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Research is important. Getting information from both sides, understanding the issues and not shutting your eyes with a 100 stop ND filter. Where do we begin? Fabian Socialism? Rules for Radicals? George Soros? Clinton Foundation? Haiti and the Clinton Foundation? Wikileaks - reading and understanding the emails............commenting on a camera however never using it......hmm. The insanity of today's world has reached epic proportions. Let's start with a 16 year old boy attempting to debate with an older man. Educated Debate can exist. Too bad it has to be one sided. Love everyone, even myself.
Hey Ladies and Gentlemen, There is a lot of humour and unfortunately a lot of hate being spewed. People need to respect each other and work together. I did a google search and came up with a young Trump (before the orange look) with Oprah having a chit chat. Interesting interview from 1988. Maybe the naysayers will be pleasantly surprised? I'm hoping for the best for the American people and all the people in the world. Note the analog camera and the editing of the past. Oprah is sexy. Cheers.
Interesting video.......Paul Joseph Watson sends his condolences.
1.74x - A Crop Odyssey - Canon 5D Mark IV officially announced
FilmMan replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
1.74x - A Crop Odyssey - Canon 5D Mark IV officially announced
FilmMan replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
Here's Bandit... -
1.74x - A Crop Odyssey - Canon 5D Mark IV officially announced
FilmMan replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
Here's some video's on your new beloved camera. Now a trip to the bitch er I mean Beach. -
tigerbengel (your intelligent quotes are in pink - I like pink so don't get your nose out of joint if you do not like pink - and I can prove I like pink - my hemorrhoid strap is pink. If you are color blind, amongst other things, your quotes are italics - slanted to the right - although should be horizontally to the left ), What the hell is LGBQ? at least get informed about what you are talking about it is LGBT. trump wants to follow the law? let me laugh...he is a CON MAN, he will do what ever it takes to avoid the law for himself...but he will sure apply the law letter by letter to anyone....THAT IS THE REPUBLICAN WAY (Hypocrites) Oops I made a typo by accident or was it on purpose? Regardless, I'm not informed now. CON MAN = defamation of character. You mention the Republicans are hypocrites. I thought all politicians are honest people and live by their word? Are you playing the idiot here? or do you really do not understand? hard to believe!, what I was saying is drumpf was saying a BIG LIE.....THE FOUNDERS OF ISIS ARE BUSH AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY....READ THE FACTS!!! Idiot? Maybe, as I do enter discussions with non-Spock thinking. Menopause coming so hang in? ISIS - Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) - "wilful decision" There is a lot of information. There are released documents which came out very recent too. You'll have to dig deeper and deeper. Your mind is made up and if you saw a green cow, all cows are now green. Although we know cows are purple. Here's another point of view: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-23/secret-pentagon-report-reveals-us-created-isis-tool-overthrow-syrias-president-assad let me laugh again, you are a typical trump supporter...you don't care about FACTS...whatever came from trump big mouth is true for you.... help veteran is great, but trump is lying again, google search he recently did an event to get money for veterans but was until the media asking him what happened with the money, that he with a not so happy face finally gave the money to the veterans....trump cares only about trump ALI IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT....TRUMP IS RUNNING BILL CLINTON IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT....TRUMP IS RUNNING You label me a "typical trump supporter" and I don't care about facts. Reminds me of the movie, Stripes - "That's a fact Jack." I'll agree with you - all cows are green. Are you happy now? I hope that you know Bill ran for president and became president? And he may have been unfaithful to Hillary at times? Or would it be better to say, he was faithful at times? A recent CNN poll asked 1,000 female DNC delegates if they would sleep with Bill Clinton. 38% said "Yes", while 62% said "Never Again." Did Bill fight in the Vietnam war? Ali avoided the war too. So is fighting in the Vietnam war a requirement for running for President??? who said so? you? trump? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DOESN'T CARE WHAT TRUMP BELIEVE.HE MUST SHOW THE TAX RETURN !!!, SINCE 1970 all the candidates showed their tax return, and trump think he is so special he can hide them?...that is b...s..t....only stupid people will let him do this....HIS TAX RETURN SHOW WHO HE REALLY IS....HOW HE DOES BUSINESS, HE IS AS RICH AS HE SAID? DOES HE OWES MONEY TO RUSSIANS? CHINA?, GOLDEN SACH?he blame them but how close to them he really is? HE DEMANDED PRESIDENTE OBAMA TO SHOW HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE...NOW AMERICAN PEOPLE DEMAND HIS TAX RETURN!!!! Since you are demanding he show his Tax Return, then Trump should. Head over to Trump Towers and make your request in person. I'm sure you'll get what you deserve. By the way, Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals. Like all other citizens, U.S. presidents enjoy this protection of their privacy. That's a fact Tiger. IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO SHOW HIS TAX RETURN THEN HE SHALL QUIT FOR THE WHITE HOUSE RACE...AS SIMPLE AS THAT!! I'm still laughing at that statement. Your voice will be heard on that statement. Maybe Trump will email his returns on a private server? You surely will be able to access his emails? yeah sure....80% COMING FROM TRUMP IS A BIG LIE...A DEMAGOGUE....WHY TRUST HIM?. if he get into the power could destroy our nation.....no thank you I don't want the risk You better hope the 20% is awfully good.. Perhaps wear a condom and you'll have no risk unless it breaks. 99.9% effective? HERE AGAIN YOU LIKE TRUMP DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE REAL SUBJECT...PLAYING THE IDIOT...We are talking about trump reaction to the mother: LOW RESPONSE FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE...SHOWS TRUMP HAS NO RESPECT, NO MORAL, NO VALUES...HE IS A VERY LOW HUMAN BEING...A DISGRACE FOR THIS COUNTRY AND FOR ALL THE VETERANS!! Are you referring to Trumps statement - "I like to hear the wife say something?" If you think that statement is disrespectful, no moral, no values and is very low human being then that is your opinion. YOU ARE A BIG LIAR LIKE TRUMP...YOU ARE A TRUMPANZEE 100%, YOU STARTED THIS THREAD WITH If in your mind, if you think that way about me, then have at it. Did you know Chimpanzees are intelligent, social beings? started saying not a political guy but you are to the trump side more than anyone else....YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT FACTS....like any other trump supporter.... YOU DON'T EVEN LIVE IN THE STATES!!!, IF YOU LIKE TRUMP SO MUCH TAKE IT TO YOUR CONTRY WITH ALL THE OTHER TRUMP SUPPORTERS THAT WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN FOR SURE Some posters take unkindly jabs so I show that an alternate view exists to spur intellectual thought and mental growth. Instead I'm dissed, name called, attacked and labelled - my wife does a better job by the way. Tiger, do you epitomize what a worthy citizen of a "contry" should be? Cheers.
Damphousse, "your" (because I show an alternative point of view, he becomes mine. He is sexy. Haven't you seen the statues?) " Fuhrer" (the isolated word Führer is usually avoided in political contexts, due to its intimate connection with Nazi institutions and with Hitler personally. Of course you new that?) "your sh-tty $2 video from being copied in China." China's going to copy my movie? "Take a break from the Marvel movies" (no more Spider Man in tights?) "magically boost your movie production career" "delusional thing" No delusion here. I only sleep with sexy actresses to get to the top. With reference to jobs, I was pointing out an area which isn't fair practice by the Chinese. It potentially could lead to some jobs to the USA - not saying it would. Note: "copy movies, ELECTRONICS and SOFTWARE" You may wish to educate yourself and read this report as a reference. http://www.ipcommission.org/report/ip_commission_report_052213.pdf My advice? Get a good well written screenplay, some lights, some audio equipment, and whatever camera you own (Sony, Canon, Nikon, Panny, BM, etc) and make your masterpiece. Left field has become the bat boy and the umpire has become the pitcher. Don't try deciphering, as you should take your advice. Who is residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave will have zero effect on how much your film grosses So Trump or Hillary will have zero effect on how much my film grosses? $hit, $hit, $hit. I need Jessica Jones. LOL. My bowling ball is not as sharp as yours. Cheers. **************************Of course you KNEW that? (instead of "new" - don't want to confuse you)
Geoff, Donald embraces LGBQ - http://www.thewrap.com/donald-trump-embraces-gays-in-historic-shout-out-at-republican-national-convention/ Yep, Donald does use foreign workers. Reality of business. He also hires a lot of American workers too. You ask, "But because he will be president he will put the country first and force U.S. companies to keep jobs here. SURE.How is he going to do that?" https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/us-china-trade-reform Here's one example on jobs... Chinese companies illegally steal over $200 billion worth of American intellectual property each year. The Chinese copy movies, electronics and software and turn them out at a cheaper rate. Over 2 million jobs would return to America if China had laws to protect business secrets like the U.S. does, the report from the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property concluded. Cheers
tigerbengal, Not looking for an argument. I'll say an alternative point of view, however, I don't want to get into the politics. By the way, my politics lean towards bikini parties on beaches - good eye workout and keeps the mind intact. all the trump speeches are the same FULL OF HATE AND LIES LIES AND MORE LIES...????????? ....he wants laws followed, what's best for people including LGBQ, etc? Rudy Giuliani, former respected mayor of New York, says he knows Trump well and he'll be a positive for the people. 16500 border patrol agents endorse Trump. President Obama and Hillary are not the founders of Isis, read about this terrorist group....and the conclusion is ISIS is there because George Bush lying to the American people decided to remove Saddam Husein from power, and guess what? bush is A REPUBLICAN, THE SAME AS TRUMP. once again trump saying lies all over the place. Trump is not endorsed by the Bush's. Here's a differing view as to your Isis statement......http://www.blackagendareport.com/obama_clinton_created_isis it is funny that trump talk too much about veterans when he is a draft dodger...that means he was called to serve in Vietnam, but his father paid a doctor to get a medical diagnostic saying trump has foot problems and other things and avoid the war, ....so how come his health is 100% (according to him) now when he is 70 years old, and when he was 20 his health was very bad...sure. Yes Trump wants to support Veterans better than the support they receive - good idea? Boxing great Ali was against the Vietnam war and avoided. Maybe the war should have not been fought? Interesting Bill Clinton didn't end up in the war either. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/02/us/politics/donald-trump-draft-record.html?_r=0 can you believe someone talking about A TAX PLAN....WHEN HE DOES NOT WANT TO SHOW HIS TAX RETURN? JAJAJJAJA Doesn't have to show his returns. Not required. TRUMP IS A DEMAGOGUE he promise he alone will fix all the problems....can you believe it?...but until today he has SHOWED NO PLANS OR HOW HE WILL ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING All politicians make promises. Promises need to be followed through. Will be interesting. He is complaining American companies sent jobs abroad....why he didn't move jobs from his owns companies from china to EEUU as an example to other companies? To be competitive that is the reality due to the current situation? A lot of Americans out of work due to businesses having left the country in the past decade. can you trust someone who attack a golden mother? trump did it, he is the worst candidate ever, check all the lies he said in this interview...it is funny and sad that so many people believe him It is very sad the son died. Interesting and surprising article on the father. http://www.rense.com/general96/khanshar.htm I'm only presenting a differing point of view. Nothing more and nothing less. In film making one needs to see different points of views and keep an open mind - as what is being presented may or may not be factual. I do see your points of views and I am not looking for an argument. Just giving some alternative views. Cheers.
Kubrickian, "All" counterexamples.... http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Fun:Hollywood_conservatives Then there are non conservatives and non left-wings too such as John Miluis (Dirty Harry, etc.). Cheers. "close the thread" is censorship.
For those who care. This is live currently. The above stream..... Is it better for people to keep and open mind and watch a rally and decide for themselves how to interpret his message? Cheers. Before he speaks there were some other speakers. Need to scroll back if watching live.
Geoff CB, You mention that your theatre was challenged for showing the Hillary Film. I posted this youtube video showing a similar incident that happened to what you endured. I was supporting you. Nothing more, nothing less. So in other words, what you experienced with your theatre also occurred to this comedy club. Your political views and who you will vote for is your personal choice. I do not live in the States by the way. Cheers.
Hey Geoff CB, This is a video from months ago. This comedy club and comedians were threatened by Hillary people for making jokes about her. Crazy times. Cheers.
Wow. When people physically threaten you or anyone over a movie, it is really sad and scary. Glad no harm came your way, however it is sickening to hear that you were threatened. For fun, I did a google on conspiracy theories regarding the Clinton's. If the Clinton associated deaths are real, then it reminds me of the movie called Three days of the Condor. Cheers.
Geoff CB, the word "threatened "was referring to the calls of boycotting your theatre - in the context of threatening to boycott (would boycott). My choice of word was a little off. I'm not a political guy, however, I like to look at all angles - sort of like film making - looking at all perspectives. I've recently watched some Stephen Cohen video's. Stephen Cohen is an interesting dude. Today I found an interesting article written by GARY LEUPP, Professor of History at Tufts University. The article discusses Hillary's record. It was published on February 11, 2015. I'd bet a few eyes would be opened if they read this article. In case you care here's the link: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/02/11/the-warmongering-record-of-hillary-clinton/ I lost faith in media when news outlets were bashing Trump for eating KFC with a fork. There are people suffering in the world and eating KFC with a fork gains headline news. The media reminds me of a Will Ferrell comedy or the news casts from the original Robocop. Too funny. Cheers.
Geoff CB, Freedom of Speech. Yes it exists if you are on board with the bull$hit being thrown at you. If your opinion differs then your freedom of speech is nullified and you are tarred and feathered. Crazy world. I agree with you about people in general. Rationality goes out the window when individuals are criticized. Debate is supposed to be a method of formally presenting an argument in a disciplined manner. Now debate has eroded to insults and misinformation being skewed by media through their biased/paid experts. One needs to spend time investigating topics on the internet to try to interpret the real truth on issues. When we watch a movie, we’ll say if we like it or not. Our opinion may not be to the liking of everyone. To justify our liking or disliking, most people will support their opinion with some evidence – no character development, relied too much on CGI, story lacked emotion, etc. Criticizing, when warranted, allows individuals to improve. I remember when the first Terminator came out. Experts denounced it due to the excessive violence rather than dive deeper and look at the underlying message about technology and man’s ability to control his fate. Yes it was violent but there was substance. I did like the cinematography too. When the movie made a lot of money, and the next Terminator came out, many of these experts changed their opinion. It is interesting how your theatre was threatened due to showing Hillary. Your statements seem to support what the hacker, Guccifer 2, has stated – “the U.S. presidential elections a “farce” that is “being settled behind the scenes as it was with Bernie Sanders.” He added, “I wonder what happened to the true democracy, to the equal opportunities, the things we love the United States for. The big money bags are fighting for power today. They are lying constantly and don’t keep their word. The MSM are producing tons of propaganda hiding the real stuff behind it. But I do believe that people have right to know what’s going on inside the election process in fact.” I’ll probably take in this movie at some point to see what it is all about. Cheers.
Skin tones do look good. The music in the trailer is quite pronounced. Cheers.
Hey did anyone see this movie? The trailer is at the bottom of this website (scary shit above the trailer for conspiracy theorists). http://hillarysamericathemovie.com/blog/clinton-body-count-left-wing-conspiracy-three-ties-dnc-mysteriously-die/ Or trailer here:
Dave - Looks really good.
Look forward to seeing your finished product. Cheers.
Was at the old computer and thought to give this pic a go. Gave a very quick grade. Eyes see spots at times so don't laugh too hard at my attempt. Cheers.
JCS, Keep up the good work. Much appreciated that you share your videos and expertise too. Cheers.
JCS - You look attractive with a blonde wig and glossy lipstick. Just kidding. Only see differences if looking closely. Dress 2 and 3 - close color match. Pink bracelet - closer match on 1 and 2. And so on. Vast majority will not see any differences. Keep up the good work. Cheers.
https://en.leica-camera.com/Photography/Leica-SL/Details. Interesting.