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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. Oh, what the 5D3 could have been.  I'm on the same page as you with respect  to the 5D3.  For those wanting a "cinema camera" the BM seems like it will be the work horse.  Had a good conversation with a rep today.  I'm starting to think it may be the way to go, depending upon what a person needs.  I was starting to spring onto the Sony FS700 bandwagon, but now I am turning towards the BM wagon.  Fun times lie ahead.  Now throw in Kineraw in the mix and the excitement increases even more.
  2. It was a spur of the moment shot - hand held.  I'm shakey at the best of times.  Tripod, tripod, tripod. 
    I used a different pic style and use AE for grading.  I was basically testing for the color grading aspect and the picture style.
  3. It rained yesterday in my neck of the woods.  My neighbor and his friend were working on a boat in his garage.  I was taking a shot of a tree of all things and decided to take a quick, hand held shot of the two as they labored in the garage.  I gave the shot a quick grade.  Does it look filmic?  I've been on this bandwagon for a bit.    So below is my [i][b]Great Camera Shootout[/b][/i].  All of 9 seconds.  Cheers. :P
  4. Good eye with the purple.  There is a way to grab the video.  Not saying I did, but the footage can be corrected in post.  Also, the footage can be pushed when color grading and it stays intact - although I'm not saying I did. ;)
  5. Here's a quick update with regards to BM.

    From BM representative:
    [i]I have not yet heard anything, but I'm not really expecting much in May knowing what they had on the development pipeline.  I'm guessing it is going to be very late May, but probably more like June, before we see official images.[/i]
  6. By the way, I white balanced with the previous when testing the C300.  Just cover the lens and click the button.  Very easy with the C300 and perfect white balance.  Here's a link to the video.
  7. JSmiller,

    Here's a secret.  I use one of these, see the link below.  I think I paid $1.49 for mine.  Make sure setting on camera is set to manual.  Hold in front of lens and click then follow camera instructions to white balance.  Could be as easy as hitting the button.  On the 5D2 it is a few steps.  Not sure on your camera.  Make sure in manual mode when doing the process.
  8. Went the other day to try out the C300.  Amazing camera as many are aware.  The C300's video monitor great to work with.  Camera is not heavy and very fun to shoot with.  I posted a quick shot below.  The fellow in the shot is six foot five.  He's a fellow film guy who does good stuff.  The shot posted was done under crappy sky conditions - wasn't the best for videoing.  I did a quick grade using my television as the monitor.  LOL. 
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