Caleb Genheimer
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Nikon 8K mirrorless camera (Sony A1 clone)
Caleb Genheimer replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
Pretty much everyone is using Sony sensors, yeah? (Canon excluded). So it’s more about HOW WELL they utilize and package the sensor than the sensor itself. Let’s be honest, the S1H (AF excluded,) whoops most all other offerings. It’s about the closest a hybrid could ever be expected to get to a cine camera. I think it woke the Sony beast, and they realized that gatekeeping small bits of sensor tech is not a guaranteed safeguard against other companies making better cameras. It’s probably why Sony is handing out S-Cinetone and perfecting their AF (still no open gate video though.) For me, at least, the S2H will be the decisive camera. Either it will have reliable AF and therefore be the camera to get, or it will come out with minor upgrades, and S1H prices will at least drop enough to make the S1H a no-brainer upgrade. More importantly, a large coalition of camera manufacturers need to band together and challenge that idiotic RED raw garbage. I simply cannot understand why Blackmagic Design doesn’t fully open up their BRAW codec to any camera manufacturer that wants it for internal recording. If they did there’s no doubt in my mind it would swiftly overtake ProRes Raw as the new de-facto compressed raw codec, simultaneously rocketing Resolve to the top spot as an NLE. It might hurt sales of BM cameras in the short term, but that would be a small price to pay, and it also eliminates the idiotic Atmos monitor/recorder setups plaguing the market segment currently. Im sure Nikon will utilize the sensor admirably, but it’s “more of the same” in the segment can only last so long before some player finds a way to break loose. -
Yes, you CAN resurrect Anamorphic scopes with damaged coatings
Caleb Genheimer replied to Henchman's topic in Cameras
The next step would be to see if you can find a home brew way to re-introduce some fresh coatings! Always great to see a lens gain new life rather than be thrown away. -
It’s worth noting that the new Rapido Technology FVD-35NP will allow us to shorten long scopes, reducing the squeeze factor... but also gaining angle of view.
I’m curious if the next implementation of the Ursa 12K sensor will implement DGO... there’s already some really different sauce in that thing with the RGBW bayer, and I’d think the bayer groupings have plenty enough individual photosites (4 total, 2 White and 2 colored) in them that half could operate at an entirely different gain for some serious DR increase. Even if it pans out to a little more noise, there’s just so much resolution to work with there, even a moderate amount of noise reduction wouldn’t cripple it below DCI.
Electronic ND, Dual Gain Output (simultaneous ARRI-style,) and Full-Frame open gate video would have me buying this camera almost for certain. I agree with many it needs E-ND to set it apart from their other offerings, and IMO DGO is very quickly going to become the new flagship “flavor-of-the-month” (FINALLY we might get some dynamic range competition instead of this pointless hyper resolution!) It’s high time for CMOS to break through that ~12-13 stop ceiling. And full frame open gate video? It’s just really aggravating to have a nice big sensor but be unable to utilize it fully. Some of us shoot scope! Some want some re-frame options! Some shoot for squarer social media aspect ratios... Just put the dang mode in there for crying out loud, it’s not like that forces anyone into using it.
Just here to say, I wanted the new Fuji to have an open gate video mode enabled SO BADLY. That alone would’ve put me in “sell all my other bodies for a switch” high gear. I’m still holding steady without a sweat... GH5S for anamorphic, Pocket 4K for easy Raw, C200 from work if good AF is needed. I want LF video just because I find it interesting and really want to explore it. The S1H is tempting, but that darn AF keeps it from being the monstrous all-rounder I’m after. Hopefully the S2H fixes AF. If not, hey... S1H prices will probably drop at the same time and make that purchase more justifiable. I think the shaky market is still at a point where it may be a good thing, pushing the manufacturers to condense their lineups and get solid features into all cameras... but I guess we’ll see.
Still basically only Panny that’s doing real open gate full frame video, don’t understand why nobody else will put those modes in their flagships. Here’s hoping they get their act together whenever the S2H rolls around and it has actual autofocus though.
I’ve been working out my own methods on this stuff for quite some time now, and as someone who also shoots some actual film here and there, some of the extreme minutiae are maddening to mail down, and prompted me to move into Resolve’s Fusion tab for many operations. It has been like learning to ride a bike all over again, and I’m not there yet, but Fusion is absolutely powerful enough to get me where I want to go eventually. There is complex spatial and temporal interplay (especially with overscanned footage) that simply can’t be done easily with power grades and edit page compositing. I guess do 99% of people even notice? Probably not, but we do, right? Im interested to see how filmbox is implemented, as well as Tom Bolles power grade (which for that approach looks to provide a lot of nuanced manipulations resulting in the most convincing Color tab results I’ve seen so far). I will probably grab Cineprint 16 just to see if I can replicate the various nodes in Fusion alongside my own spatial machinations. Digging deep into this stuff at all kills render times like crazy, but that’s maybe half the fun, right? I still think halation could be brought 80-90% of the way there in the physical world with a bespoke filter from some expert like Tiffen or Schneider. Film has a set tonal dynamic range, which honestly a number of digital cameras get close enough to these days as to not make much difference, but spatially especially with regards to halation, the dynamic range in film’s reaction is much higher. Basically, something can be blown out, but two blown out sources of different luminance will still show a difference in the amount and reach of halation, and that reaction is still way outside the dynamic ability of digital capture... but a physical filter I believe could be constructed to react with that nuance and that could be subsequently baked into digital capture. Tiffen’s glimmerglass (of which there is a “bronze” variant already) looks to my eyes to be a prime candidate. If that could be tweaked to be red (or add red), it would to my eyes go a long way to achieving that nuance, and a bit of digital halation would be the added tweak to polish it off to taste. It’s super fun to build film effects, but at the end of the day, it’s also not all that difficult to just shoot film on certain projects, and in that case, the look is just... there. I’d encourage anyone who is spending significant time on emulation to also put some solid time into researching 16mm cameras, and doing a bit of hunting until you find a kit that fits your use-case. SR3s and Aatons are nice cameras for sure, but there are plenty of other very capable cameras out there, and you can still find good deals if you are patient.
Yeah, if folks haven’t figured it out by now... Canon is gonna Canon. It’s an overtly abusive approach to product lineup/development from a customer perspective, but it’s just their chosen philosophy. I follow all camera release news aggressively, because I find the technology advancements very engaging, but there’s no way I’d jump in on a multi-thousand dollar piece of kit before it has been well proven out in the wild, because all camera companies have their weak spots. They’re just tools, good tools will prove themselves through use. Canon makes some good tools, even if the peripherals are less than honest. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be called out or pushed to change their approach, but it’s also important for consumers to step back and just take an objective look at the available tools, ignoring somewhat all the noise and baggage around brands, especially new release hype.
“Add a gimbal with subject tracking and you can have AI track your subject around the scene, then distribute the autofocus distance to the second camera, which can frame your subject/scene however you like, while your subject stays perfectly in focus.” Ok yeah, I’d take a V2 where the sensor is built into a little DJI Osmo kind of micro-gimbal camera that has object tracking to keep the sensor pointed at the subject... that would be straight up insane.
Great video, glad you opened it up. People are so precious with these things, but their construction is very simple unlike most other lenses. my bet is on one of your optical groups having worked itself loose and rotated. There’s a front block and a rear block, that’s it. For what it’s worth, many folks don’t use screws anyway, as they’re not always in exactly the right place. You could just glue that tab once you find the right position, or if you’re handy, you could still and tap a couple new holes... just clear out the chips before reassembly. But fist thing first, make sure the two optical groups are not rotating within their assembly. They have to maintain axial orientation. Look up for various videos on “tuning” an anamorphic lens, and you’ll get an idea of the general concept.
The front knurled ring “locks” the focus, so loosen that first. The wider knurling will then be able to rotate. The infinity mark may not be exact, but shouldn’t be far off. Put both the scope and your 50m at infinity markings and then point at something detailed in the far distance. You should be able to get it sharp with micro adjustments. are you supporting the weight of the scope adequately? An over heavy setup can sag enough to throw out focus.
Is it possible to use the MMX “manually?” AKA with a wireless focus wheel? Or is it only controlled by the AFX?
Let me know if I understand this correctly: one cable is included with the AFX which can power it and connect data on an M Motor. therefore, to run a second M Motor via the MMX and to power it as well, only one cable 3 is needed?
FS: Kowa Anamorphic-35 1.75x with custom HCDNA
Caleb Genheimer replied to victorshoots's topic in Cameras
What taking lenses do you use and on which sensor size? -
FS: Kowa Anamorphic-35 1.75x with custom HCDNA
Caleb Genheimer replied to victorshoots's topic in Cameras
I’m curious what (if any) vignette the modified HCDNA introduces vs the scope by itself. Would not an FVD-35 be better on this particular scope? Also, what’s on the front of the HCDNA? Looks different! -
Beautiful. One other obscure use-case to consider: variable diopters. They’re marked with focus scales, but the scales are calibrated to “distance from the variable diopter” instead of the standard “distance from the focal plane.” (Rather obviously because who knows how long any particular lens might be, it’s an unknown factor.) It would be nice to have the ability to semi-permanently mount the AFX and a focus motor on a variable diopter, calibrate a single profile to the “distance from the variable diopter” focus scale (which never changes from setup to setup), and then just set an offset in the reported/displayed focus distance based on the length of the current lens setup. The actual AFX-to-motor relationship doesn’t have to change in this instance, just the displayed distance. It’s minutiae, I know, but it solves a common variable diopter problem wherein most ACs are accustomed to focus distance coming from the focal plane.
I have a module request for down the road consideration: a wireless distance readout/display. Countless ACs/DOPs use the Tilta gear on mid-grade shoots, but despise their generic “0-100” readout at the controller. While it would require some pre-production profile calibration work, many would pick up the AFX for this feature alone: real foot/meter readings at the hand wheel. I know this can be read at the AFX, but often focus is wireless for the simple reason that it is being pulled from a distance.
How does the lens calibration work with MF lenses? Is that something that requires the app/smartphone? Same question regarding the various mode changes. iOS/Android?
Just be prepared for a demo of AF on 16mm film, because that’s definitely gonna happen 🤘🏻
Just bought the AFX, this is awesome. Any word on the actual sensor tech for the AI-based add-on? Is it an additional chip-based system running contrast detect or something? Or phase detect?
Bausch and Lomb CinemaScope Attachment II?
You should also eye up the 1.75X, it’s the best Kowa optics I've seen and absolutely on par with their full cine glass.
The top 20 most popular cameras of all time on the EOSHD Forum
Caleb Genheimer replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
4/20! I currently rock a GH5S and a Pocket4K, and that’s only because my NX1 is out of commission. I also had a GH5 in the brief window before the S was a thing. The only thing keeping me from also having an S1H is the autofocus. I’m not upgrading digital bodies until a manufacturer provides full frame open gate with good AF and 13+ stops of DR. Until then, the GH5S and Pocket will do just fine. If I need top notch DR, I’ll just buy a couple loads of color negative stock and shoot 16mm