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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. ​Don't know of anyone else yet, but if everyone can keep an eye out and post when they find it, would be great! The A7S doesn't record internally when 4K output is enabled over HDMI unfortunately. GH4 does I think, but only in 8bit not 10bit. NX1 does not and the menus are locked up too.
  2. Any developer can modify, adapt and build on the Linux OS or Tizen and install this on their hardware, i.e. a camera or a computer though... for example the KineRAW cameras run on Linux. Installing it on an NX1 would be a different matter
  3. ​Here's a direct link to the source code download http://opensource.samsung.com/reception/receptionSub.do?method=sub&sub=F&searchValue=nx1 Here are the parts of the NX1 which are open source... Linux kernel, exfat, di/apps/ise-engine-hangul, di/apps/ise-engine-tables, di/network/bluez, di/network/connman, di/network/obexd, di/system/oprofile, external/alsa-utils, external/bash, external/cpio, external/e2fsprogs, external/ed, external/elfutils, external/findutils, external/fsync, external/gawk, external/grep, external/iproute2, external/iptables, external/kmod, external/libgpg-error, external/lsb, external/lzo2, external/mkdevnodes, external/pam, external/pkg-config, external/shadow-utils, external/shared-mime-info, external/sharutils, external/squashfs, external/tar, external/tizen-coreutils, framework/base/acl, framework/base/attr, framework/connectivity/bluez-hcidump, framework/connectivity/dnsmasq, framework/graphics/freetype, magnolia/framework/base/util-linux, magnolia/framework/connectivity/connman, toolchains/tizen-release,  NX1 runs on a Linux based OS,Tizen, which is a branch of Linux that Samsung is coding under the open source license. Could ask Magic Lantern about the possibilities. They're likely to be quite narrow. The NX1 firmware itself is closed source. It's just the OS the camera runs which is open. To gain direct access to the camera hardware and firmware, you'd need to modify a lot of proprietary closed Samsung code. It does have the ability to run apps though, but again it depends on how much control the OS gives these apps of the camera hardware. Probably very little.
  4. Very interesting, thanks Ivar! What's your system spec, in particular the graphics?
  5. It's not the ISP. Be it in Berlin, or Manchester, or Timbuktu I get the slow speeds for 1080p streaming off Vimeo's severs. Sometimes that's why I leave my Vimeo uploads at 720p and just ask people to download the original.
  6. Hi Neosushi. Where did you read about Samsung making the NX1 open source? Got a link? I think the OS it is based on is open source maybe, but the NX1 firmware is probably proprietary.
  7. Feel free to add more photos everyone... no longer the 500k limit, you can just keep posting.
  8. I've never ever had smooth playback on Vimeo apart from with SD or HD 720p, it's constantly buffering when a clip is 1080p, as if bandwidth off their server gets throttled.
  9. Try re-uploading the profile picture. If that doesn't solve the stretching, edit it in photoshop so it is a square. Doesn't matter what size, just needs to be equal width and height.
  10. ​Database has switched to UTF unicode character set so yes some characters have been corrupted. You can edit your display name. Try putting the ñ back in and save the name. If that doesn't work let me know on here and I'll edit you in the admin panel!
  11. ​Feature isn't required since the editor is WYSIWYG, you preview as you type and images show inline too.
  12. ​OK thanks, very useful. Good report. Will look into how to fix it.
  13. Please post a screen shot of the process. Sorry but can't reproduce the error here. I get this... Then it follows OK.
  14. Andrew Reid


    Test topic from android browser
  15. ​Premiere CC also has a built in rolling shutter reduction filter. Works pretty well!
  16. Please post any issues here you might have with the new forum software! If you get an error message please cut and paste the text from the page and say what time it happened. If you generally provide as much specific information as you can about how it happened and on what device, which version of browser you are using, only then can I fix it. Cheers and thanks in advance for helping! Andrew
  17. I just tested it on the NX1 and I can get a very nice 4K feed working. Details coming on the blog.
  18. In a moment the system may log some users out of the forums and you will need to login again. Let me know if you have any problems or have forgotten your username (display name). If you have forgotten your password please click the Forgotten Password link on the sign-in screen. Sorry for any hassle, this is the only way to fix the 'Log out' function of the new forum. The login keys stored in the database are out of date now the new system is installed and need to be reset. If you have any problems please shoot me a message here http://www.eoshd.com/contact/ Cheers!
  19. Thanks JG. Yeah really happy with colour from the Samsung sensor. The 120fps samples are coming soon, just need to finish the edit. They are shot from the number 28 tram in Lisbon, a vintage 1930's tram, which didn't quite go fast enough for 120fps so we're talking VERY slow here
  20. It downscales 4K realtime in your edit and takes no longer on the export, I don't see how you save time crippling the image at acquisition
  21. Sorry meant 7Q. That was limited to 8bit HDMI. The new model, I will have to double check.
  22. As far as I know the Odyssey 7Q+ is not true 10bit via HDMI though. And ProRes LT 4K downscales easily to 1080p in Premiere with similar file sizes to HD ProRes HQ on the Odyssey.
  23. Download link here - http://www.samsung.com/uk/support/model/EV-NX1ZZZBZBGB
  24. ​Very interesting, thanks. Will try this and see what the quality improvement brings.
  25. The Odyssey is pretty good if you have a FS700, FS7 or C500. The Shogun is definitely better bang for buck for the rest of us with the A7S, GH4, NX1, etc.
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