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Andrew Reid

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Everything posted by Andrew Reid

  1. [quote name='muddmanrich' timestamp='1345098044' post='15790']Granted, it wasn't the best but no one is perfect. One can only take so much.[/quote] [b]The $300 is going toward the next camera purchase once more donations come in. Also I think there should be a reserve pot in the account for a rainy day in case an un-planned purchase needs to be made immediately.[/b] I said it tongue in cheek, so sense of humour is required and you are right about me being rather fed up with the grumbling and lack of trust. I've been totally transparent over at NEX-Hack about how the funds are being used and it is 100% up to Someone1.00 to decide how he spends them. Malcolm and I are offering advice. Malcolm as part of Magic Lantern has years of experience in coordinating donations and hack projects to get the most out of the dev team. It is absolutely ridiculous to suggest I am taking a cut of money from a donations pot. Where is the thanks for helping raise $1000 for the hacker and building him a community? I don't understand you people sometimes. Makes me angry, this lack of trust.
  2. [quote name='Julian' timestamp='1345103630' post='15792'] I'm pretty sure Andrew doesn't mean it in _that_ way. I think he's saying the GH2 is pretty awesome even without the hack - still, the hack makes a big difference. But it's the difference from very good to great.[/quote] Correct.
  3. Because I'm keeping the $300 to spend on hookers. Cannot get enough of them.
  4. [img]http://www.eoshd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/nex-hack.jpg[/img] [url="http://www.nex-hack.com/index.php/topic/1109-update-success-first-camera-purchase/"]Read the full update at EOSHD NEX-Hack.com[/url] Today myself and Malcolm of Magic Lantern were able to transfer $700 to Someone1.00 to buy his first test body from the NEX-Hack.com donations fund. We are well on the path to improvements in video image quality and features on the Sony NEX and Alpha cameras.
  5. No rubber ducky yet, I think it may arrive by the end of the month still though. Latest email doesn't mention actual shipping date still, which is frustrating as I need to fly back to UK to pick mine up and plan trip around it. It is still the licensing issue which is delaying the camera rather than any manufacturing problem.
  6. I will not allow links to Vitaliy's site from this forum as I don't want the community to fork whilst donations are still being collected only on this side. I also disagree entirely with Vitaliy's unpleasent remarks and anti-EOSHD, indeed anti-West stance. At the same time, I am not the Internet Police. If Vitaliy wants to split the community and set up his own site and help Someone1.00 with his hacking knowledge he is quite entitled to do that. As for EOSHD it is only right I maintain control of what I think is best both for this community and for the hacker. Now I want to concentrate on the hack project, so no more comments on the political bullcrap please.
  7. There was an issue with Facebook and Twitter connect last night. This has now been fixed.
  8. After only 2 days of donations I felt it a little early to be buying the first camera bodies. Someone1.00 and I had a chat today and now we agree a way forward - will be buying the first camera today! This is despite rather being poisoned by some Vitaliy Kiselev lies about me - a guy who has made this process 10x more difficult than it should be.
  9. NEX-Hack.com now open The interest in the NEX and Alpha hacks has been HUGE! Therefore I've decided to setup a dedicated site for Someone1.00's project at NEX-Hack.com You can login with your own existing EOSHD forum username and password. And if you haven't already donated please do so now! The more donations, the more types of camera Someone1.00 will have at his disposal to make his Linux based patcher tool compatible with. Donate here Read the full story here
  10. Very interesting. So it is 5:3 inside a 16:9 box. What would you say the usable resolution of the image is when the black bars are cropped, something like 1440x1080?
  11. Initially we all thought removing the filter was a good idea. It wasn't! The increase in image quality was actually very minor. It took me a while to do a comparison and actually realise the truth. Second, the procedure as a DIY mod was a nightmare. Very tricky and high risk so I don't recommend it. Third, the filter is also an IR-cut. So you get IR contamination and purple blacks in your shots with certain subjects and lights. Even in normal daylight conditions the colour balance changes. Some would say for the better ;) There are companies that replace the filter with a clear piece of glass to avoid the Fourth Problem - the damned back focus issue. In the end it really is best to keep the 5D Mark III in stock condition, and sell it when the Sony A99 comes out if you're not satisfied with it as a serious video tool. Personally, it is well know I am not.
  12. The top handle is a good idea! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151101399957402&set=a.10150303972982402.361983.110306207401&type=1 [img]http://www.eoshd.com/comments/uploads/inline/1/5029ac17c66ed_Qwpa.jpg[/img]
  13. Thanks to the first donator - Rich. jdv - I am not limiting discussion, but we need to focus on what is technically achievable and if Someone1.00 wants to go about things in a certain order, with a specific structure for technical reasons, I need to facilitate that in the community. The VG20 thread will be alive and well in the NEX Hack Forum so those who want that camera to be hacked like yourself will get a say. To my knowledge the VG20 is very similar in terms of hardware and in terms of the firmware encryption used to the NEX 5N. So I fully expect the patches to port over, once (if) the new breed firmware encryption is overcome by Someone1.00. At the moment, the first gen encryption is overcome so we must concentrate on patches and testing on the A55 until the new cameras arrive at his door, thanks to generous donations like the one Rich just made. Please everybody donate. I can't stress this enough! Even if you don't have a Sony camera. The hack could make a NEX, VG or Alpha so desirable you will want to buy one. This was certainly the case with the 'GH13'.
  14. Please note: Download and install at own risk Donate now! It's real. Sony A55 owners rejoice, for Someone 1.00's first hack is now available and can be downloaded from the EOSHD forum. The patcher app is able to overcome the A55 firmware encryption and is the basis for adding bitrate patches and new menu options later on. The NEX 5 patcher I believe will also be offered down download soon. Now Someone 1.00 is looking for A55 testers (view relevant thread here) to test new features and find their way as a team with the firmware, plus donations for NEX 3, NEX 5N and A77 bodies for testing and opening up for analysis. The firmware will need to be dumped and decrypted, for that he needs the actual camera hardware in his hands and more than one body. So the more people who can donate, the better!
  15. Quick update. Looks like we have found a member of the Magic Lantern team to oversee the donations. Big thanks to Malcolm for that. Once that is set up at PayPal, I'll put a donate button on the forums and once the funds reach the required amount our hacker will be getting his test bodies to sacrifice on the alter of NEX hacking :)
  16. Here's my understanding of it in a nutshell and it is really quite simple. Bitrate is measured per second, so the more frames per second the more compressed and muddy each will be unless you use I-frames and higher bitrates. B frames and 'magic' can only get you so far. Sure you cam shift the bitrate allocation about, right down to even macro blocks within a single frame but eventually you will run out. Plus H.264 has a habit of shifting too much allocation away from areas of the image like the sky, causing banding. GH2 hack really helped with that.
  17. Why does each frame in 1080p/60p look more compressed than the same frame in 24p then? It's not just about motion estimation but the amount of detail per frame, and more frames = more data.
  18. Any news on this? Does it work with the Ninja and is 5:4 clean?
  19. The FS100 has an implementation of AVCHD that is as good as it gets, for better you definitely need to double the bitrate no question. By the way it isn't so much 24p at 24Mbit which is the problem on the FS100 but 60p at 28Mbit, because bitrate is allocated variably per frame. The more frames the more the available data is thinly spread across them.
  20. Hi Greg the camera isn't even finished or out of the factory yet so you won't find a review yet anywhere. Stay tuned.
  21. Less megapixels don't equal more DR any more. Red confirmed this with the new Dragon sensor. 6K and 15 stops of DR! That is a similar megapixel count to the 22MP of the 5D Mark III or 24MP of the A99. It all comes down to pixel design not pixel count. And of course the way the data is read off the sensor and the way it is downscaled for video. And nobody would claim raw stills from the 22MP 5D Mark III lack for dynamic range.
  22. There is a lot more work to do, yes. It was someone else who claimed the 46Mbit, so far not much more info is out about that. I prefer to concentrate on needs of the project, and achieving goals as laid out by Someone 1.00 so please keep the topics on that...
  23. [img]http://www.eoshd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/nex-5n-canon-samyang-and-sd.jpg[/img] [url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/forum/12-sony-nex-hack/"]I have set up a dedicated forum for the Sony NEX Hack here[/url] A guy named Someone 1.00 is able to hack the NEX series of Sony mirrorless cameras for higher bitrates in video mode and more. [url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/forum/12-sony-nex-hack/"]Discuss the hack here[/url] and support Someone 1.00 in his efforts. The video after the break shows the hack in action, and proof that it can be done.
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