@mercer fun fun fun!
I took analog photography in highschool and have enjoyed the process ever since. I started on the Olympus Trip 35 and still mostly use that one even though I've got more advanced SLRs today. These old selenium light metered point-and-shoots are just too much fun. I just use the 4 focus zones; one guy, two guys, three guys and mountain. I guess the technical terms are; headshot (1m/3'), twoshot (1.5m/5'), group shot (3m/10') and infinity. 🤷♂️
If I need to, I snap out of automatic iris and shoot aperture priority. As far as I know, the camera choses either a 1/40 or 1/200 shutter. Limiting, but fun and simple.
I almost exclusively shoot B&W, that is enough colors for me. I've been mostly using Kodak TMAX 400, although I prefer Tri-X. Ilford Delta or HP5 are solid, cheaper options. All readily available, at least where I am at. And if u ever use filmstock emulations on your digital footage, why not try out your favorite on analog? 🙂
I develop at home, with a Paterson Changing Bag and Developer Tank. I either use Kodak D-76 or Cinestill DF96 Monobath, the latter which is one bath for both developing and fix, although because of the grain structure, TMAX film needs double the bath time in that chemical.
I use an Epson V600 flatbed scanner. If I had the space for a dark room I'd probably enlarge as well.
I'll provide some samples from Kodak TMAX 400 in the Olympus Trip 35. Scratches and dust included.