Emotive Color V5 'SPECTRUM'
The V5 'Spectrum' update is ready. The V5 emails are going out now (let me know if you haven't received it). It is the culmination of four years of engine development, and I hope you enjoy!
Emotive Color Component ('EC709')
EC709 component (Full/Theatrical) rebuilt with new engine, allowing accurate, uniform far gamut projection of Arri display table
Arri Rec.2020 now used as the color target (projected within EC709 envelope); results in deeper saturated red and blue that are otherwise clipped in Arri's Rec.709
High Scale is now Full Scale (unlabeled); a direct replacement for LogC+Rec709, with notable advantages (aesthetics and gamut preservation)
New Classic 'Soft' and 'Hype' variations (like V3-era 'Soft' and 'Main')
Refined natural saturation model
Core LogC
Fully realized uniform far gamut projection from known lower saturation samples (solves issue that caused saturated orange to twist towards red)
New rolloff math; allows grayscale reconciliation of high saturation brightness values (only available for interpolated .cubes; not achievable in Matrix)
Added final, fourth calculation pass (post-smoothing), which allows absolute accuracy to known sample points in final render (while retaining smoothness)
Corrected an issue that allowed smoothing algorithm to clash with a 'safety lock' on grayscale hue, that could result in red-green banding near the grayscale (especially with 33x under Trilinear Interpolation); now fully smooth regardless of grayscale
New Ceiling Modifier [POST] files; allows variable highlight compression
New 'Natural' profile [PRE] for GH5 (shares settings with Cine-D: -5 Sat, 200 Iso)
Remade all PREs (picture profiles / exposures)
Revised Pdf; Important: DaVinci Resolve - Enable 'Tetrahedral Interpolation' under Project Settings > Color Management > Lookup Tables (allows 65x performance with 33x cubes; complete gradient smoothness - FCPX has this as default)
Remade Premiere PREs with new measurements (to reflect 2021 Premiere's improved codec color); no 8-bit VLog or Cine-D PREs needed
Significant revision to Premiere Pdf guide; Advanced layering section is no longer relevant, use Lumetri's luma curve (improved significantly)
Gradient Test is now 16-bit png (compatible with Premiere) rather than tif
Entire Matrix PowerGrade now printed directly from the engine (complete reverse-engineering of .drx format):
Precise values entered directly into the curve interfaces, at maximal point density
Improved engine gamma accuracy enables significantly improved base matrices
New LogC Exposures feature (true exposure gammas extracted from sample data)
New 4200K PowerGrade variant
If you have any videos or stills you've made that you can share, I'd love to see them!