Actually, because it's full-auto, I did nothing to protect the highlights - it does what it wants and that's that!
I think it exposes to protect some highlights, but I'm not entirely sure. I didn't really look at the SOOC clips with any detail, I just edited them and applied the film treatment.
Incidentally, all that was done in Resolve with the built-in plugins - no Dehancer / FilmConvert / Filmbox etc - using the Film Damage / Film Grain OFX plugins and the Kodak 2383 LUT. All the camera shake was in-camera (I'm so talented!) but when I tried to add some shake to the end title it had some sort of bug and I couldn't work out how to get around it, which is why they're disappointingly stable. I should also work out how to add flicker, I don't know if there's a plugin for that or not.
As nice as the beach and sunset look, I'm really bored of filming the same locations over and over again, but the GF3 / body cap lens combo and the different style of video made it quite fun and encouraged me to add camera movement and break out of my normal style, so that was really good. I essentially only film at home for practice so that when I go on trips I am familiar with the equipment and can shoot fast, but it's hard to maintain motivation for months or years on end between trips. I can see myself using that setup again, I feel like the small size helps the shooting experience around people, although one person did look at the camera in the footage (in a shot I cut). So it's not invisible.