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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. I was able to download 2 videos today. It took me a couple of tries. It is hit and miss. Hopefully they address this downloading issue.
  2. Any programmers on this board by chance who may know how to fix? Below is the latest post by 1% from Magic Lantern.

    The error 70 is coming from here:

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    FF255194: e59f2364 ldr r2, [pc, #868] ; 0xff255500: pointer to 0xa0f ⬁
    FF255198: e28f1e32 add r1, pc, #800 ; *'FcreateFcsMaker.c' ⬁
    FF25519C: e28f0e33 add r0, pc, #816 ; 0xff2554d4: pointer to 0x30 ⬁
    FF2551A0: ebf6fc55 bl assert_0 ⬁
    FF2551A4: e5d4c00f ldrb r12, [r4, #15]

    It is called here:

    Code: [url="javascript:void(0);"][Select][/url]
    str:fcsSetThmMovieDesc_FcreateFcsMaker.c+728: assert_0(0xFF2554D4, 'FcreateFcsMaker.c', 2575)
  3. [i]The programmer 1% says, "If we can stop the error 70 and this doesn't adversely impact quality it would be a winner. I've never written such high BR video this consistently."[/i]

    [b]This programmer figured out the location of the error 70 now. Will they be able to fix it? This is only for ML interest sake. No guarantees. [/b]
  4. Hey Magic Lantern users. The one thing that is desired is getting the quality up on the Canon's. Can they get the bitrates up higher with better quality in the picture.

    Interesting stuff happening with Magic Lantern with their bitrate investigation! These programmers are excellent. They are investigating Bitrates further and are onto something of possible significance. If they can get the detail in the range of a GH2 then big WOW!!!

    Some quotes from a programmer (this guy is amazing).

    [i]I just recorded all I frames and its [u][b]REALLY easy on the buffer[/b][/u] but [b][u]bitrates are still high 90s/100s with no buffer warnings.[/u][/b] Wonder what's up with quality. [/i]

    [i]If we can stop the error 70 and this doesn't adversely impact quality it would be a winner. I've never written such high BR video this consistently.[/i]

    [i]*Gop3 is also easy on the buffer. Q-16 locked it produces high 90s to 110 with ~14% buffer usage. 3 and 6 is what the GH1 people were using.[/i]
  5. I went to the Expendables 2 the other day. The BMC footage reminds me of a filmic quality when "graded" accordingly (for example something like the Expendables 2). People are saying it looks like dslr footagein appearance. In fairness, yea, alot of footage has that appearance due to the color grading (crushing blacks too much, pushing the certain color(s) to hard, etc. (I'm guily of this many times over too). The BM is an amazing camera thus far! Canon better take note. If they'd open up the 5D2/3 with a better codec, or detail from the H264 and give 422, then things get interesting in this price range. Ya never know. But then again...
  6. @JCS, I appreciate your point of view.

    I jump on the bandwagon, jump off, jump on, etc. I get excited then I get not so excited. Testing needs to be done. I've been playing with different footage from various cameras. Some better, some not so good- although people will beat their chest saying the contrary. Also, how the footage is shot is critical - lighting, lenses, etc. People need to take a step back and look at things OBJECTIVELY and put their possible blind passion aside.

    The "detail" in an image is important to me. How the image grades is important. And the list goes on. We'll have to see how the BM story unfolds. I'm staying neutral for now. In the mean time, people should keep a clear head.
  7. Jgharding,

    This is exciting stuff. I've been only able to get around 70 mbps (600x card). Keep up with any tips. I'm the type of guy who'll read, read, read, then miss something only to figure it out later after reading again. I forgot about the audio tip. Any other tips, please post.

    Have you tried the:
    1. ISO functions?
    (excellent explanation: [url="http://magiclantern.wikia.com/wiki/ISO"]http://magiclantern.wikia.com/wiki/ISO[/url])
    2. recommended Flat Picture style?
    3. other favorites?

  8. Tried the new ML. Very well done! Only issue so far is the cbr. I have a 600x card and getting some stoppage (seems to happen when the card gets half full) - it could be me too. Still need to experiment more. The new scopes are excellent.

    By the way, these guys may pull of some more amazing things...422 color space!
    Check the link out:
  9. BTW,
    The dealer I was talking with in June was at NAB and had their order in from the getgo. They deal with BM on a regular basis. This dealer told me that he was informed at NAB time, that BM wouldn't be available till probably October. Advertise the camera for an early release, ie. July, as it will be on people's radar. This will draw attention away from other cameras. Business is business. Someone else posted this info on the BM forum quite a while ago too, and of course, this message was disputed and not embraced. So far this dealer's info has been correct.
  10. For those watching America's Got Talent, this fellow (Eric Buss) was on their special Youtube and Snapple show. His older acts were entertaining. Check this out for a laugh while we wait for Kineraw to update their webpage.

  11. Talked to a reseller who attended NAB about 5 weeks ago. He said to me it wouldn't be till Sept/Oct. He mentioned it is better to have people's attention and offer an earlier date even thought the date will be later. He's right so far. Perhaps a few units will trickle out in August?
  12. Digital vs Film

    Getting your digital looking like film. Yeah, having a proper film look from digital is important depending upon your audience.

    I've seen movies made on film look like they were shot on digital. I've seen digital shot movies and they looked like they were shot on film.

    Went to the Dark Knight Rises and saw it on the AVX screen. I was paying close attention to the "color grading" alot of the time - especially the actor's eyes in certain scenes. People, who do grading, will know what I'm getting at. I found some parts of the movie looked like heavily graded digital and other parts true film. Remember, these are my eyes, and I did poke my cornea recently.

    Storywise, I thought the first 30 to 45 minutes was simply amazing btw (very impressive). It spoiled me.

    On the digital/film topic, I think a well shot movie on digital, and edited/color graded properly, will suffice the harshest critics.
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