Many don't realize it is Sigma's philosophy to do things differently. They make foveon cameras with some of the most unique shapes out there. Who else does? The fp series probably wouldn't exist if their full frame foveon didn't run into complications, but when deciding to use a bayer sensor they still wanted to do something to differentiate themselves. I applaud them for it.
The "reviews" seem to go out of their ways to find complaints in the camera. Instead of thinking about the many ways to use it to it's potential, complain that you're "confused" (you don't sound very knowledgeable when you keep saying that). He appears to have tested rolling shutter in the worst possible mode at 1.3x crop (31ms) that does full readout resulting in the best quality with slower readout, but didn't mention the normal 1.0x (21.7ms) crop that has better rolling shutter than cameras like the S1H. Or the 1.24x crop RIGHT NEXT to the 1.3x crop that gets a 17.5ms readout. Quite decent. Sure, it'll worsen the quality, but there are options again for what you want to prioritize. Can't open the battery door with the plate you're using? Get a smaller plate. Can't grip it well? Put a grip on it! Worst camera menu system? Have you used a Sony camera? Don't like the idea of rigging it up to be very big? Then don't! Don't like the no memory media message without a card? Now you're definitely looking for reasons to complain... what were you planning on shooting without media?
CinemaDNG is often spoke of as a negative because it's "too big". It is a clean, untouched, uncompressed, with maximum flexibility in post. Might as well as call any raw video a negative. It goes to one of the cheapest/gb storage medium you can buy without the need for a huge recorder with fans, power requirements, etc. And you still have both options of raw output also, but I wouldn't choose either over cinemaDNG unless you already have the recorder. Hardly any hybrid camera lets you record to a ssd, and I don't know any that still allow cinemaDNG. It's a huge plus.
Comparisons to other cameras are getting out of control. Sure there are a couple things I wish it had that other offer, but I only got it because it offers things others don't.