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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. Rich,
    Clean HDMI out may be a possibility???  Read further below.
    Alex from ML:

    Speaking of DIGIC - I've found a few image filters in Canon's image
    processing pipeline; these can be enabled or disabled very easily. You can
    find 3 of them under Movie menu (those are grayscale recording, negative
    image, and something that looks like purple fringing).

    These functions which use DIGIC registers are found usually by trial and
    error (changing the values in these registers blindly and writing down what
    they do). There are thousands of registers (many of them unused), so
    analyzing all of them by brute force is a huge task. If you would like to
    help with this, let me know and I'll prepare a special autoexec.bin (you
    don't have to write any code, but you shouldn't be afraid of lockups,
    ERR70's and other similar things).

    The following functions were implemented by changing DIGIC registers: FPS
    override, Highlight++, display saturation, display position adjustment,
    custom color palettes, and today, image filters. Other possible
    functionality: [b]clean HDMI out[/b], moving the recorded box around in crop mode,
    custom curves applied to image, anamorphic preview... etc. The good news is
    that DIGIC commands are the same on all cameras.

    This can unlock many things that previously were thought to be impossible
    or very hard.
  2. Basically, here's the score,
    1.  Canon had 3 years to bring out the 5D3 and it so far is a disappointment.  This is their FLAG SHIP.
    2. The"video" landscape changed immensely during the last 3 years.
    3.  People want quality.  Cameras are expensive.  Technology changes.  Putting down $3500 plus for a camera is expensive and risky as the next company could come out with a similar product with options people actually want (true 2k or 4k and with a better codec).  Why should people have to hack a product to a better product too?  Why can't the camera maker give what the consumer wants?  Charge a bit more for upgraded options???  I'd be okay with that.
    4.  Canon could get alot of people jumping ship.  Remember the JVC is coming.  Kineraw is coming.  New GH coming.  And others.  However, Canon may be coming out with what we want shortly?  Will it be too late? 

    Canon is dangling a slighly sweeter carrot in front of people with the Mark 5d3 (3 years to develop!).  Not enough for most people.  Wouldn't it be nice if the Magic Lantern team opened up the 5d2 and got full HDMI out. Or perhaps were able to play with the sensor and get 4k??? Or perhaps change the codec???  Wishful thinking. 

    If Canon gave what people wanted, it would make sense.  Critical mass for the 5d3 would occur.  Canon would make probably just as much on accessories too.  Keeping your audience in this day and age is challenging.  People's loyalty only goes so far.  In business, you want to keep your clients happy not lose them.  Just my disjointed rant of the day. 
  3. Here's a link to more Mark5d3  and footage.


  4. Enjoy the comparison pics.
  5. Agree.
    If a company came out with a $3K to $4K price with [i][b]what film makers want[/b][/i], the market would embrace.  Perhaps Kineraw but will the timing be off?  Perhaps another company???  Or will Canon surprise.  I'd be willing to pay extra for a few "extras".  If Canon offered 3 versions of the Mark 5d iii with more extras but for more cost, I'd be willing to pay. 

    Maybe the magic lantern team will surprise us? 
  6. Too bad the price wasn't cheaper.
  7. Started a thread on this camera as it deserves it.
  8. [url=http://www.canonrumors.com/]http://www.canonrumors.com/[/url]

    4K concept dslr announcement??? April 15?  Or Ron Howard screening?  Maybe Canon attempting to corner the market? 

    This would make sense.  There are rumours of a sub c300 coming and an above c300 model coming.

    The mystery continues.
  9. If Kineraw can get their camera(s) out sooner than later then Canon, Nikon, etc., could have their sales affected.  The big camera makers dangle a few treats for the people and expect the masses to accept this.  Most People understand that the camera makers will offer a few treats although better treats could be offered.  After they squeeze all they can from the consumer,  they'll offer more treats in a "new" model.  The game goes on and on.  For the majority, cameras are very expensive.  Risks of buying are present.  In a year, a camera becomes old technology and the price depreciates.  Interesting times lie ahead.  Curious how the JVC 4k camera will mix in here too. 
  10. Stream video from the net to a tv, such as a 50 inch.  If your laptop has hdmi out and your tv has hdmi input then it is very simple.  The difference is very apparent on the big screen.  The higher end video cameras, red, alexis, etc., do exhibit a superior picture.  The gap between "higher end" and "lower end" does show.  If Canon or Nikon, degraded the picture more than usual due to compression, perhaps the picture may be better than first perceived.  Maybe not.  In my opinion, Canon is setting the stage for further cameras.  Supposedly a lower end c300 version and higher c300 coming.  We'll see.  As consumers, there exists lots of confusion.  Wouldn't it be nice to have the same quality of a Sony F35, 1080P.  Nice to dream.
  11. I'm not sure if people have read this.  Older article on the Assessment of a Canon 5D DSLR.

    [i]The EOS 5D Mark II was supposed to be a professional grade camera. Why then, does it possess serious aliasing issues when compressed for broadcast? At the moment, the 5D2 appears to downscale from its 5760 x 3240 image size to 1920 x 1080 using a relatively simple 3:1 downscaling filter.[/i]

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