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Everything posted by shawncaple

  1. Andrew, Am I mising anything with the .ini files not loading? Nothing is checked or changed. Edit: I have found the answer to my problem. After I loaded ptools I clicked on the "e" (or "f" or "g") and selected the proper zip file. Ptools appears to load them but it does not load them properly. They load blank (If you check the .ini file size you will see they read zero.). After I loaded all three I closed ptools and then unzipped the .ini files to replace the ptools created .ini files. This replaced the ptools created .ini files with the proper files. Problem solved. I hope this helps anyone with trouble. Happy hacking.
  2. It appears that the .ini files are blank when selected. As with Driftwood's, when the .ini is hovered over you can read a description and if you click it, you can see the values change. In this case, there is not description and nothing is checked.
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