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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. It looks like it could be used as a China ball type or perhaps a  guy could make a ring light?  The CN 160 led lights give alot of light and throw a good distance.  It'll be interesting to see what these strip lights can do. 


    I bought on Ebay today:

    1.  $11.98 for each strip light (I bought 2)

    2.  Plug adapter $1.98. (bought 2)  (of course I found cheaper pricing after buying)

    3.  Dimmer $4.98  (found one after the fact for $3.27, again I over paid:)).


    Total for 1 light, roughly $19.00 


    I have the power adapter (can buy for $5 or so)  and clamp light (although probably can use a bowl from the dollar store).


    I'll have to see if there is any banding from the lights.  The light may or may not throw that far.  I like to experiment, although I usually mess up and waste my time.  Curiousity kills the cat.  I hope I don't start a fire and end up burning my house down.  It says delivery could take 25 days.  Cheers.

  2. Yea, I noticed the lumens too.  However, it depends upon what a person wants.  Maybe the throw on the light will be better (higher value at greater distance)?  Or perhaps a person could tweak their own unique shape of light?  After seeing this video, I ordered a couple of strips for $25.00 on Ebay.  More of an experiment.   Cheers. 

  3. Why does that guy shoot so many shots at crazy shutter speeds like 1/700, 1/2000, etc. It looks trashy. The footage looks very clean though considering the ISOs, and there is some gold in there.

    I was thinking the same thing about the shutter speeds.  Probably to show what the camera can do?   Is it really necessary? 

  4. @Bruno,  agree.    The camera is a tool.   The top of the food chain cameras will deliver astonishing images whether it be the Alexa, Epic, Sony F65/55, etc.  Boils down to what the director envisions for his feature.

    Knowing the strengths/weaknesses with a camera and knowing how to work with it, leads to success.  Cheers.

  5. He likes Canon, does tours for them, etc.  He seems to be biased or he could just like the Canon cameras look?  I was skeptical but Canon colours do have a certain mystique.  The C500 will have huge files.  That in my opinion is a negative.   After working with the 1DC (and I'm far from a professional), the image ranks with the big cameras - Alexa, Epic and actual film - just an opinion.  The 1DC has its own unique look to it.  The 1DC doesn't have all the bells and whistles as the Epic or Alexa.  I'm strictly talking about image.   The one thing that pisses me off about the 1DC is the banding which can show its face at the wrong time.  I think a 10 bit vs 8 bit would clear the issue for most cases?   I don't mind the 1DC compression as bigger file sizes can lead to more headaches than satisfaction.  Knowing proper settings, and how to shoot is so important, as it is with all cameras.  How much is enough?  How much horsepower does one truly need?  People want more and more and more and more.   I'm ranting, and probably not making sense, so I'll stop.  Cheers all.

  6. Shane Hurlbut using these cameras for Need for Speed movie.  Grabbed some twitter conversation.  Information for those who care. 


    C500 ACam, Arri Alexa Plus ACam, arri M BCam 1DC as CCam and GoPro Hero 3 as ZZCam


    Shane Hurlbut, ASC ‏@hurlbutvisuals

    @pizzafilms yes it is. This camera is going to shake shit up. Big time. #needforspeed A cam is the @canoncinemaeos C500 picked out of 9 cams


    Shane Hurlbut, ASC ‏@hurlbutvisuals

    Vilmos loved @canoncinemaeos C500's color space and sensors sensitivity.

    personal choice by the director and the camera won out because it will be the best tool to tell our story. Which is SPEED baby!!!

    copy that.The camera is off the CHAIN.The dark horse. Everyone can shoot there Alexa. I am shooting Digital film & that is Canon




  7. I don't think this was really a good test Darth?

    The test looks to be for Jedi's in training.  Sure, they could have done more situations and most importantly they could have had some bikini clad models (sub 75 years old).  Cheers.

  8. I mentioned that I turned to the dark side and purchased the 1DC.  I have been losing alot of sleep due to testing the crap out of the camera - I'm a slow learner and make alot of mistakes.   I noticed some guys (not me) posted a quick comparison to some Red Epic (shot in 5K) vs the the Canon 1DC (these guys only used Canon glass).  From my experience so far with the 1DC, it is quite incredible.  The link follows.  



  9. When I play back either native MTS films or edited (through Premiere Elements) through different software players I get different issues.

    Windows Media Player while looks quite good sometimes gives a lighting or darkening of the image as if the exposure on the shot is changing. This looks a bit like flicker and is quite subtle but annoying. The exposure is manual on the camera and is not adjusting and this effect only occurs through WMP.

    VLC gives good results but sometimes drops frames or you get a glitchy start to the video.

    PowerDVD 10 overall gives the best results with most stable colours and exposure and few glitches. It does not however like 50p 720p recordings out of the camera at all. They are blocky full of flashing artifacts. Yet once I have resaved the file as a 50p 720p recording through PE it plays it fine!! The other two players play the native 50p 720p far better.


    What is causing all these differences and what players do you use?

    Excellent question.  You're not alone.  Quicktime, Windows, VLC, etc.  give different playback look (gamma shifts).  I usually use VLC or Windows.  

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