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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2015 in all areas

  1. Mattias Burling

    More spam

    Hey guys, Im looking for a University but cant find any info in chineese. Anybody know a forum I could visit?
    4 points
  2. I wont say anything for sure before either using both or seeing alot of footage from both. But if I was to guess based on current available gear, gear Ive used, specs like compression as well as hardware specs, etc. The URSA will win in Image Quality, price and usability.
    2 points
  3. Thought I'd at least bring a topic back to the top. My Chinese isn't great. REDuser is very biased, but no wonder as a lot of members have spent incredible amounts of money on their RED packages. They will naturally defend it. I have an URSA 4.6k on pre-order still, and I will keep it open in the time being. I just depends the way my market area will shift - I'm finding at the moment that music video production (like music releases) is just getting less and less, cheaper and cheaper (and other factors) which will force me to change business perspective. Come November, the most ideal camera for me might be an FS5. (the windowed 120fps on Mini is a major concern at 3.5x crop). 99% of my commercial clients don't give a crap what you shoot on. I know for sure that I could invest in a RED Raven, market that I have one and reel bands in with my new spectacular shooting arsenal, but a factory farm of very low budget work filling up my schedule with endless shoots and little return isn't a good move. I'm basing myself on the ideas and service I can provide - with the technology secondary, focusing on the commercial sector. In a years time, (if investing) the Red Raven could be an expensive mistake or the holy grail of your business plan. The camera ultimately has to fit your business model, or you are basically p*ssing in the wind. It's not really about the best camera, it's what fits. The one that fits might not be your ideal choice.
    2 points
  4. The beef of them with RED is the fact the company has a policy of overpriced accessories when the initial idea was to disrupt the industry. Jarred still uses the line. At a certain point, companies like Sony or Panasonic became more client friendly than the one used to make the rules of the business change. They succeeded to launch a camera that placed the offer for a fraction of the supply then. The infamous 103,000.00 F900 rate reduced to the promising $17,500 for identical formatting of a digital cinema camera body! Almost ten years later, the market model is not the same anymore. Panasonic offers professional recording 10-bit 4:2:2 option for free in their consumer line (hence YAGH, not AF200 as proof of it), Sony has resisted but outputs 4:2:2 even though still* 8-bit and sells a cine zoom lens under $2,500. A good part thanks to RED, true. Actually, sad to see now the same company playing the same role usually performed by the giants of this sector before. Who've wisely gotten the lesson much earlier than that one to still keep trying to preserve the current mainstream instead. Bizarre. Innovation was replaced by hold the line attitude. That's what HFR 8K is, at an unfriendly indie rate. 4K4all tag (by RED) accordingly. It is a pity. BMD is the only winner over here. And their clientele, of course. I know some RED early adopters who work and live for buying the yearly updates. Where's the obsolescence obsolete concept? Only in the marketing. All these tricks have annoyed serious non'sheep people as for instance Ed who has been a voice against it. Along the years, I've seen a few others to follow the track. Some of them I personally brought to RED. Hence my inner POV and, sorry who can dislike it, also educated from inside. E :-) * Unfortunately, RED is out of the game where BMD can help to make FFC's dream even more real than today.
    2 points
  5. Not a hack, just a normal spam attack from about 7 robot controlled members. I'm clearing it up in the admin panel as we speak.
    2 points
  6. Sekhar

    Lunar eclipse

    Here's a video I made of this week's lunar eclipse. Shot on NX500 with Canon 70-200. I also composed/created the music BTW. If you also shot the eclipse, please post here.
    1 point
  7. Mind you, the pocket was/is a great little camera. I still feel the footage looks great. I just hated working with it... And if you hate working with something... well... you probably won't.
    1 point
  8. mercer


    Here is an impromptu short film a friend and I made on an eos-m. It really was just a scene for something else that never materialized, so I used the footage to create a short and to learn the basics of FCPX.
    1 point
  9. agolex


    I find the out-of-focus Vlog parts pretty stressful to watch. Just keep going, you'll get there, learning to use the NLE doesn't exactly boost creativity. And I find there's always something that doesn't work or crashed on me so I lose motivation to keep going.
    1 point
  10. The big Ursa is just too heavy and cumbersome. As for Twixtor, I will be using it to get from 120fps to higher frame rates, assuming that it does a better job than Ravens shitty 2K 240fps. lol
    1 point
  11. Well, you still have URSA 120fps/4K or URSA Mini 60fps/4K + Twixtor...
    1 point
  12. The video quality has improved tremendously. I would love to see a face-off between this and the 200Mbps Samsung S6 monster.
    1 point
  13. I have shot with the hubble space telescope - in fact Roger Deakins asked me for advice about getting the most DR from it. I can say with authority that the XC10 has 12 usable stops.
    1 point
  14. Andrew Reid

    More spam

    Good grief. Cleaned up the latest round. It will be the last because now the first posts from new users go into a moderation queue for approval and until the content is approved they can't post anything further.
    1 point
  15. The Panasonic 20mm f1.7 is a long time favourite of mine. The Sigma 19, 30 and 60mm f2.8 are also good and cheap.
    1 point
  16. Pretty solid rebuttal without saying a word.
    1 point
  17. As far as possible to understand, yes. The heat comes from the processing for 4K recording and the compact design, not the sensor.
    1 point
  18. I just shot these 2 web promos with the C100mII and 17-55.
    1 point
  19. You will probably want to have a 2x anamorphic for the Mini and just about all of the Iscorama's are not, the 3K mode has a 1.2 aspect which desqueezes to 2.4, a 1.5x anamorphic would only desqueeze to 1.8 which is fine but you won't have a true anamorphic aspect ratio. I would say either a Rextilux with a Kowa 16H, Iscorama or a Lomo square front. The reticlux will give you more options since it is a single focus adapter that can be put on many different lenses with different mounts. The Lomo's would have to be PL mount. Lastly the anamorphic mode in the Mini is really just a crop of the sensor, you are not gaining any height by using it. In fact you can get a slightly larger image by shooting 4.6K and cropping in post. The benifits come from being able to monitor it properly desqueezed at the correct aspect ratio and the reduced file size which is valuable due to cost of media and shear file size of raw. Just in case you didn't already know 3K anamorphic is raw only.
    1 point
  20. hahaha. Zacuto were extremely shocked by all the brickbats from the Companies, the DoPs and the participants, when online users started randomly quoting single sentences and taking random figures frlm their findings. It got to the point that they couldn't take it anymore, and they cancelled any further tests/ shootouts. With Hacked Canon and Nikon, Zacuto wohld be digging a 100 metre grave for themselves, which they might never be able to come out of. Hehehe ;-)
    1 point
  21. Frankly my dear Ed, only sins out there : D http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?133548-Decoding-the-New-Red-Weapon-Press-Release And we don't necessarily need to agree nor subscribe the idea that media convergence is not evolutionary of both headspacess...
    1 point
  22. Dragon sensor + 4k @ 120p : ) (vs crop factor and ergonomics) To be serious - I think the ergonomics of the Ursa Mini are its biggest selling point vs Red Raven. However they both need a few k$ to be "operational". I'm really curious to see how the "image signature" compares to the image of the Red Raven - and it's awkward crop factor...
    1 point
  23. Speaking of other cameras from this company, it seems if you want an external microphone coupled to the camera* (only with internal microphone), you'll need to add something like a dedicated USD 1,750.00 accessory. PS: "available for the WEAPON or REDRAVEN camera system" http://www.red.com/store/products/weapon-base-expander *among other features, though
    1 point
  24. No idea if this has already been posted. Shipping announced for February 2016. http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?136561-Announcing-RED-RAVEN&p=1548134#post1548134
    1 point
  25. You still have to folk out at least $2000 for the battery, battery module and charger as it only come with AC adapter module
    1 point
  26. Honestly I like the idea of selling components individually, but I hate the idea of it being proprietary only. The sensor in a box is pretty cool and it seems like Blackmagic is catching on to that somewhat.
    1 point
  27. So It's been a few weeks since I've got my panasonic g6, I really love all the features of this camera like 50p, touchscreen, peaking, evf, tons od detail, almost no moire and aliasing and I think it's a huge upgrade over my past canon cameras ( I had a t2i and a 5d2 over the past years) but I still regret my purchase. Maybe it's just because I'm new to this camera but I cannot achive the same feel that I had with my t2i, mostly I can't get the righ colors, everything looks more "digital" and also pdc it's a pain with my cheap f/1.8 - f/2.8 glasses... I also have an old 5d (the first model) for shooting stills and I'm really tempted to sell it and buy something like a 7d just to have the ability to shoot canon like video, It's a really strange feeling because I started hating canon recently and that's why I jumped on the g6 :/ am I the only one?
    1 point
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