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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. I agree with Andrew. $6000 seems excessive.

    Let's say the BMC sells 20000 cameras. It is a niche market that Canon had but is losing market share. If Canon gave better specs, do you think people would have been embracing BMC as they have?

    The Big Boys will not rock the market too much as it takes money off the table. Gopro has a 4K camera (although not 24 frames/s) however it is 2K (24 frames/s) for $400. They are making money at that price. It includes a lens. Surely, a giant company can offer those specs with an interchangeable lens for a reasonable price? Surely Gopro had to spend on research and development.

    Canon came out with the 5D2 years ago. Their upgrade path years later was the 5D3. People wanted better color space such as 8 bit/10 bit, 422. Nope. How about true 1080p without the shrinking then upscaling? Nope. Look how detailed the GH2 video is. Surely Canon could have offered. Sony is coming out with alot of cameras, but are the specs truly earth shattering? They seem to be towing the same line with respect to specs. If you are willing to pay $20K then the specs are excellent.

    Why can a new camera as the BMC offer a $3K camera with such good specs? Why can't an established entity do the same? An establish company has most of their R and D paid. Initially pricing only came down due to RED. In the past, you'd be paying a quarter of a million for top specs. RED upset the food chain.

    You'd think after the dslr revolution, Canon would have wanted to secure the market. They could have offered a better spec DSLR for $4500, and people would have bought - such as 422, 8 or 10 bit, better compression, real 1080p, etc. Instead they off not so much. They did develop the C300 but for $16000. I think mass appeal can be more profitable in the long term than making these niche markets. Sell more batteries, lenses, etc. You don't want the competition to gain market share either. Once you lose a customer then it could be years to gain them back. Or you may never get them back.
    Just ranting, and don't want to debate.
  2. Not sure if this was posted.

  3. Andrew, good post.

    If you noticed the big camera manufacturers, they seem to keep their specs in line with the other guy. Canon could be the leader but is keeping with the status quo so to speak. The new "camera" competition will put pressure. Also, hats off for Red for aggressively lowering their pricing.
  4. It seems Canon now has adjusted their pricing for their 4k dslr.

    The 1DC is priced at [size=5][b]$11,999.[/b][/size]



  5. Germy1979,
    There's talk of a smaller size version of the Kineraw S35 - same sensor, but more compact. It supposedly will have no fan. It will cost around $4000? The Chinese are clever and are very capable to develop. I wouldn't doubt a prototype is working. It seems they are listening to what people want. In the past there was talk of 4k too. Interesting times.
  6. [quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1353503861' post='22065']
    Got a reply back from the nice people at CMOSIS.

    [color=#000000][font=Helvetica][size=3]"As you can read in the our press release is the CMV12000 mainly targeting industrial vision alike application. This is mainly due to the presence of the global shutter architecture which is a requirement when capturing moving objects (like in production lines, traffic cameras…). The sensor has a global shutter only, not a rolling shutter. There's indeed an image quality trade-off when choosing for global shutter and this is mostly a penalty in dark noise and dynamic range compared to rolling shutter only sensors. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#000000][font=Helvetica][size=3]However we see indeed that a lot of interest is coming from the broadcast industry as well because of it's resolution and reasonable pricing. I would rather not provide the full price list but can tell that the sensor sells for less than $1700. The exact reasons why the CMV12000 is so attractive is probably because there are not tot much alternatives but I guess that people like Blackmagic Cinema Camera can probably elaborate more on this."[/size][/font][/color]
    [b]Less than $1700 for the sensor. [/b]

    [b]As some fluff talk:[/b]

    [b] Let's say the CMV12000 could be had in quantity for $1200. Maybe less? And other parts for a camera cost $1200. $2400 for a 4K camera? [/b] Retail for $5000?

    The interesting thing, is the Hero3. Probably costs to sellers, $240 to $280. Then retails for the $400. Perhaps GoPro could put together a 4K interchangeable video camera for sub $2000? Only speculating.
  7. Rumour or Fact.

    Prediction: If this is true this could be the DSLR killer.

    Kineraw coming out with smaller version with S35 for $4000. Wow.

    From bmc board:
    Same s35 sensor as its big bro
    Fits in the palm of your hand....
    No fan
    Shoots DNG only
    Dual HDMI
    Single SSD slot
    cost around $4k
  8. Noticed an add for a $3000 Scarlet Package advertised in Phoenix.I thought wow. Too good to be true.


    [color=#FF0000]At the bottom of this listing page it says be careful of scammers. [/color]

    I also noticed the [b]EXACT same pictures[/b] on a Scarlet that sold on EBAY for $15000.


    So for fun, I emailed and said I'm interested. Here's the response:

    [color=#0000FF][i]Thank you for your email. I am glad that you want to buy my Red Scarlet X Package With Canon Mount. My asking price is US $3,000.00. From the beginning I want to tell you that I left the USA a couple of days ago (the day after I put the product on sale) and I came to United Kingdom with my job (I am a member of the "Save The Children Foundation"). If you still want to buy it, we can do it in a very safe way using an escrow company. They will handle the delivery (since I took the item with me) and will offer you a number of days of Inspection so you can test and see that the item is exactly as described by me. I will pay all shipping/escrow fees.[/i][/color]

    Full of shit response. So always be careful. Cheers.
  9. [quote name='markm' timestamp='1352123848' post='21063']
    Another problem for me was I wrote a screenplay four years ago and then wrote another five sequels and have big hopes for it.

    Skyfall has just about every set piece from my script in it. I feel like I wasted a year of my life.

    Still I guess thats life huh. if my film ever got made which is unlikely I'd be accused of copying Skyfall.
    After you wrote your screen play did you send a copy to yourself via registered mail? Just don't open the letter as it is proof of the date of your script. The late actor John Candy told me to do this years back. Also, ideas are repeated all the times. Keep at it and go for it.
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