I know it's an impossible thing to really quantify to other people, especially pros, but it's been true in my experience as well. I've just ended up preferring using Oly cams for some reason. Ergonomics I think.
And it doesn't make sense because Oly's menu system is a bit of a jumble, but I guess once I learned it, it's been productive.
I don't do a lot of high end stuff, and what I do (still) do is almost always hand-held run-n-gun. I get by easily with 8-bit. My cheap EM10iii with a variable ND does the job. Here's a recent thing I was hired for; half day shoot and half day editing with a script they recorded. Basic basic basic, but got the product delivered to the client as they requested. I'm not sure if I even used a high end camera for a gig like this it would've turned out much different. So, you know, for me, the rather simple tool is appropriate.