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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. [color=blue][b]Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter [/b] [/color]
    I was very pleasantly surprised or should I say shocked!  Lot's of fun and entertaining.  Starts out as an A, turns into a B for a bit, then AAA.  Great ride if you like action flicks with a twisted story.  Reminded me of the Matrix, the Walking Dead, Blade and a Marvel comic book movie all combined.  It isn't for everyone but I liked it.  Details and the cinematography rank high.  I didn't go to the 3d version, but in this case probably should have. 

    Other movies recently taken in:

    Men in Black 3
    Snow White and the Huntsman
    Hunger Games
  2. Thanks for the replies.  I'm in Canada.  Prices from phoning 4 different Canadian suppliers - $2995 up to $3500.  There is one more seller who I need to get a price from - they are located in my city.  I'll most likely pull the trigger once I know the pricing from this last seller.

    I like the BM for what they are offering and the price point.  They are an established company which is important. Sure it is their first kick at the cat with a camera but it may be purring more than people realize.  If the image turns to be close to the Alexa then super wow.  I'm suspecting it will be near that quality from what I'm reading.  I like the size of the camera and the weight too.  These are fun times.  Also, if the BM turns to be a big winner then I'd suspect used Redmx prices may drop further - $12000 used package may go down to $9000?  So buy the BM and then buy a used Redmx if needed later.  Will potentially work out the same anyways.  Lot's of possible options moving forward.
  3. I'm thinking of finally pulling the trigger and putting my order in for the BM.  I still may go for a used Redmx, but if the BM performs as we expect (the BM price point is very attractive too) then it seems to be the logical route to go.  If the image is similar to an Alexa then that is enough horse power for me.  More footage supposedly coming any day now.  So who on this forum put their order in for the BM or are thinking of doing so? ::)
  4. Things are starting to heat up.  BM and Kineraw. 

    KINERAW stuff below:


    [i]The Sex Pixels1 day ago

    On my last visit they told me they were now aiming for an August release. There are a number of tests that I hope to run on the camera leading up to its release date, so you should soon start to get a better picture of its capabilities.[/i]
  5. Footage coming soon!  Note that John has been using the BM as a "b" camera with the Alexa by the way.  Color and dynamic range supposedly close.  Low light isn't as close.  I'm very curious to see update footage and I know many are anxiously awaiting too. 


    [i]So a few things.

    Just this weekend I received a more final version of the Blackmagic Cinema Camera.  This version has a huge number of improvements.  For one thing, there’s now no more dead pixels !  They are getting close to finishing the sensor calibration process.  A lot of other features are starting to be enabled as well.

    The other exciting thing is that ProRes is now active and I’ve started shooting some ProRes tests.  I have to say, it looks really great.  From a workflow point of view as well, it’s really nice to be able to play right of the SSD some beautiful ProRes 422HQ clips.  They look very nice even ungraded.

    There’s also been some more optimisation of the DNG files.  I’m looking forward to trying those out as well.

    I’m hopefully going to now be able to show some more footage as I shoot with this version of the camera so stay tuned ![/i]
  6. Blue balls!  Tease, tease, tease.  Is this what Canon is doing?  Do they realize BM, Kineraw, and others coming...???

    Canon EOS Rebel T4i Has Clean HDMI Out. Almost. *UPDATE*

  7. http://www.personal-view.com/news/articles/johnnie-behiri-confirms-clean-hdmi-out-on-canon-t4i-650d

    Johnnie Behiri confirms: CLEAN HDMI OUT on Canon T4i / 650D

    TweetThis is not a joke. Johnnie Behiri just confirmed that the Canon T4i seems to be Canon’s first HDSLR camera that has a clean hdmi-out feed! Is it usable? That’s an important question. Initial testing was done with an Atomos Ninja 1 and the footage had some issues. The signal is clean, but further testing has to be done to see if the 650D’s signal is actually usable for external recording. Canon & Atomos have been contacted to make sure they can work out any issues here. We’ve seen a similar situation before when the Nikon D800 & Atomos Ninja combination posed some challenges that have now been resolved. A source of the problem could also be the fact that the camera used was a beta model. What does it mean? Up until this day all Canon HDSLR cameras had overlays within the hdmi signal that could not be removed making an external recording impossible. The signal coming from the beta Canon T4i / 650D tested is clean. In theory having a clean signal means that you can record the video feed to an external device like the Atomos Ninja and get a ready to edit, quality encoded Apple ProRes file. The signal from the beta 650D seems to be routed to the hdmi port before it is being compressed. There are definitely less compression artifacts in the footage recorded on the Ninja than in the h.264 internally compressed files. The Canon Rebel T4i / 650D kit with the 18-55...
  8. You're right.  The fs700 also as you are aware, has the future 4k upgrade, nd, slow motion, etc., but I'm looking for image.  The fs100 is a good camera.  The F3 picture, with this test, outshines.  It shows what a 1080p picture can be like.  As you, myself, and others have said, Canon could have upped the anty with the 5D3. 
    The BM will be interesting.  I'm steering towards it.  I'm curious as to how detailed the footage will be.  The voodo magic within a camera, even if it is raw, needs to perform.  I have downloaded "compressed BM" footage.  Even though it is compressed, it could give an indication to what to expect.  The image can be pushed and made to look like film.  The "compressed footage" does lose alot of detail (that's from my experimentation, and yes it is prototype compressed color graded footage).  Whereas, if you download "Red compressed footage" it still can be pushed and it still keeps tons of detail.  So I'm still waiting for final footage from  BM, which from my understanding still might be a while to come out(taking alot more time as they want to tweak it right).  I'm thinking BM will have a winner in the end.  If it does turn out like a junior Alexa (I don't need all the bells and whistles) with a comparable image then BM takes the prize and disrupts alot of video camera manufacturers.  I also am still thinking about a used Redmx as an option too.
  9. The F3 looks to be in a different league.
    The F3 detail is excellent.  As an aside, if you download compressed F3 footage and Red footage, the Red footage seems to hold more info and grades better than the F3. 

    FS700/ 5D III/ F3 ISO Battle

  10. Gene,

    This will probably be the case.  Technology changes quickly.  Leaders can become followers and vice versa.  If you are a leader then sock it to your competitors before they gain the left hook. 

    Canon 5d2 was the flagship.  Competitors are arriving on the scene with products that are trying to gain market share.  Once the beach head is established, then pushing them in the sea will become tougher. 

    Canon could have stopped many people from venturing by giving the 5D3 a few more goodies.  Give true 1080p for a little more cost.  Canon could still have had their other higher end lines as the professional people would still venture.  The $3K to $5K market is for the masses.  Batteries, lenses, and other accessories brings in alot of money.  Black Magic is giving RAW/better codecs for $3k.  So why couldn't Canon?  I like Canon products by the way, however I was hoping for more.  Yea the 1DC is coming but...
  11. I was looking for an external monitor for my 5D2.  This particular monitor swivels at various angles.  A definite plus.  Yesterday, I had a tickle on my neck.  It was a wasp.  I swatted and stomped.  Later, an ant was munching the wasp's remains and I decided to take a quick video.  I had to crouch down on the cement and take the shot (my old joints aren't what they used to be).  With a swivel screen, the shot would have been alot easier.  This screen gives more flexibility to the shooter.  Andrew points out the benefits.  Would I buy this screen?  Well, I'm going to be upgrading my camera either to the BM, SONY, or the RED and maybe even the Canon 1DC if I don't buy before its release.  If I wasn't buying I'd probably buy this monitor.  Maybe I still will purchase it down the road. 

    Andrew's post shows us another option for a monitor.  And yes Canon could have come up with an option too.  Look at the monitor for the C300.  It is amazing. 
  12. Supposedly shipping July (July 30?).  I talked to an independent distributer and he told me to expect October.  Here's from BM a few weeks ago when I asked about the October date.

    [i]Thank you for your interest in the BlackMagic Design Cinema Camera. There has not been any official date announced for the release of the Cinema Camera yet, only that it is shipping in July. I'm not sure where the October date came from but it did not come from us. Our products are released at the same time worldwide so I can't imagine that ordering from the US will get a Cinema Camera in your hands any faster.[/i]
  13. Jay,

    Axel hit the nail on the head.  It takes time, skill, etc., for good images.  Tweaking images is an art and takes practice.
    Taking correct camera shots takes skill.  There are correct ways and the unconventional - and the wrong ways.  Lighting is essential.  And so on.

    Jay, there are "used Red MX" packages going at usually 25% to 40% of original cost (I have seen entire packages as low as $10K).  Some can be had with a warranty.  The only problem is the "used" aspect and the chance of getting the lemon from the bowl of strawberries.  That would be my luck.

    Lot's of options coming up this year.  I'm looking to upgrade.  Here are possibles:

    1.  Black Magic - still early - established company
    2.  Kineraw - still early - footage now coming.
    3.  FS700 - coming this month or early next - will cost for additionals
    4.  Red Scarlet
    5.  [b]Used [/b] Red MX package
    6.  C300 - over priced imo - nice camera.
    7.  1DC - October - possible $13K price???
    8.  JVC interchangeable 4K - fall???or next year???  I inquired about their 4K fixed lens camera (thinking for run and gun shooting) and a senior company official stated a representative was to contact me - never did.    :P
    9.  Leica surprise???  Maybe fall?
    10.  Others
  14. Regraded my original grade - too dark.  Turn the scaling off when watching.  The picture will be small but it'll show how the footage actually looks.

    Found this clip also.  Again, turn off the scaling.  The picture will be small.
  15. I posted this in the prior Kineraw link but things sometimes can get overlooked.  I did a quick color grade for the Kineraw S35 footage (links posted by Dan Hudgins).  The original clip - Clip 3 was originally green. 
    I'm using my TV for the monitor so I hope the colors are acceptable.

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