Me too.
In fact, when I bought the GH5, one of the things that made me choose it was that it removed the equipment as being a potential limitation on what I am able to create. Or, to put it another way, the GH5 is better than I am in every possible way, and I think may never put a limit on my ability to create.
Now, I may buy new cameras in the future, (in fact, I will have news very soon) but I will never be buying a new camera because the GH5 is a limitation on my work that I want to progress beyond.
I won't speak for other people, and certainly in Hollywood and the upper echelons of talent, the GH5 might be quite limiting to the artistic vision that others have. But for me, it's like buying a Porsche 4WD and only driving it up the street to the shops to buy milk.