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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Here are some screencaps from Berlin's Lollapalooza Festival. First real try with the LX100. These are just some very quick & dirty tests (with too much film grain), but i have to say this combo is really great considering the price.
    5 points
  2. Ive been asked quite a bit about what the 4K 305Mbps 4:2:2 C-Log looks like ungraded. Here are a few "Before and After Shots". I've spent maybe 10 seconds per clip on grading so its more to show the ungraded. But most of all its to also give a link to two random 4K and one HD Slowmo clips that you can download. Files: http://we.tl/b0zsUe2hxy
    3 points
  3. Bold

    Lens-yclopedia RELOADED

    Hello all, Tito has kindly allowed me to do some streamlining of the Lens-yclopedia database: I have templatized all the entries so key information is in the same location when you cycle through the pages.The template improves overall readability of the information.I've broken up Mounting Solutions into To Filter, To Taking Lens, and Lens SupportI’ve changed the Index to a spreadsheet that provides key stats for easy ‘comparison shopping’I’ve removed a couple lens entries that had no (or next to no) information.I've added a few bits of info on various lenses as I went through, particularly links to example footage.I’ve made significant updates to the B&H and B&L entries based on the info I gathered from EOSHD, as well as other locations. I'll keep adding to them as I embark on modding/using my lenses.Check out the updated Lens-yclopedia here. A great big huge thanks to Tito for allowing me to build on his great work. And to all the folks who have responded to my info-seeking posts. The information people have provided here has been invaluable for a newcomer like me. I was surprised at how much info I was able to find on the B&L, I cited sources in the Lens-yclopedia entry where I could - I would love to see all entries given source/reference links. I know people’s time is limited, but even just a morsel of info here & there would really help re-invigorate the database and make it more robust. A little crowd-sourcing can go a long way! I am considering periodically starting ‘Seeking Info About X Lens” threads to build up the other lens entries in the Lens-cyclopedia. If this is something you would like to see (or help me with), please chime in. If you want to send info my way (corrections, answers to red question marks, Lens-yclopedia functionality, etc), I will find time to update the database appropriately. Cheers, |. . | .|
    2 points
  4. Rented a Dog Schidt Optiks FF58 this weekend, and I wanted to see how shooting with its oval aperture (f/3.5) would go on a GH4. With V-Log L in the mix I'm happy to say I'm sold. Depending on lighting conditions I had ISO anywhere from 400 to 1600. Also rolled on ISO 3200 for one shot to see who it would look -- it's the XCU of a parking meter with prominent oval bokeh at 1:47. In my opinion, shooting at (-2, -5) external 10 bit is essential for keeping the noise tight and fine and as grain-like as possible. I might drop to -3 Sharpness from now on but the difference would be subtle. And pushing NR above -5 would start turning it into mush. No grading here. Just V709 + an Impulz Kodak Generic Rec709 LUT.
    2 points
  5. I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I'd happily eat my 55mm/1.2 olympus lens (which measures radioactivity due to its thorium content). Someone send over some money to replace the lens and I'll film myself eating each element for all to see.
    2 points
  6. My f1.2 FD lens glows in the dark. Is that a problem?
    2 points
  7. Odyssey 7Q+. Some of the best money I've ever spent.
    1 point
  8. You don't even answer questions, so there is no debate. Please stop spamming. I might start a Kickstarter for this.
    1 point
  9. Oliver Daniel

    The new Sony FS5

    No probs. I'm not sure if other users have experienced anything, although I think most shoot in XAVC-I, due to the lack of support from NLE's (I know FCPX now does). When I get the camera from the rental house, the previous user always has it set in Slog3/Cine-El and 4k 60p in XAVC-I, so it gives a good indication of what people are using the camera for.
    1 point
  10. Oliver Daniel

    The new Sony FS5

    The severe issues are banding, macro-blocking and some kind of blotchy color stuff going on. Take note this is in Slog3/CineEl - I'm not sure if there are issues in other PP's. In the latest instance, it was a female face. It was a very well lit face using daylight LED's. Her face was a cocktail macroblocking mess... like bits of magenta smeared with yellow. Tried many, many grades and all had the same issue. Various shots. Other times it's been detail in the highlights - lots of banding and macroblocking. Especially clouds, trees, anything hazy looking (like smoke). Also there's alot of fringing/smearing/fuzziness around some bright highlights, like someone has drawn round them with a crayon. The exact same compositions in XAVC-I have NONE of these issues. Just flat-out fantastic and very clean. I've shot XAVC-L in 1080p on FS7 too. I've not really seen any issues that I recall. I'm not sure if that is camera-related or the conditions in which I filmed. Personally I think the FS5 looks great, but should do some tests before to see if these image issues can be avoided (or see if they are there at all).
    1 point
  11. Oliver Daniel

    The new Sony FS5

    Yes, it should be very close. Probably identical in XAVC-L. The biggest difference is that the FS7 shoots in XAVC-I, and it's vastly superior!! The form factor of the FS5 looks awesome though. It's hard to ignore this camera.
    1 point
  12. Nice. Not wanting to be nitpicky, but I miss shallower DoF + blurry backgrounds. Something like this... Overall, good job. Roma?
    1 point
  13. Not bad. I have a couple too but they are not as good as yours. If people repeatedly paint a grim pictures of cameras that have never used, does that make them more color sensitive? If people repeatedly are being very loud of the negatives of every camera, does that improve their SNR?
    1 point
  14. thank you everyone for your comments. this was my first time using the NX1 for a hired job and it did pretty well. using a canon lens and trusting the peaking for focus was a bit challenging. i think next time i will use the Samsung 16 to 50 S lens. the tracking focus on that thing is awesome. also, the IS. initially i was using the C100 Mark ll and sparingly using the NX1 for the slow mo stuff. since i was a one man crew and shooting in a tight space, carrying two cameras around my neck was too much. so i decided to just shoot on the NX1 in UHD 24 and 120 slowmo. i'm pretty happy with how it came out, despite some banding in some of the footage. the footage of the show at the end is shot on the c100. here is one of the three i did.
    1 point
  15. This guy is a pathological lier. Even for a second don't believe what he claims. He was the one behind the E-M1 4K fiasko. Keep your camera safe and away from any of his hacks.
    1 point
  16. Yep, you need to take the small ring off to expose the thread (more) and there is a gap where the automatic lens cap grips on to. I spent all summer with just this camera, a 3 and 6 stop ND filter, this ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover 5 bag, a couple of 128GB SD cards, and an extra battery. I use a Heliopan 43-58mm step up ring and 58mm Xume magnetic adaptors to pop on and off the ND (which I sort of use like a lens cap). You can also find a cheap JJC automatic lens cap that is helpful for one-handed shooting (if you aren't using filters). Using the 4k resolution @ 1080p you can get an effective zoom range of 24-150mm, which is good enough for what I shoot. The OIS is quite effective too - much better than I was getting on my Panasonic 35-100/2.8 (although I haven't compared to the P12-35/2.8. I do wish the camera had a better EVF (tilting like GX7/GX8!) and also rear tilt LCD screen. I find the focus peaking very faint in video mode for some reason, especially compared to my E-M5II which is a joy to use and quite visible at all times. It would be useful to have a small mic-in jack and clean HDMI out to use something like the SteadXP device, or the new Rode micros. It would also be good to be able to set the shutter angle (like in the GH4), which would make it easier switching between stills and video, especially in a PAL region where you need to jog the rear wheel to 1/50. When I'm running around, I generally shoot with auto-iso, the aperture dial in auto, the shutter at 1/50 and switch between the two ND filters depending on the light. I'm really glad more people are getting this little camera, as I still have much to learn from others about getting the best out of it. Right now I'm using Natural, -3, -5, -2, 0 as others on the forum have been using with other Panasonic cameras.
    1 point
  17. The filter makes such a difference. I'm surprised not more people bought it after we talking about it
    1 point
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