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Posts posted by FilmMan

  1. Exciting times with the "raw" with the ML programming.  I used to pester some of the ML folk for developments, such as 422, etc.  I don't know if people remember my Magic Lantern posts from the past.   I'd get really excited and nothing would happen.  Now there exists RAW!  Their unique programming they have produced has taken a lot of grunt work.  It has taken a lot of time.  It isn't simple.  People should embrace the technology.  Raw will be used by some people and it won't be for others. 


    Remember how long it took Red to get things going.  It wasn't simple.  Recording media developed and changed over time.  It wasn't snap the fingers and bam it is here.  It took trial and error.  Look at the Black Magic Camera.  It is here yet it isn't.  It has been a learning curve for that company.  I own the 1DC.  Is it a perfect camera.  Nope but I do like it.  It has taken a while to get used to it - I'm slow - maybe partially retarded when it comes to film making.  


    With any business, the company wants to make money.  Built in obsolesce is common in today's world.  Bought a dishwasher.  The f'n top spinning arm lasts for a year and falls off.  Residual income for the dishwasher manufacturer with me buying new sh*t part.  With cameras, companies are in the game to make money.  They are not our friend.   There seems to be usually a catch when the deal looks good. 


    What is my point on the above rambling?   I'm not too sure.  Only felt like typing.  Cheers and enjoy the raw if using it.  It will lead to bigger and better things.     

  2. @sandro,


    programmer 1% says,


    I've not experienced any overheating on either camera.

    Trying 6D now. Shit have to recover my pics before I do it...

    600D 1280x698 is perfect, no cuts and no more screwed up images. Records over 50 frames... somewhat like 6D did in the beginning with raw burst


    This is what g3gg0 had to say,


    please dont ask about too many models. we are aware that 550d, 50d, 60d, 6d, 600d, 5d2, 7d, etc are also widely used.
    before we start analyzing these models, we want prove our theory by making a reference implementation.

    as soon this reference implementation is proven stable, we will advance to these models. wink.gif

    current state: trying to make the code as performant, stable and portable as possible.

  3.   Alex from Magic Lantern quote: ;)

    Heh, people got excited without even knowing the big news: g3gg0 just discovered how to use the DMA cropping routines, which just made possible RAW video recording at 1920x1080 at 24fps on 1000x cards.

    Technical: we now know how to copy a cropped version of some image buffer at very high speeds (over 700MB/s), and with this trick we can save the video data the card at full speed, without being slowed down by image borders, for example.

    1920x1080 RAW video now requires 83MB/s at 24fps, so it should work just fine on 1000x cards. I didn't try it.

    So, I've lost my patience and rewritten the lv_rec module from scratch, to use these new routines and to experiment with different buffering algorithms. The new module is called raw_rec and outputs the same file format (RAW files).

    Main changes:

    - The ring buffer only uses 32MB memory blocks (maximum we can get). Reason: card benchmarks showed higher data rates for large buffers.
    - Frame copying is done outside the LiveView task (not sure if it has any effect).
    - When the buffer gets full, it skips some frames, rather than stopping.
    - Fewer hardcoded things: should be easier to port.
    - Resolution presets, from 640x320 to 3592x1320.

    Just like lv_rec, this is in very early stages, so you have to compile it yourself.

    Source code: https://bitbucket.org/hudson/magic-lantern/commits/54537cb85d7d

    If you try it, I'd like you to look for any signs of image tearing. The source raw data is single-buffered, but it's possible to make it double-buffered if the vertical sync is less than ideal.

    All credits go to g3gg0 - without his reverse engineering work on understanding the image processor, this would have been impossible.

  4. @JG,  interesting times now.  They are getting 24 frames/sec for around 700 frames (29 seconds).  On the 5D3, it is 1928×850 and raw.  It is still early.  This is very significant as many know.  Having a raw capable camera with Magic Lantern Programming (all their goodies) would give filmmakers a very robust camera.  Hmm, I may have buy a second camera.  Cheers.

  5. Another developer on 422 with the 5d3.  For those interested read below.

    • Posts: 836
    uncompressed YUV422 video recording
    « on: Today at 12:07:12 AM »
    Currently i am working on a module that records YUV422 data to card.
    This code will only work when compiled from repository (there is no release yet)

    5D3: can record 1904x1274 @ 12.5 fps

    here some example video:
    (not sure how to make it look better and not take 600MiB)

    here some sample images:

    there are three major options
     - Frame skipping: record every n-th frame. choose 2 on 5D3 in 25 fps mode to record with 12.5 fps *continuously*
     - Single file: save some processing time by writing a single file. you have to split it later on your computer. (maybe the 422 converters will somewhen support this?)
     - RAW mode: not working yet, just saving gibberish wink.gif

    right now the module is not user-friendly. press start and it will record 2000 frames.
    it will abort if the buffers are exhausted.
    you can also abort by removing battery wink.gif
    « Last Edit: Today at 12:39:47 AM by g3gg0 »
  6. Alex quote,

    There's a debug flag (lv_save_raw) that enables this. Coutts found it a few months ago on 6D, but back then we had no clue what it could be or how to decode it.

    So, the missing piece from the puzzle was the 14-bit decoder from the raw histogram experiments, and the location of the LV RAW buffer (visible right away once g3gg0 understood how EDMAC works).

    The DNG encoder from CHDK worked pretty much out of the box.

    I'm now trying to sync FPS override with shutter speed, so you can take slow exposures too.

  7. 4K workflow needs storage as everyone is aware.  The 1DC has a compression of roughly 7 to 1 or so?  In Canada, during the "Black Friday" sale in the States, there were Canadian "black sales" too.  I bought 4, 3 TB hard drives (I think I paid around $80 a piece).  Other components were cheaply bought too.  Had my computer made.   Watching prices and buying at the right time could save a lot of money.  Some companies offer to beat competitor pricing by additional percentages too. Cheers.

  8. Brellivids, I think that way all the time.  But that is the reality.  Many times, I  go the cheaper route and then regret my decision a lot of times too.  So for a few hundred bucks more I went the Smallhd route.   Everyone has been saying the Smallhd is quality.  Well, I received the AC7 tonight (I bought the package deal).  It looks to be of excellent build.  The "arm" that comes with this package deal,  is quality and not cheap.   I plugged the monitor into  my 1DC and it froze.  After thinking I got a dud or my camera is "f" up'ed I  removed the 1DC battery.  Turned off the SmallHd and unplugged the battery plate cable.  Put everything back together and all is good.  I started to play around taking a few shots.  Focusing is a awesome.  Don't have to squint and wrinkle my ugly face excessively anymore.  Will update as I learn - I am slow.   Still early for me.   Cheers.

  9. Robin, good to hear you like your SmallHD.  I'm tired of squinting which is leading to premature aging myself with more wrinkles.  Maybe I'll get some shot in focus too.  Cheers.

  10. According to the UPS tracking info, I'm supposed to receive the monitor later today.  I didn't go with the Oled due to the added expense and, I didn't need it at this time.  Cheers.

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