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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. I was thinking the same about cine lenses.  Throw some better glass on and see what the results are.  I'd like to see more footage with the different cine gamma settings.  Also, this was a "pre" model so Sony probably will have it tweaked better upon release. 
  2. This is a better sony fs700 review.  Touches on dynamic range, etc.  Still has the slow motion but I guess everyone wants to play with the new toy on the block.  LOL.  Good review. 
  3. http://invite.blackmagic-design.com/event2012/

    Meet the BlackMagic Design Team in Los Angeles May 16th & New York May 24th.
    Blackmagic Design will host the Blackmagic Roadshow in Los Angeles on May 16th & New York May 24th. The event will include Blackmagic Design’s complete range of products for broadcast, post production and live events, as well as presentations by Blackmagic Design partners and renowned editors and color artists, as well as a keynote presentation by DigitalFilm Tree’s CEO, Ramy Katrib.

    See the complete range of Blackmagic Design solutions for broadcast, post production and live events! This is a fantastic opportunity to see our newly announced NAB 2012 products for the first time after the event in a series of demonstrations and theater presentations. Join us and key industry partners to learn more about Blackmagic Design products and complementary workflows and solutions.

    During the day the Blackmagic Design team will answer your questions, give technical advice and provide 'hands on' product demonstrations. This is also a great chance to network with other industry professionals and manufacturers, with refreshments provided throughout the day.

    The event, which is free to attend, will include hands on demonstrations and theater presentations of Blackmagic Design’s products, as well as the first demonstrations in California & New York of the new products announced at NAB 2012, including the Blackmagic Cinema Camera, DaVinci Resolve 9.0, Teranex 2D and 3D Processors, HyperDeck Studio Pro, UltraStudio Express, Universal Videohub Editing Interface and Battery Converters.

    As part of the event, Ramy Katrib of DigitalFilm Tree will discuss new workflows and tools used at his LA based post production house. In addition, he will discuss the DaVinci Resolve workflow used by DigitalFilm Tree on the nationally acclaimed television show NCIS: Los Angeles, as well as new studio projects being completed with Teranex standards converter processors.

    Theater presentations and hands on demonstrations will also be offered by Blackmagic Design partners Avid, Adobe, PNY Technology, Magma and Promise Technology.

    A full schedule of the day will be sent out in advance. Whether you can join us for part of the event or the whole day we look forward to seeing you.

    Event Details For Los Angeles:

    * Where: Burbank Airport Marriott Hotel, Academy Ballroom 2 & 3, 2500 Hollywood Way, Burbank CA.
    * When: May 16th, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
    * To attend the event, please visit http://invite.blackmagic-design.com/event2012/

    Event Details For New York:

    * Where: New Yorker Hotel, Ramada Plaza, Grand Ballroom, 481 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY.
    * When: May 24th, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
    * To attend the event, please visit http://invite.blackmagic-design.com/event2012/
  4. The DSLR's supposedly are closer to 10 stops? 

    So the BM with 13 stops is awesome.  I'm curious how much better the calibrated sensor will be.  I wonder if they'll be able to push 14 stops?  or perhaps close in on 15 stops? 
  5. Old Article on DR:

    Remember this:
  6. Red one had a DR of 11.3 stops,RED MX has a DR of 13 stops,RED EPIC has DR of 13.5 stops natively and 18 stops with HDRx, ALEXA has a DR of 14 stops.  Film roughly 15 stops???

    BlackMagic 13 stops and if tweaking is successful, perhaps 14 to 15???  Wow.
  7. Here's an example of dynamic range.  I'm only posting this video between Alexa and Red Mx to show the importance of dynamic range.  I'm not supporting or non supporting either camera.  This is an older video.


    Response by Red.

    Now the BlackMagic is touted to have an incredible DR.  I'm looking forward to some ungraded video from the BM camera for download (as many are waiting for too).
  8. Michal,

    I said, "I'm starting to like the BM more."  If you read some of my prior posts, you'd see that I'm supportive of companies bringing "more" to the market - ie, Kineraw, Sony, BM, etc.  So what's the issue? 

    The aesthetics of BM appears to shine. 
  9. I'm hoping they'll get clean HDMI out for the 5D2.  It's an incredible camera.
    I'm still excited about the BM camera.  How good will it be?  The dynamic range is excellent (talk of up to a few extra stops above the 13 could be a possible - doubt, however 13 stops great).  The video posted to date suggest a very filmic image.  The sensor needs to be calibrated properly.  After these tweaks, will the image parallel to an Arri on most of the shots?  I want to play with some footage straight from the BM camera. 

    The FS700 will be interesting too.  So far alot of slow motion shots from pre-models.  What will the dynamic range be for this camera? 

    We are indoctrinated by camera manufacturers.  Visual perception has changed due to new video cameras too. 
    F35 compared to Arri compared to Red to DSLR.  Getting the footage to look like film is the goal of many.  Exciting times lie ahead in the next couple of months.  Heard some rumblings about May and Canon - could be bs. 
  10. Hi Christian,

    I put the footage on a big screen tv.  Has a filmic look to it.  The footage is very saturated but I think the goal was this type of look - 70's/80's film look.  The "blues" are pushed in the highlights along with the greens.  Everyone has their idea on color grading.  You can achieve an even more filmic look with some playing around.  The camera allows alot of freedom for grading.  You got to give this fellow credit for testing the camera and posting for us.  The bottom line it an alternative and it brings competition to the table.  There has been a shift on how people view film.  People have accepted the more pronounced "filmlook" of the Red video camera and others.  If you go back 10 years, movies on film look different.  Or it could be my aging eyes...
  11. Here's another jpeg.  Incredible dynamic range.


    Note: The camera is not calibrated yet.  So ignore the noise.

    Complete post:
  12. Hi Sara,
    I posted the DR number of 12 for the C500 as a comparison to BM.  The BM will have at least 13 stops.  Maybe BM will end up with 14 to 15???
      I got in touch with BM yesterday and they have been working their tales off.  In a few weeks there should be some raw footage available.  They don't want to release footage prematurely as they want to show the best product at the time.  People are very judgemental, me included, so I can understand their situation with this new product. 
  13. Got in tough with BM today.  VERY PROFESSIONAL and QUICK RESPONSE.

    Asked about "raw video" and various shots for download.
    [i]This is definitely on the to do list.  We were all screaming around trying to get ready for NAB and not everything was able to be done.  The guys were barely able to slip out for a few days with John Brawley to do some test ENG shots.[/i]

    Also, there is more work that they need to get done before they are really happy to say 'this is a finished image'.  So probably within a few weeks there should be more video which we could use to make a better assessment as to what BM truly has. 
  14. Leang,

    BM isn't taking over the world. The internet did with porn, by the way.  BM could grab market share.  In business you don't want to lose market share.  There  is alot of hype with BM and still needs to be proven.  It could impact as did the Canon Mark 5d2.  The 5d2 affected camcorder sales alot.

    With respect to 4k, here's an alternative point of view. 

    Here John Galt writes says about 4k: [i]“The great perpetrators of that mythology have been RED and Dalsa. That’s why I call these “marketing pixels.” It’s intentional obfuscation. Because they really do nothing to improve image quality. They may improve sales volume. But they don’t do anything to quality. But somehow the world has accepted that that’s 4K. It’s purely semantic. It’s like saying, “I don’t like my weight in pounds so I converted to kilos. It sounds better! You’d be amazed at how many non-technical people I meet, often producers and directors, but sometimes even cinematographers get fooled by that stuff.”[/i]
  15. Black Magic will have an effect on the big boys.  Did Red have an effect?  Here's some info:
    1.  Number of hits on BM  plus 100K a while back.  That is a significant number.
    2.  BM is an established company.  It isn't a start up.
    3.  They understand workflow.  Look at their current business.
    4.  Get in with the majority.  Grab a market niche that is in disarray.
    5.  Product appears to be ahead of the curve (it could be competing with Red and C300 in picture quality- more info is needed, but that is the talk).
    6.  Will this camera be the only one produced if it is successful?  Will they stand still?  Will they eventually offer 4k if needed?  I think most people know the answer.  So if they establish a good base, then they can grow with it.

    Look at what Canon did with the DSLR.  They are moving into the motion picture market now.  DSLR's had a huge effect on video camera sales.  Look at how the Canon Mark 5D2 change the playing field.  Now there exists BlackMagic.  It is still early but if they deliver then it could have a serious impact.

    Have large companies in the past, not only camera companies, lose market share when other competitors came to market?  Once you lose market share, then it could take years to recoup if at all.  These are different times.  The internet has changed the playing field. 
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