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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2023 in all areas

  1. It worked out okay, but I think I would have done a better job with the Blackmagic cameras I have been using for years. The Sony did do well in low light, although I was mainly at around ISO 3200 in the darker areas, occasionally up to ISO 10,000. The lighting was very challenging; I used the Cine Meter II app on my phone to measure reflected colour temperature and dialed it in manually on the Sony to get me close. We'll see how the video turns out after I edit and do some minor color grading; i'm hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised. I shot it all at 4K except for the slow-motion clips, which can only be shot in 1080p, and I think I'll just do a 1080p timeline and put the 4K clips into it so I can zoom in and pan them if necessary.
    1 point
  2. That's what is making me wonder if it's time to switch. Never, ever had a problem with them but with the issues with their SSDs and now this card crapping in under a year, I'm a little weary. Well, weary enough to be looking at ProGrade and Angelbird cards anyway, as I've heard good things about both. Yeah, I don't tend to buy from Amazon for that reason. Got these from B&H, so I assume they got them from SanDisk directly. I didn't lose any work, thankfully, because I record on both cards, but still a bit concerning!
    1 point
  3. HDMI RAW 5.8K 4:3 Anamorphic 23.98p, 25p, 29.97p* Only 29.97p requires the V+. 23.98 and 25p work on the V.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Interesting take, but I don't necessarily agree with what he's saying. He's right, in saying that this system doesn't work with multiple cameras. However, TC can still be valuable for a single camera shoot, especially when recording 2 audio sources externally. In my opinion, this is the same as complaining that the one tripod you bought doesn't hold all three of your cameras. Rode have noted that they system can sync other 3rd party TC generators and get them in sync, so you can have multiple cameras running the same TC, with some extra hardware. Which is the same as any other TC system. He also mentions that the transmitters have to be connected to the reciever for TC to work, and you lose the function if the reciever shutsdown or loses connection. But Rode have said they'll stay running accurately for quite a while, and when they reconnect to the reciever, they automatically double check that everyone is running on the same TC. Skip to 7:30
    1 point
  6. MrSMW

    What SD cards do you use?

    Currently Prograde 256’s and XCii 128’s (plus Kingston and Angelbird CF Express but can’t use those currently as none of my cameras use them). Only ever had one card issue and that was about 12 years ago when a colleague borrowed one for a shoot and it came back and stopped working. Coincidence…?? I have a protocol which is: 1. I only use cameras that write to 2 slots and write to both of them. 2. Download to portable SSD’s, one for photo and one for video and then 3. copy both to either an external HD if at home or armored portable SSD if on the road. 4. As soon as any work is finished, a copy of that goes on-line and also goes on the HD. 5. Only then will I delete the material of the SSD’s.
    1 point
  7. Americana: 12bit RAW, and I needed all the latitude I could get given the very mixed lighting levels (luma adjustments in post) and the different colors of the lighting (WB adjustments in post).
    1 point
  8. I think that's why the C100 is so good in log despite being only 8-bit 1080p; the 4K downsampled to 1080p gives you more flexibility in grading than if the sensor was 1080p. I helped a buddy film with three C100s a couple weeks back and the image still holds up. He upscales it and it looks really good. I wish the C70 had kept that form factor, because the C100 is possibly my favorite ever. It's such a pleasure to use. Heck, I wish more companies would copy it!
    1 point
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