
GH4 V-Log $99
Palpet and one other reacted to TheRenaissanceMan for a topic
Some of these monitor-recorders are more compact than you'd think. If they came out with a 4K Blackmagic Video Assist, I'd buy it and never look back.2 points -
I explained it a bit more in my previous post, but in a nutshell: I was offered a corporate job based on some music videos I'd made. That has snowballed. I know the camera I was using, but not because I understood it - I knew if I did certain things, certain things would happen. I have no background in photography, and aside from a ridiculous obsession with film I never saw myself as connected to film/video. I am a professional musician, and own a mastering studio, but neither of those make very much money. So when the corporate videography work came my way, and I had a camera, I took a shot... surprisingly I was offered more and more and now I have pretty constant work with pretty high profile clients where I live. Now the loaner camera is gone, and I have to have something I can use to keep my work going... I asked on here a few months back and people suggested a variety of things... the RX10 ii seemed great as it was all in one, and good enough for what I need, but ... I have also come to realise that if I had better gear, and could produce better quality content, I would get more work. I am in no way trying to be a film maker.. I wish I was, as I LOVE film... my artistic idol is Chris Doyle... maybe he's old hat now, but back in the 90s I was obsessed with HK cinema, and saw literally hundreds of HK movies and became obsessed with that sort of film making... not the kung fu stuff, the dramas and art house stuff.. Anyway, if you wanna talk technical stuff about music I can do that alllllllll day... I am just wary of being sucked into the whole technical side of this as I just am not... music is what i have invested all my emotional and mental space in for decades... it's hard to even consider being willing to throw myself into this as an art... I just... maybe I will at some point, but right now I wanna just keep working... I hope that doesn't offend everyone; I LOVE this stuff as an observer, but just can't commit to trying to be anything more than a glorified technician at the moment. Saying that, making music videos is a great outlet for my arty side - which is my largest side - so to speak - and I love being able to just explore and learn when I get the chance to make those. Oh and yes, I have found that being good with clients and delivering things quickly has gotten me more work than anything else... I see people a LOT better than me losing work because they can't deliver on time, or more often, they can't deal with clients without their ego getting involved... which is absurd when you're making corporate stuff, IMO. Just make the client happy, get the next job, and try and enjoy it as much as possible. Thanks for your honest and thoughtful post though... I understand your position very well.2 points
I am willing to wager the new Lenovo P50 laptops with a 4k display and color calibration monitor paired with hackintosh will make it a $1700 laptop that can rival the $4k macpro trash can It seems its predecessor is hackintosh ready - http://blazinglist.com/top-10-best-laptops-hackintosh-2015/ and this is running the new skylake xeon chips - if all goes well - this is going to be a major deal savings computer.1 point
Anamorphic on a Budget.
webrunner5 reacted to Tito Ferradans for a topic
One chapter at a time, I'm translating to english my graduation work which is 90% focused on anamorphics. I hope it brings some light onto common questions as well as works as a good follow-up read after the original EOSHD Anamorphic's Shooter Guide. I'll keep updating the links to each chapter on this post, please feel free to comment and correct me along the way. There are 22 chapters/topics and roughly a hundred pages. WHO AM I AND WHAT IS THIS ABOUT? http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7166 INTRODUCTIONhttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7174 LENS RESEARCHhttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7195 a ) FOCUS THROUGH (1.33x)http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7204b ) ISCORAMAS (1.5x)http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7225c ) DOUBLE FOCUS (2x)http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7235d ) CINE LENSES (2x)http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7260e ) DAMAGE AND SERVICINGhttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7278f ) DIOPTERS AND CLOSE UPShttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7282g ) LENS-YCLOPEDIAhttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7280h ) FAKING THE LOOKhttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7283 MAGICLANTERN RAWhttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7304 a ) CUSTOM CROPMARKShttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7305 ZONA SSPhttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7310 a ) LOMO: EPISODE 01http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7311b ) ISCORAMAS: EPISODE 02http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7317 THE PROCESShttp://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7318 a ) CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7319b ) ON SET PREVIEW http://www.tferradans.com/blog/?p=7320c ) WORKFLOW CONCLUSIONBIBLIOGRAPHY1 point -
Driftwood V-Log L Samples - V709 & Arri Alexa LUT Comparisons
Liam reacted to Zak Forsman for a topic
I downloaded and brought Nick Driftwood's 10 bit V-Log L samples into Davinci and applied the Panasonic VLog_to_V709_forV35_ver100 LUT, and also the Arri Alexa LogC to Rec709 LUT. Created this album on imgur to make comparing them easier. http://imgur.com/a/FGcTr#0 My intent was to start looking into what LUT I will want to load into my monitor during production. Ultimately it will be a custom LUT but one of these will serve as the basis.1 point -
This guy has made a series of fantastic vids where he looks at the work of major directors. This one is on Spielberg, but you should check out the others as well.1 point
I just went and looked at Ed David's stuff... wow!1 point
GH4 V-Log $99
sanveer reacted to Zak Forsman for a topic
It's more than double the cost of the Blackmagic Video Assist, but this is smallest, cheapest 4K recorder I'm aware of. Video Devices PIX-E5H. 5" screen. $1200. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1137222-REG/video_devices_pix_e5h_5_4k_recording.html1 point -
Be careful using Lenovo machines -- they put s#!t in their firmware. No "and" needed.1 point
no i dont focus with the B&L at all just the back lens. B&L does not focus i been trying to focus or defocus while spinning the front of the lens but no effects is noticed curvature of the pillar is bad its defiantly due to modification i have never seen anything like this on my image i would get edge to edge sharpens and clarity. Tips i would not modified the lens at all just to be safe i was thinking but decided not to. I have some videos but they are someplace in my 3tb HD have to dig but here are some videos i found https://vimeo.com/72174387 in this one i believe he is using close up filters since lens focuses to 12 ft to infinity1 point
I have never been impressed with Apple hardware (nor software), and I am all for hackintosh projects. However, exercise caution when using Lenovo products -- the company has a history of installing spyware in the firmware and OS of their machines.1 point
So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!
Santiago de la Rosa reacted to TheRenaissanceMan for a topic
You can always build up small camera with a cheap eBay rig and matte box if you want it to look more "serious." Also, I'm typing on my phone right now, so I'll keep this brief: the BMPCC is a very, very easy to use and grade. DaVinci Resolve 12 is free, and can handle RAW and ProRes without a sweat. Worst case, if you want a usable starting point, all you have to do is right click each clip and apply the BMD Film to Rec709 LUT, and boom--usable footage. I actually have a much easier time lighting, exposing, and grading BM footage compared to other cameras because of their huge DR and super robust codecs. The camera also requires a lot less accessories than people pretend. Realistically, you need a couple big SD cards ($100-200), a pile of batteries or external solution ($60-$120), and a lens. That's it. The other stuff can be nice, but it's by no means necessary. I'm a beginner as well (film school), and I'm finding the Blackmagic to be a powerful and straightforward tool to work and learn with. If you want more information, I highly recommend checking out Mattias Burling's and Drew Network's YouTube series. Both are extremely informative and do a lot to reduce the camera's intimidation factor. You can also feel free to message me. I'd be happy to answer any questions and even run tests, if I can find time.1 point -
Th BlackMagic video assist is pretty neat. I hope they add a few hundred to the price and do a 4k version of it too.1 point
This was my first lens and it was dam good lens when it comes to quality its right up there with ISCO i head sankor many other small anamorphic lenses but they cant match sharpness and quality of this lens its not video sharp like never projection lenses but has that film softens its unique. What i love with this lens i can use 35mm lenses and up. you can even cut it in half and use 24mm and up. And best thing is that i only focused with one lens. I have kowa for B&H but its pain in the ass to focus. Its noit havey just some pople are lazy to do the work if you do the work you will get some beautiful images out of it MY beast1 point
This whole thread seems to me to be another case of people talking about an issue that they haven't experienced themselves, because they'd rather talk around and around about something that has little to no consequence to them, rather than go out and actually shoot landscapes. Take the A7rII out and shoot some landscapes. Don't take some awful, 'I've never even held an SLR before' photos off the internet and proclaim 'See! I TOLD you'. Why not go out and take some real-world test shots, with real-world conditions and then come back and say 'well the A7rII has this issue, but here's how I fixed it' OR 'any ideas how to fix this?' Instead, there's a bunch of crappy photos posted and a small number of people saying 'well if inexperienced newbies can't get good quality, then it just isn't worth buying' and disparaging any and everyone who posts saying 'hey, look at these photos - you actually CAN get great landscapes out of an A7rII' by saying 'yeah well that person probably doesn't know what they're talking about' Sometimes I wonder if people here are negative for the sake of being negative. I also wonder if you have any product that is 110% perfect?1 point
C-mount just takes a small and cheap adapter. There's nothing to it really. Works with any M43 camera, just a little better with the BMPCC, because it has a larger crop factor: it crops in more on the image circle, making it less sensitive to the outer edge vignetting. Then again, you can cut 1080p out of a 4K image that the GH4 shoots and cut around the vignetting as well. They might give some fun effects and character, but overall, I haven't been in love with my cheapo copies (I have a 25mm f/1.4, 35mm f/1.7 and 50mm f/1.4). Wouldn't base a purchase on it unless you'd have some vintage C-mounts lying around or something. If you're thinking about cheap vintage glass, rather look at some M42's, Pentax, Minolta's and FD's for example. Work great with the M43 sensor, have great character, usually built like a tank and optics are solid. Check out the sticky lens thread. About the 12-35mm f/2.8, it's a lot of people's go-to lens. Since M43 is a 2x crop sensor and shooting 4K gives a 2.3x crop compared to the 35mm reference, the 12-35mm gives a practical range for normal shooting scenarios. The lens has a f/2.8 sensitivity throughout which is pretty great. You could consider a Sigma ART series 18-35mm f/1.8 lens and use an adapter with optics inside to compensate for the crop a little and win a bit of light in the process, which is a great combination, with great optical performance and character, but the Sigma faces the same problem as a Olympus 12-40mm f/2.8 PRO lens would have on a Panasonic body... these lenses have no image stabilization built-in an Panasonic cameras don't do video sensor stabilization (as Olympus cameras do, see fuzzy's point). As the Panasonic 12-35mm has built-in optical image stabilization, it will do a decent job of filtering out some of the shakiness. Also, a third party lens with simple adapter (not electronic, with or without optics) does not allow for in-camera settings to take effect. You'll be left with full manual operation. The native mount 12-35mm doesn't have this issue (should it be one to you;personally I don't mind fully manual operation). I figure lots of people just have one, because it's just so darn convenient. The Nebula 4000 I would forget... Some topics around here (like: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/3293-3-axis-camera-stabilizing-systems-–-overview/?do=findComment&comment=99388 ) that kinda go into that... the recent developments seem to kinda make a bit more sense already, but personally don't think it's there/mature enough yet still. Anyways, I'd say: worry about that kinda of stuff later. Yeah, I'm thinking the GH4 with the V-LOG option would be a good match for your needs. The BMPCC is pretty great if you need to just about torture your footage in grading, but the GH4 is more flexible and friendlier to work with. If only for ergonomics, vari-angle touchscreen and great battery life.1 point
Heather Hardy - Shot on F3 and Fs700 - so good for fs7 and fs1
TheRenaissanceMan reacted to fuzzynormal for a topic
Not me. I'll take an aggressive grade anytime. It's like a writer using creative prose rather than an author that avoids adjectives. Both can tell the same story, but one just has more interesting things going on. Subjective. I think I like deep coloring because I grew up watching some low quality projected prints at my local multi-plex and drive in. Everything all over he map visual-wise. I gravitate to similar stuff out of nostalgia perhaps. Hey Ed, who's calling the shots for those sequences in the boxing doc? You and the director? You going in with an outline? Making it up on the fly? All of the above?1 point -
So I read that RX10 ii review, and... help!
TheRenaissanceMan reacted to fuzzynormal for a topic
For IQ, it's not competitive. The GH4 shoots a very clean video that is 4x the resolution of the EM5II. The Gh4 does look really good. But here's the thing about that: I've edited together projects that were shot with both cameras simultaneously and the client never noticed or cared. So, you have to decide why you want a particular camera. Are you aiming for the best IQ? Then go for it. Consider 4K. For me, I required something that I could use with quick ease and have it look really smooth and elegant handheld. Resolution wasn't the biggest thing I was concerned about. With the EM5II, easy smooth handheld shooting was possible more so than the GH4. If you're interested why, just look at some of my past postings on the subject. Here's my take on all of this: If you buy a camera for around 1-1.5K you're gonna have something pretty great to work with. If you buy a 4K camera for $600, it's gonna be great to work with. If you buy a 1080 camera for $700 with 5-axis stabilization, it's gonna be great to work with. If you buy a 1080 Lumix camera from 2013 that's been discontinued and only costs $350, it's gonna be great to work with. There are not too many wrong answers anymore when it comes to mirrorless camera bodies. Except for Fuji. The video from their cameras is pretty bad. Now, when you want to talk about lenses...then it get's pretty interesting...1 point -
Improve your pocket 4k videos!
kaylee reacted to Mattias Burling for a topic
I've been playing today. Only problem is that the Flat Profile only flickers on when I do adjustments and that ends up in the footage. But I can still take advantage of PAL and the nice 200Mbps. Its funny that the camera on my newly bought LG is considered bad.. lol! 4K Frame Graded, LGs camera and Cinema 4K (click for full res), Before and after grade,1 point -
Thank a lot! I think I will do that... I was looking at this package here: http://www.bpm-media.de/en/Sales/ENG-Live-Production/Cameras/HDSLR-Cameras/Panasonic-DMC-GH4A::368198.html The reviews of he lens seem like it would be good for video... but I'm sure once I start buying lenses I won't stop... Thanks again!1 point
I personally believe that very large exteral recorders defeat the purpose of compact cameras. I hope that they bring out a 4k Ninja Star.1 point
Heather Hardy - Shot on F3 and Fs700 - so good for fs7 and fs1
TheRenaissanceMan reacted to Ed_David for a topic
I do a bunch of narrative work as well - shot a narrative film two years - thanks for that here's some of my narrative work: the three below shot on the f35 and red one mx which are about $4k now used1 point -
I heard of one guy that has his whole video bussines based on stock footage and he doesn't do anything else(unfortunately I don't remember his name anymore). I have seen his portfolio, and his bestsellers by a large margin were corporate videos, like some people working in the office or some bussines woman showing a presentation to clients or coleagues, engineers in a factory etc. Only issue with those kind of videos is that sometimes you have to spend to make them, and you have to obtain signed model release from talents. I think that footage with happy people / families / children in nature or a park, field etc., also sells well because banksters and other similar corporate guys like to present themselves like they care about are happiness, environment and so on, so most of their commercials suggest that if we all take a loan from them or buy something from them, then all of us will be smiling, dancing and live happily ever after.1 point
Sony FS1 - September 11
TheRenaissanceMan reacted to BrorSvensson for a topic
Hope they dont skip slog 31 point -
GH4 V-Log $99
Orangenz reacted to TheRenaissanceMan for a topic
Hey Charles, have you tried the VLOG LUT from Panasonic's website? You may find you prefer the skin tones and tonality.1 point -
Driftwood V-Log L Samples - V709 & Arri Alexa LUT Comparisons
Cinegain reacted to Zak Forsman for a topic
Here's a three-way comparison of Art Adam's AA709A, Alexa LogC to 709, Amira LogC to 709. http://imgur.com/a/Y8Mvq#01 point -
the gh4 had already earned my respect, but perhaps this confirms it and respect to all of you guys who do great work with this camera hell yeah1 point
Driftwood V-Log L Samples - V709 & Arri Alexa LUT Comparisons
Chrad reacted to TheRenaissanceMan for a topic
The VLOG LUT looks way better to me. Pinker, more natural skintones, subtler tones, and nicer color overall.1 point -
Improve your pocket 4k videos!
vaga reacted to Mattias Burling for a topic
Went to the store today to replace my Z3 that's been acting up lately. Almost bought a G4, thinking about this app, but came home with a Flex 2. Turns out the Cinema 4K app runs just fine on it, will shoot some tests this weekend1 point -
nokker, great work! Im doing what I can to let people know about your app! You deserve it! That is a great forum to discuss it. Its one of the best places for video enthusiasts. One question: what is the difference between the noise reduction options? Specially the normal vs the high quality Another one: do you think that is possible to implement some RAW burst shots to create small videos? In 1080p or higher resolutions I dont know. I remember that my old Nikon V1 could take 30fps RAW pictures for like 2 seconds. It was nice for some creative videos. Im pretty sure that the hardware from the S6 is capable of that, but I dont know if there are software limitations. One suggestion: I get the best results when I expose for the highlights and then I recover the shadows in post. The new Premiere Pro CC 2015 is perfect for that. I can recover A LOT of shadow details when shooting at 200Mbps. I had another app that had a real time histogram. Its a great tool since the phone screen has a lot of contrast and tends to blow out some highlights when they are actually not blown out. If possible, it would be a great feature!1 point
Hi Guys, Yes, you are right. I am the developer of the Cinema 4K app. I have started this development, because of the limitations of the built in camera app. I have also tried other apps for 4K video recording, but at the end I decided to write my own. I have tested it on an LG G4 and Samsung Galaxy S6. On LG G4 the AE lock is not working and - because of the weaker CPU - the 4K recording sometimes drops frames when other apps are running in the background. On the Galaxy S6 there is no SD card option, however I could attach an external storage over OTA and configure the app to record there. Works good. Cinema 4K relies on the Camera2 API. This is quite new in Android and unfortunately not too many manufacturers implemented it on their phones. It also requires Lollipop (5.0) Android version. The Google Play Store automatically selects the available devices for download the app based on the OS. This might be the reason Note 3 is not listed. I will try to set this manually if possible. Thanks for starting this forum and your valuable feedback. I am planning to add some new features in the future, but at the same same time I would like to keep the app as simple as possible and not to overload. The main idea is to get the maximum quality from the camera and later on you can edit it on PC/Mac environment. Thanks and Best Regards, Gabor1 point
wish this would work on my note 3, lame i can upgrade my phone anytime, planning on a note 4 or 5, is the Camera2 API the dealbreaker here? ill search it out summer holiday video was sicc!!! are you the developer nokker??1 point
Umm, nope, I was wrong. The answer given on the B&H site was not from B&H, just some random person who is mistaken. There is a shipping cost because the code is on a physical card that is mailed out. "This code, which is delivered on a physical card.."1 point
New EOSHD setup guide gives Samsung NX1 LOG capability and more
Marco Tecno reacted to ricardo_sousa11 for a topic
Improvement over the last edit :1 point -
Why A7Rii is a nogo for landscape
Rinad Amir reacted to Zach Ashcraft for a topic
Keep in mind this is one single persons experience on the internet. And for the record, its published on a website that has a pretty proven track record of posting large amounts of BS at least once a week. Give the camera a rental. Get it in your hands and see how it actually performs.1 point -
The Rectilux 3FF-W // Comparison of Kowa Bell & Howell and the Schneider ES Cinelux
buggz reacted to Zak Forsman for a topic
Here is The Rectilux 3FF-W with a 25mm from SLR Magic at T/2.8 on a GH4. I'm prepping for another feature in the next couple months and wanted to start making direct comparisons between the Kowa Bell & Howell and the Schneider ES Cinelux. First, I wanted to see CUs of an actor as well as some focus pulls.1 point -
You can use those cheap parts to build your Cinelux support: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DSLR-15mm-1-4-and-3-8-Thread-Tripod-Mount-Plate-Rail-Block-Rod-Clamp-5D2-5D3-/281667005669? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tripod-Mount-Ring-for-Canon-EF-100mm-f2-8-f-2-8Macro-/250827007518? or http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tripod-Baseplate-Plate-Mount-For-Follow-Focus-15mm-Rods-Rail-Support-System-5D2-/171000567512? http://www.ebay.com/itm/FOTGA-DP3000-Tripod-Mount-15mm-Rod-Support-Base-Plate-for-DSLR-Rig-Follow-Focus-/331020232705? I used some of those in my experiments1 point