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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. Same way you can go to 1/8 or something like it at 24p on an A7S. It just puts the same exposure on multiple frames.
  2. It'd be good to have some examples of the difference it makes.   For sample take Nikon D750 footage at 60p and convert it in post to 24p, then compare it to 24p straight from the camera.
  3.     No that's not right.   Not every sensor does it. Some read at 24fps. Some read at 60fps.   The C300 isn't doing true 24p.   The sensor does 4K at 60fps, and Canon's image processor use this to deliver HD at 30fps/24fps.   It was designed to do as clean 1080p as possible. 444 in fact. Although it's stored as 4:2:2.
  4.   Key points Top spec option - Super 35mm sensor, 4K raw output, global shutter Alternative options - Micro 4/3 and 16mm sensors for 2K but other benefits like 13 stop dynamic range External recording via 3x HDMI External control via portable device (like smartphone or remote control) €1600-2300 euros for early adopters Price of retail 4K S35 model rises to €5990 euros after crowd funding campaign so get yours in the next few hours to benefit from the low price Linux based OS The crowd funding campaign for the AXIOM camera ends in just hours and has been a massive success, surpassing the funding target early. The open source cinema camera is backed by Magic Lantern, Philip Bloom and other leading lights of the DSLR community. It's the people's camera, taking control back into our own hands. What's interesting is that it also unleashes Magic Lantern's extraordinary ability for the first time outside the closed platform of a Canon DSLR. They now have hardware they can work directly with the manufacturer with, without any need to reverse engineer a DSLR. This for me is the future of Magic Lantern. To be their own open source camera designer and manufacturer along with AXIOM. Go to the Indigogo campaign today to get your camera! Don't wait much longer, as early units are significantly discounted. After the end of the funding campaign, retail prices will be offered instead. Read the full article here
  5. If this was all shot on C300 / C500 then how did they do the slow-mo sequences? It's not done in post.   Did they sneak a FS700 into the mix?   I still haven't seen Under The Skin. Been dying to watch Glazer's latest for months now. One of my all time favourite directors.   Canon had shots from this shoot at Photokina on big bill boards.   You can fault Canon on a lot of things but not their marketing, it's pretty slick. I'm surprised to the extent actually they have been able to utilise big names to sell their cinema cameras. Scorsese at the launch of Cinema EOS, Ron Howard and now Glazer. Why aren't Panasonic and Sony doing the same?   I suppose it helps when you have a Canon guy on the Emmy's awarding their own camera technology though and all sorts of lobbying going on in the film industry.
  6. Right tool for the job my friend! If it is digital zoom you want, shoot 4K and crop in post. Sorted.
  7. A7S and D5300 are far better for APS-C mode shooting than the 7D2 in my view.   The A7S is the one to get if you need to swap between full frame and APS-C.   The GH4 with Speed Booster is a nice option too.   The D750 I am enjoying in full frame with Leica R lenses adapted to Nikon.
  8. The S35 mode (DX) isn't as good. It's by no means bad but I am noticing more softness and moire in DX than in FX mode.   This is with the Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 which is a very sharp lens.   You're better off with a Nikon 24-70mm F2.8 in FX mode.
  9. I don't know the answer for sure but my guess is that although the data rate would be manageable I don't think the scanning rate of the sensor would be fast enough to do every pixel in 1080p crop mode.   96fps is not 'really' 1080p, they skip a lot of pixels to do the faster scan.
  10.   Is it the full 4:3 area they use for anamorphic? That would give 2.66:1 when the cinema standard is 2.4:1.   Time for me to visit the Arri website for specs I think :)
  11. Is it the 1.75x version like Seb has?   '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>   Cheers!
  12.   It's hardly usable though is it.   My idea of a revolution is that you get something usable out of it! Otherwise it isn't worth spilling blood for!   It's just not reliable enough. I challenge anyone to use the 70D or 7D 2 or C300 dual-pixel AF in place of manual focus and keep all their shots intact and have it do what you want it to do throughout the shoot.   The last thing I want to have to contend with is reshooting again and again because the camera is too stupid to focus on the right thing.
  13.   It made sense as the feature is at the moment *really* targeted at photographers.   Photographers need 30p and 25p to avoid strobing with light sources at shutter speeds other than 180 degrees.   If you shoot at 1/200 and 24p under certain kinds of 60hz lights instead of at 30p, your stills aren't going to come out nicely.   Panasonic in the US are pushing for the feature to made of use to filmmakers with 24p.   For me it is still of use to us, just select 25p for the film look and make sure you set the right GH4 syncro scan rate depending on your lights.
  14. Yes it's a very clean camera. I find noise in the shadows starts to become an issue at ISO 6400 when using the flat picture profile, but if you're crushing your blacks in the grade as you should do, then raising the bottom of the curve to give the illusion of higher black levels, most of that vanishes.   It's not as clean as the A7S above that though in low light.
  15. I don't agree with any of the above and I hope you were joking about the 'glass tower', that's just nuts.   They can still get pros to pay $20k in the same way Panasonic charge 3 times that for their 4K Varicam S35, yet give us 4K on the GH4 for $1699.   4K is mass market. GoPros and mobile phones have it for $500.   4K TVs can be had close to $1300.   4K is the new 1080p. Nobody shoots 480p standard def any more do they!?
  16. Just noticed I can't set slow shutter speeds on the D750 like I can on A7S, like 1/8th for blurry movement. I was using both cameras for a dance piece. A7S came in handy there. Overall though both performed well... such a clean, smooth noise free codec on that Nikon!!
  17.   Panasonic understand indie filmmaking better than any other manufacturer and with this, they're showing some real cinema DNA in their products. Great gift for us and can't wait to see what happens next.
  18.   Indeed, and focus hasn't come much further than the 70's in 2014. Time it was sorted out.
  19.   Yeah apparently this is what filmmakers do according to Nikon :) George Lucas crouched over a 3.2" flippy LCD.
  20.   Go into the menus, dig deep and you have option of assigning 1:1 focus assist, or two other magnification levels to the OK button.   The magnified assists here are better quality than the ones you get from a single tap of the + button but the frame rate is a bit choppier.   Also you can't use any of them during recording, which is bloody stupid.
  21. New firmware for the Panasonic adds higher vertical resolutions in various aspect ratios, making further use of the camera's 4K video ability. For photographers an in-camera workflow to extract high resolution stills from "4K Photo Mode" is now available. For 4K video, resolution increases from 2160 lines in 16:9 for standard 4K to 2336 lines in 3:2, 2496 lines in 4:3 and an enormous 2880 lines in 1:1. By comparison the Red Dragon in 6K records up to 3160 lines vertically (2:1 aspect ratio). An anamorphic lens is needed to take advantage of the resolution gain in squarer aspect ratios such as 4:3 and 1:1. As a huge advocate of anamorphic at EOSHD, I'll be testing this out very shortly with my collection (below). I'm expecting the results to be stunning. I caught up with Panasonic recently to discuss the firmware update and more... Read the full article here
  22.   Nice. Let's see your next film without a camera in that case :)   Hand gestures and a projector light!
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