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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. I really want to like this camera... But my 6D is 8 bit. I've had to learn how to cheat a digital negative with Neat video and grain to compensate to the best of my ability the shortcomings of banding.. For $12k, it seems pretty lame that it's putting 255 values across 4000 lines of resolution.. I dunno... I assume there is a subliminal threshold with consumers, where it becomes hard to justify a shortcoming like that after a certain price point.. - or anything requiring the same old work arounds.

    Yea agree.  They should put 10 bit.  Using this camera is fun.  The image is for the most part - amazing.  The camera needs to be put through the paces to learn where the areas of concerns crop up. Once a guy knows the limitations or what to be aware of, then a better shooting comfort level ensues.  There are a lot of variables to consider.  Cheers. 

  2. Thanks for the review.  I own the 1DC.  It is an unique camera indeed.  It has a lot of positives.  It does have issues too, such as banding.


    Other issues can exist too.  I did some test shots on a sunny day within a snow landscape.  Footage looked good.  Properly exposed.  Upon further examination of certain shots, I noticed many "hot pixels".   That was another issue to be aware of.  Also, certain lighting setups can lead to weird noise issues (or color shift - lots of green shadow noise). For example, on a white pillar - 1 stop underexposed shadow had green color cast - where as properly exposed adjacent white surface had perfect white).  For the most part, I really like this camera.  It is amazing.  Thanks again for your review.  Cheers.

  3. I'm assuming Leica Rs. How do you rate these compared to modern glass, canon L lenses, Nikon etc. Saving up for a FS700 or 1DC and I'm not invested in Canon or Nikon glass and I honestly hate the look of Canon glass on Sony FS100/FS700.

    Yep Leica R.  I have Canon and Zeiss too.  Prefer the Leica.   

  4. Hi jgharding,


    The 1DC is an interesting beast.  I've been testing, testing, testing.  Results been mixed at times   Trying to see the limitations and best situations for the camera.  Lenses, lighting* and so on play its role.  The camera has its own look.  I've had sometimes color shifts, even though I'm in manual.  I've had banding issues.  I've also had absolutely amazing detailed shots.  Can drive one to drink.  Burp.  Knowing what works and what could be problematic is important to me.  I'm no expert by any means.  Just trying to tame this camera.  For the most part the image is far above the food chain.  It ranks with the expensive cameras.  The image can be extremely sharp and detailed.  The image can be soft-ish but detailed too.   Cheers.

  5. Been doing alot of various test shots with the 1DC.  Overall, the image does rank with the big boys.  Yep, it is that good.  I can see why Hurlbut was so pumped about this camera.  Just my opinion.  Been testing a variety of iso's, lens, conditions, lighting, and so on.     

  6. So this is a tad off topic.. Anybody ever think the 5D2 had a better look to the image than the new lineup? Sans the moire and whatnot, just seems like it had something to its color this new lineup doesn't. Maybe somebody can explain it to me because I haven't been impressed by much of anything i've seen from the replacements.

    Yep  (except the 1DC) - but the price is the negative.   

  7. Unfortunately, adding 10bit is not gonna happen on the current 1D-C (unless Canon get drunk and offer a Jim Jannard style circuit board replacement)


    If the banding is too much to work with, i'd take it back to the store.


    If you are loving the images though, i'm sure you will find ways to avoid banding or fix in post.


    I've contacted Canon with the my issue.  If Canon wants a top product then improvements should be made imo. I have figured a way around for the most part. Here's what another guy has posted. 



    To be fair, the camera is quite amazing.  I like it.   I had a weird case of banding where from highlight to midtone a skin area had banding (lighting was good) - in my opinion, it was due to 8 bit. 


    Don't get me wrong,  the camera image ranks with the big boys.  It is exciting to shoot with, even for a crappy shooter like me. Cheers.

  8. It's such a colossal waste. It's debayering 14-bit images off the sensor, then encoding to 8-bit JPEG and wrapping up in MJPEG.


    So why not encode to 10-bit? Silly Canon...


    Of course, these pull 16-bit off the sensor at medium-format size. Sexy... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/893196-REG/Hasselblad_3013666_H5D_200MS_Medium_Format_Digital.html


    As an aside, here's what 80 megapixels looks like, from the PhaseOne IQ180 medium format. Looking at stills always makes most video look like a bucket of dicks: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/JacquelineMegaw.jpg

    I wish they'd give 10 bit.  I emailed Canon and that's all a guy can do.     

  9. This is why I bought the 1DC.  The camera isn't for everyone. 

    1.  Image  - it is better than what people think - knowing how to use it is very important - I'm slowly getting better(which isn't saying much for me as I'll first admit, I'm $hitty).  Although, you'd be surprised at the images it can compare too.

    2.  Form Factor.

    3.  Photography potential

    4.  Batteries

    5.  Quiet as a mouse

    6.  Stealthness

    7.  Solid, solid build - quality

    8.  and so on


    I wish Canon would give better specs such as 10 bit.  The camera is really alot better than people realize.  The IQ ranks above most cameras.   I'm not supporting Canon or not supporting them - I'm neutral. I am hoping they up from 8 bit color to 10 bit with a firmware update.  They have room to push this camera further.  I wasn't happy with the price, but the alternatives for me were more costly.  Everyone has there likes and dislikes with cameras.  Everyone buys for different reasons.   Life is short.  Enjoy.  Cheers.

  10. Updates coming for the 1DC?  From Canon rumors.  I'd wish they open up the camera to 10 bit. 


    The EOS-1D C broken down a bit more.
    A reader sent in some information about the EOS-1D C.

    1) A 25P firmware is coming next week.

    2) Canon is aware that high iso, high motion doesn’t mix well with 4K aggressively compressed to MJPEG. So my little experience of doing 4K framegrab is mixed. Quality is amazing in natural daylight portrait, but is less interesting in action high iso scene. They are aware of that and the “limit is the card writting speed” at 100Mb/s.

    Interestingly the buffer looks to be well over 380 Mb/s and almost 3Gb large. So basically, the camera could run small sequence with lower compression in 4K or even in 8K for 3 to 6 second on the buffer, and then move that to the card when done a little bit ala phantom.

    They say they will “investigate in this direction”.

    3) The twin Digic V in the 1Dc are slightly over clocked compared to the one in the 1Dx therefore this is why there is a need for better cooling.

    4) The C500 with its slightly lower pixel density and higher pixel size, is for now the king of the hill when it comes to high iso and low light when filming in 4K.

  11. Thanks for posting Leang.   I still have to try some night time shooting with the 1DC.  I've been playing around with Log and Neutral under different lighting.  Also playing with codecs in post.  The 1DC is better than most realize but a draw back (in my opinion) is the 8 bit.  Andrew has posted a jpg of the 8 bit(1DC) vs 10 bit (Sony F3).  It is very true.  However under good lighting it is less of an issue (from my limited testing).  It is still a pain as it restrict.  Denoiser does help.   If Canon would give 10 bit, I think it would be a major benefit.   Cheers.

  12. Just looked at that file of my son.  In Canon Log there was banding on his neck before I color graded!  I looked at the footage again before any grading.  I remember someone posting that it was probably on the recorded log file.  They were right. 

  13. It is unlikely to be resolved.


    My advice is to crush the blacks and avoid Canon LOG, shooting with a standard picture profile and exposing just spot on every shot.


    This isn't the camera to do heavy grading on.

    Thanks Andrew.    I was thinking of shooting with neutral and not use log.  However, the log does work in certain conditions.  I want to test it more on shooting outside in good light and see how it holds.  

    The grade can be pushed a fair bit too. I wish Canon would give a little more fire power to this camera (10 bit color). 

     Images are very detailed and quite amazing - sometimes not as amazing when I mess up.    Cheers.

  14. Hi Bruno,


    Tried Denoiser, its effective depending upon the footage.  I've been testing Canon Log more.  Using more range seems to work better.  Still premature.  Been getting better results now.  It seems how the footage is shot is very important.   I took a shot from the inside of the house looking out into the brightness.  Got good results  Thanks for the response.

  15. Hi BurnetRohoades,


    There was no banding in the original footage.  I think my workflow is okay - although I'm prone to errors.   The footage banded in a very small area when I did a quick grade - on a very small portion of skin banding was apparent.    I tried the footage in another program and it doesn't band as bad when applying the same correction.  I'm trying to learn the weaknesses of the 1DC so I know what to look out for.  This camera is very sensitive to light.  I wish Canon would have elected upon 10 bit instead of 8 bit.  Canon may get lots of banding footage posted in the near future if this problem persists.  To be fair, I can't really make an accurate assessment yet, till I experiment more.  Cheers.

  16. are you grading with a 32bit workflow?  so all your effects applied to the image are 32bit?  Your banding should disappear all together with a 32bit workflow, even with 8bit original capture

    Hi richg101,


    I use 32 bit workflow so I was surprised with the 1DC's footage not holding better. 

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