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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. Axel,

    Noticed that after I posted. Will it be fixed? I did try the Nikon. It's good but not enough to turn my crank. I'm waiting till 2015. Then I'll have my dream camera. The only thing, I'll be uglier and older. Cheers.
  2. About 12.5 stops dynamic range? (dynamic range of [b][color="#000000"]76dB)[/color][/b]

    [b][color="#000000"]So with Leica lenses, probably could be around 13.5 stops to 14 stops? [/color][/b]
  3. Andrew's article making the rounds.

  4. Must see:


    Clean HDMI, buy the Ninja and use as external monitor and for clean HDMI and 422.
  5. [size=6][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Quick Review:[/font][/size]
    [size=6][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][url="http://gizmodo.com/5946258/nikon-d600-review-images-this-spectacular-have-never-been-so-cheap"]http://gizmodo.com/5946258/nikon-d600-review-images-this-spectacular-have-never-been-so-cheap[/url][/font][/size]
  6. Latest with Bitrates: Programmer/tester Jason.
    [color=#FF0000][i]1% - Still working with this latest build and tried GOP=3. It looks to be absolutely awesome. The buffer save is clearly working more effectively now. I gave it quite a workout for about 15 minutes. I'm trying to look at the footage now to see if I can see the difference. My first pass through, I couldn't see when the save function kicks in - so this is great! No more "breathing". I tried to overflow the buffer many times and haven't been able to yet. The recording didn't stop on me in my few tries.

    Also, I assume you're seeing this: peak bitrate at 250 Mbps on the i-frames! Craziness![/i][/color]
  7. Andrew, thanks for posting.

    1. 4:2:2 color space. Curious is it will be 8 bit or 10 bit?
    2. 40 mbp/s with the possibility of higher.

    [color=#000000][i][b]Jesko:[/b] It is really nice, we don’t publish the results yet but we start shooting early next year. The image quality tuning is the thing we do last, we start with calibrating and developing the electronics then you begin to optimise image quality on the digital side. This has not yet been done but we know how it looks today, especially high ISO quality is so promising.[/i][/color]

    Leica is about quality. It'll be interesting to see the end product. If they get the video looking like the quality of their pictures then this could turn into the mini Alexa so desired! Exciting.
  8. More Leica Info:
    There is a link M brochure. Has more info too.
  9. Sanveer,

    Why read when you have video?
    Children classics are morbid, Black Plague - Ring around the rosie.
    Mary, Mary,Quite contrary. How does your garden grow? - Mary was some kings daughter who had innocent people tortured and beheaded. Humpty Dumpty - was actually a huge canon blown to bits. Yea. Sound of Music Julie was flashing her chest before girls gone wild became popular.

    On topic, I was talking with a Camera dealer today. They are trying to figure out if the Leica is 4:2:2, clean hdmi, etc. They thought 4K may be too much for the sensor. I did phone Leica's head office in the US yesterday, they were in the dark on things too (about the current 1080p whether 422, clean hdmi, etc.) and hope to have clarification as people come back from Germany next week. The 1080p from Leica could be a winner. Or it may not be. Only time will tell.

    On a business perspective, if 4K was possible, it could make sense for Leica to implement or it may not make sense. People thought Red with their 4K was bull$hit. Was it? How many cameras have they sold? Technology has come along way in the last few years. Do you think Leica doesn't have the capability? Leica is in the business of making money. It all depends upon their focus and what they want to do. BMC is coming out with a raw 2K camera. Kineraw with a 2K camera. Digital Bolex is coming with a camera. JVC has a 4K video camera - too bad it isn't an interchangeable lens format. Sony has a 4K camera. GH3 has an interesting beast. Lot's of competition. To stay competitive and to be noticed you need more than lipstick. Cheers.
  10. [quote name='sanveer' timestamp='1348254630' post='18836']
    I am curious to know where you got the info about the Leica having 4k resolution option. Could you post the link. thanks :-)

    There [u][b]is not[/b][/u] a 4K option.

    If many people (perhaps 1000) emailed/contacted Leica to consider implementing 4K in their new M camera, then perhaps they would? They are offering 1080p MJpeg for their video. Perhaps they could offer 4K instead? The camera is coming out early next year. There may be time for adjustments??? Of course it depends upon the constraints of the camera.
  11. Leica will be a private company - potentially they could go in any direction they want.

  12. Here's a thought:

    If a thousand people emailed Leica and requested their new M camera to have a 4K video option, then perhaps Leica would do this? Leica has the video component now. If Canon can disable their 1DX from being a 4K video camera, perhaps Leica can provide the 4K sought after within their camera? Imagine what would happen to Leica sales!

    One thing to keep in mind, we don't know how good the video truly is in their M camera. The 1DX costs $7000, the same as the new Leica. Could get interesting. Stay tune.
  13. Brad Pitt, Jude Law, etc.
  14. Donating and letting Alex know you are interested in better bitrate, etc., must have perked some of the Magic Lantern guys. Some new posts by different programmers including Alex on the bitrate investigation.

    [b]Here's a post by a programmer named Marvin. Read below, quite interesting. [/b]

    Let me share with you my findings with the H264 parameters in the .ini file, I did tons of experiments with Alex back in May, during the quiet days after the "Hello World" :-)

    I'll start with ALL-I.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    Transform8x8Flag = 2
    Profile = 100
    Level = 51
    It seems that these parameters can't be changed (ERR70 if modified). Profile 100 and Level 51 means "High Profile, Level 5.1" in H264 specifications, this is even more advanced than standard Bluray codec which is High Profile Level 4.1.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    BitRate = 90000000
    This parameter might interest most of the people here [img]http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/Smileys/default/tongue.gif[/img] yes it can be changed to maximum 300000000, which is 300Mbps (specified in H264 standards), compared to original 90Mbps default by Canon. But please note that this value is currently only a cap and does not keep the video file at this bitrate. More on this later.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    EntropyCodingMode = 0
    Another interesting parameter, there are two modes which are "Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding (CAVLC), Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC)". default 0 is CAVLC which is lower encoding efficiency but easier for playback. value of 1 enables CABAC which is said to bring 10%-15% quality increase under the same given bitrate.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    IntraPicInitQP = 20
    InterPicInitQP = 20
    QpOffsetForB = 0
    can't be changed if I remember correctly, seems related to initial Quantitization Parameter, more on this later...

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    MinQpI = 10
    MinQpP = 10
    MinQpB = 10
    MaxQpI = 51
    MaxQpP = 51
    MaxQpB = 51
    an important set of parameters, these values affect the actual video bitrate, for ALL-I, after numerous ERR70s I found out that the three "MinQp" values can be changed up to 7, and "MaxQp" values can be changed up to 20. QP stands for Quantitization Parameter which is the lower the number the better, a value of "0" means lossless encoding :-)

    Video shot with these values changed/unchanged did show a noticeable difference in bitrate. Under the same scene and same exposure, I got 70Mbps compared to 40Mbps with Canon default value. Together with the previous "Bitrate" parameter set to 300Mbps I was able to get 151Mbps under ISO12800 compared to 92Mbps default.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    MinBitrate = 0
    MaxBitrate = 0
    can't be changed.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    SarWidth = 0
    SarHeight = 0
    AspectRatioIdc = 1
    VideoFmtAndVspFlag = 81
    VideoFullRangeFlag = 1
    TimingInfoPresentFlag = 0
    not very important parameters, doesn't affect the video much.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    RateControlEnable = 2
    A mysterious parameter and worth looking into, according to some documents, a value of 0 => CBR, 1 => VBR, 2 = Fixed QP. with 0 I get very small video files from 1Mbps to 5Mbps, 1 gives ERR70, 2 is Canon default which must be Canon's secret of manipulating bitrate.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    ScalingMatrices = 0
    pScalingMatrixAddr[0] = 0
    pScalingMatrixAddr[1] = 0
    pScalingMatrixAddr[2] = 0
    pScalingMatrixAddr[3] = 0
    pScalingMatrixAddr[4] = 0
    pScalingMatrixAddr[5] = 0
    Not sure about the exact meanings but don't seem to affect the video much.

    For IPB there is only a few differences.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    Profile = 100
    Level = 41
    BitRate = 10000000
    IPB uses High Profile Level 4.1, the same as Bluray codec. Bitrate can be changed to maximum 62000000.

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    MinQpI = 10
    MinQpP = 10
    MinQpB = 10
    MaxQpI = 35
    MaxQpP = 51
    MaxQpB = 51
    Alex are you sure these are default values? I don't remember LOL, but for IPB, MinQp and MaxQp can be changed to 6 and 30. resulting bitrate can easily hit 62Mbps which is the upper limit set by H264 specifications.

    If you look at the metadata of 5D Mark III's .MOV file, it will tell you that the video is encoded by "EOS encoder", which I think it might be talking to the above parameters directly, if a value is not present, for example, if I change "Profile" to 122 which stands for High 4:2:2 encoding, it will give an ERR70... or if I change the MinQP to something like 2 or 3, video recording will be stuck at "BUSY".

    Hope this information is helpful and can save you some time, good luck folks!
  15. [quote name='Chrad' timestamp='1347977675' post='18451']
    Now that I've looked at the video, I have to admit I'm very impressed. Yeah, it's early, but that tiny glimpse seemed to destroy Canon in colour reproduction.
    What I was saying earlier was that if you have the money to burn to buy a camera for the purposes of filmmaking, you might as well buy a dedicated video camera that shoots raw, like the BMCC or an Ikonoskop (a company that seems a bit like the Leica of video, really) and accessories. But if you have a passion for street photography [i]and [/i]filmmaking and don't mind paying a bit extra for quality, I can sort of see the price being justifiable for hybrid use. Sort of.

    Damnit, now I want one!

    Your point of view is very valid. Leica does cost. I'm hoping the video turns out to be as good as an image offered by a camera selling for 10x the price. Still too early to make a true assessment. The short video tease (compressed 720p) ranked. It didn't look dslr'ish. It looked like film. The camera has Single frame video compression (Motion JPG), so it should be very robust for color grading - it may be satisfactory for most? Cheers.
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