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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. Read on the 1DC with the footage:




    Some more footage:



  2. There's positives and negatives with all the big boy cameras.  Sort of like the car debates from the past and present.  Some people like Ford.  Some like Chevy.  Some like Chrysler.


    As everyone knows, with a movie's final delivery, the "grading" will make the look.  I've seen alot of movies shot on film, look video like, or Alexa like or Red like too - due to the film being digitally attacked - color grading, removing noise, etc.  How the movie is attacked in post determines how the final look will be.  Some movies look awesome, some look not so awesome.  Nevertheless, there is a certain look to the Red, Alexa, Sony and Canon. Post closes the gap.


    Dexter uses the Alexa and Nikon D800.  The footage of the D800 cuts with the Alexa.  Cost, mobility, look, etc.,  come into play.  Listen to this if you haven't before.  Talks abit about how differences between uncompressed footage not worth the extra hassle with the D800.



    We all want the best.  Reality hits home.  Affordability comes into play.  There is currently a technology and maketing shift occurring.  A push for 4K (or greater) with better dynamic range is happening. We are being "educated" as to this is what we need. Prices and specs are improving.  The big guys are keeping the top of the food chain cameras priced at a premium.  All it takes is one rogue camera company to come out with the new "5D2" and it could knock down pricing. The BMC, still slow out of the gate, has made a positive impact on pricing. Interesting times lie ahead.


    BMC (majority waiting for their cameras)

    Leica M (how good will the final video be? - since it is a still camera, it shouldn't depreciate as fast?)

    RED dragon (could be future proof for a longer time?)

    Sony (what will the final pricing end on the F5?)

    JVC/Panasonic?(when will they respond?)

    Canon (they are in a good financial situation still and could break away from the old boys club in respect to pricing)

    Kineraw (4K or smaller 2K?)

    Digital Bolex (not holding my breath)

    Hero4p4K interchangeable camera (you never know what they have in mind)

    Rogue Company?


    Interesting times coming in early 2013.

  3. When is Panasonic entering the scene...


  4. $19,400 for the F5.



    $34,900 for the F55



    $5000 for the 7 inch Monitor



    $6300 for the recorder



    And so on.


    This is meant for the high end.  Will the F5 come down in price? 


    Red is coming out with the Dragon Chip upgrade, probably around $6000.  I'm liking Red more and more after seeing Sony's pricing.  In today's economy, companies have to wise with their spending. 



  5. Perhaps RED will take the lead with respect to sensors with this new Dragon.  We don't know how robust this sensor truly is.  If it is as Jim states, then it kicks ass. Alot of research and development would have taken place to get to the point of Jim's boasts.  Video is coming soon. 


    [color=#ff0000;]The Dragon has an easy 16 stops... without sweating.[/color]



    I hope the "Dragon" is truly as good as Jim is making it out to be.  It'll put pricing pressure on the market which should benefit the consumer. 


  6. New competiting cameras are coming out.  Red seems to be upping the ante and is following a strategic game plan.


    Red fire sales their battle tested MX Cameras.  They lower the Scarlet and the Epic prices.  In doing so, they have expanded their customer base in relatively short order.  From this expanded customer base they have more "potential" upgraders to the Dragon Sensor.  Red announces 4K Red Ray and Ode Max in the mix.  Hobbit is coming.  Jim is tooting his horn with a mega horn.  Awesome marketing.



    Once the dust settles, we'll know how good this Dragon sensor is and what the costs will be.  In the meantime, other camera makers need to respond.  Red is challenging the industry.  Jim stated publically his thoughts on his competitors - such as Canon.  The fight is on.  How will other camera manufacturers respond?  Better products?  More attractive pricing?  Sit on their hands? 

  7. Zach,


    It's marketing and perhaps the truth or partial truths or slightly stretched truths???  ...


    I'm hoping the dragon lives up to what Jim is boasting. It could change the camera frontier in a big swoop. 


    16 STOPS!!! - it could be bullshit or it could be the truth. 

  8. Jim is really starting to talk alot!  If RED does come out with this sensor in the next bit, it could have a domino effect on camera prices - going south!  Come on RED, show us!!!  Yea!


    [color=rgb(255,0,0);]It all starts with the sensor…

    How is it that RED could enter the cinema camera market 7 years ago and now about 50% of the released features are "Shot on RED"?

    How is it that Canon owned the professional stills market 3 years ago and now Nikon is handing them their @ss?

    How did Arri convert all the old-school film guys to the Alexa?

    Sensors, baby. Sensors.

    Apparently Canon is married to old sensor fab technology. The Nikon D800 scores 95 on the DXO sensor scale. The brand new Canon 5D MKIII… 82. Really? That can't be good.

    Arri has a great sensor program… although a bit down on resolution from our point of view. :-)

    Enter the RED Dragon. This is sensor technology that makes all the big guys want to put on their helmets.

    So how did Canon get so lost? Who are the camera companies that recognize that sensors are 90+% of a digital camera? Who is investing in sensor technology?

    In order...

    the rest…

    Of course there are other factors that matter in this highly competitive and fast changing market. Who will upgrade the sensor in your existing camera instead of making you buy a new camera?

    No matter what your answers are to these questions… it is all coming down to who has the best sensor program. Sensors matter. Side note... film is officially dead.


  9. [color=rgb(178,34,34);]OK. This is the final frontier.[/color]

    [color=rgb(0,0,255);]The RED Dragon sensor needs to be directly compared to 65mm film.[/color]

    [color=rgb(178,34,34);]The Dragon has more resolution than 65mm film when scanned at 4K.

    The Dragon has more dynamic range than film... by a lot. 65mm film has about 14.5 stops. The Dragon has an easy 16 stops... without sweating.

    The EPIC Dragon will shoot nearly 100fps. 65mm film cameras... not so much.

    Cost to shoot the RED Dragon vs. 65mm film... ridiculously not close.

    Dragon should never be compared to 35mm film. It should only be spoken in reference to 65mm film from here on out.

    So you own an EPIC? You upgrade.

    Have a nice day....



    Sample footage soon. Be prepared to be completely blown away. Times a million.



    [color=rgb(0,128,0);]Of course it makes sense that we will upgrade EPICs to the Dragon sensor before Scarlets. However, we are considering how to upgrade Scarlets to the Dragon.

    There are several boards that need to be changed so the upgrade for Scarlet may be a bit more expensive than the upgrade to EPIC..

    We are always thinking about our customers... just so you know.


  10. reason why all camera look similar is because they all have cmos sensor ...

    in my opinion ccd sensors have more pleasing (organic ) color/texture rendition ....

    this guy buy  sony f35 from ebay for 12000$ and image is capture by hyperdeck shuttle ...


    Look at what this F35 sold for awhile back. 



    So will the new F5 be the new version of the old F35? Interesting read of the F35.  Originally priced around $200,000?  Look at the depreciation on this model. Wow.



  11. Here's a link for a 2 pack of 32 GB for $239.95 from Buydig. 



    Will still be a cost for CF cards nevertheless. 



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