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Everything posted by Germy1979

  1. Can you put Cinestyle on this? #don't answer that.
  2. So,   Before I get Sodomized like forum Roid Rage for the title to the thread, the purpose here is that I like shooting as close to a "Log" style profile as possible.   This past weekend I had the opportunity to play with a new 6D with the CInestyle profile on it.  For New Years, we decided to burn the Christmas tree at 2:00 in the morning....completely sober of course.    My friend and I saw this as an opportunity to test its low light/DR capabilities...    We used the new Rokinon 35mm T1.5 Cine at around F/2 I believe.  The Iso was upwards around 12,000 + however.  This, with Cinestyle, yielded a clean low light image that saw more than we could.  I was pretty impressed...  What was really cool also though, was when the tree erupted like a Jubilee and didn't blow the whole scene apart.  Clipped, yes...  but the GH2 I was holding let out a resounding fart, and told me it would call me tomorrow.    I know a Full Frame is supposed to gather more light and thus, do better in low light than a M43 sensor (in theory)..   The GH3 has far more options though in terms of Picture Styles than the 2 did, and the Latitude is said to be better on the 3.    I know the Panasonic will win the resolution contest here, I've seen plenty of those comparisons.. lol.  I'd like to see a "Flat Picture Style" comparison vid though that shows a nice Log style image ready for grading!  Maybe just put Cinestyle on one of the new Canons, and see if the GH3 can match it at that point...?    I'm asking because the Panasonic won't throw rainbows up everywhere if I point it at a roof like a Canon will.  (Sans 5D3..  but that's $3000 vs $1300.)  The Panny has a lot more detail, better codec, 1080 slowmo, versatile lens mount, blah blah, etc.  The Canon undeniably whooped the GH2's ass the other night in the high iso low light category..  So it'd be nice to rule that out it you could get close on the GH3.    Probably a dumb inquiry, yes...  But i'd like some (gentle) input if someone had experience in this area with both cams!    Thanks!!!!
  3. The first thing i notice really is the highlight clips look much better on the GH3... Like they roll off smoother.  I was never concerned about the Gh3 having good detail, I figured it would.  The problem for me was always the roid raged digital sodomy assault in the highlights on the GH2.   I tried exposing for the highs, and pushing the lows in post like the "GH2 Dynamic Range Myth" video suggested, but even with the high bitrate, it just looked dirty.   I was hoping the Gh3 could get close to a "Cinestyle" type of Profile to shoot in..  I've yet to really see it, but I've heard "Natural" with contrast dialed back -5 is pretty good, but I'd like to see a comparison vid.    Actually...  That's a good idea.  I think I'll start a new post.  lol.
  4.   What gets me is people still snatch these Canons up like they don't care.... lol. 
  5. ..."I wanna be a millionaire, so freakin baaaaad."
  6. I'm convinced that with the proper marketing, moire can become an aesthetic like auto-tune became a "sound" lmao.. Rainbow bricks beeeotch!!
  7. [quote name="hmcindie" post="24313" time="1357140069"]This was shot with the 5d   [url=https://vimeo.com/55403443]https://vimeo.com/55403443[/url]   Absolutely astounding. Doesn't get more cinematic than that. It's awesome how people in the Reduser forum were fooled into thinking it was film until the colourist herself confirmed that it was 5d.   [url=http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?92063-quot-Sleepwalking-In-The-Rift-quot-Anyone-Know-What-This-Was-Shot-On]http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?92063-quot-Sleepwalking-In-The-Rift-quot-Anyone-Know-What-This-Was-Shot-On[/url][/quote] That's pretty crazy pulling DR like that in that last shot on a 5D, lol. ML hdr?
  8. I haven't messed with the 5D3, but the 6D impressed the hell out of me this last weekend. In terms of Low Light at 12,000+ iso, it saw more than we did and it was clean. I never saw the banding issues that everyone talked about regarding Cinestyle, so I can't comment other than I always got better results with it, than without it. Aliasing is an issue on the 6D though apparently, even though I didn't notice it, I didn't point it at power lines or bricks either. Maybe if these cameras were a little cheaper, people would be more forgiving... Since it gets compared to the $500 Gh2... lol.
  9. My New Year's resolution is the reprogramming of positive thinking...lol... So I'll just agree on the comment above regarding Battle Tested Scarlet pricing being good:) ...(hopefully!) The MX sensor shot plenty of good movies... However, the elephant in the room will always be the media for me on Red. At 4k, I'd assume anything under at least the 256gb ssd would be a waste of time to invest in? I've never shot on a Red so I don't know.. I know the BMCC is supposed to give you about a half an hour raw on a 256gb ssd at 2.5k resolution, so even then, the next step up for Red is the 512gb ssd... $3900.
  10. @Gravitatemediagroup is right regarding video on the 6D. With Cinestyle, it will see more than you do in the dark. At 25,000 + iso, the image has dirt,...but any camera will degrade that high up. It's honestly the cleanest low light performance i've seen come out of a Canon at an iso that high. Here is a link to a C300/6D low light shootout: https://vimeo.com/55633499 I'm sure it probably has issues with Moire / Aliasing, but i can't see this camera not getting enough attention to spark production of its own AA filter from Mosaic Eng. eventually. This is about as fanboy as I get regarding Canon, but it impressed me this weekend in terms of video. Having a faster processor opens doors the 5D2 couldn't, like an external monitor that doesn't go black for 5 seconds when you hit record so it can down rez to 480p. Magic Lantern has this camera on their roster, which means higher bitrates, and a ton of other features will be available soon. It's funny but these cameras are like Stratocasters. You buy one, and the first thing you do is upgrade everything on it.
  11. Yeah Fincher's take on that digital vs film movie Neo hosted was pretty straight forward. I'd hate to capture a phenomenal performance where all the stars aligned, only to wait a day to find out something screwed up the shot. He ripped on the Genesis system pretty hard too.... Lol.
  12. What a combo... Seriously. It sucks that Isco's like that are no longer produced and are like archeological discoveries when you can find one. It'll be interesting to see what SLR Magic brings to the table with anamorphic lenses.. The crop factor on the BMC with an M43 mount will be huge when it comes to glass. Less edge blur with wider lenses.. Even though they balance out to larger sensors with longer lenses, it's great for a guy that has a nice set of wides. I think the big thing for me on the BMC is the freedom to make a movie without the camera telling me I can't have that shot.
  13. [quote name="Matt" post="23413" time="1355306710"]You could always use it for this! :) [img=[url="http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/3166/lensmug.jpg%5D%5B/quote%5D"]http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/3166/lensmug.jpg][/quote][/url]lol! is that the 24-105? It's funny how misleading the box to this damn thing is. I thought my wife had went above and beyond on Christmas a couple years ago. I saw "L" and thought, "yes sir!" ...Only to fake a smile 10 seconds later.
  14. [quote name="EOSHD" post="23354" time="1355237236"]I am really torn over this. Cannot figure out if the problem is as you say above - messing with culture - and the shock of it suddenly changing, or if the aesthetic of 24p is fundamental to our human vision in making an immersive cinematic experience. Nobody in their right mind preferred the look of 60i over 24p in the DV days so why suddenly now is The Hobbit shot this way?[/quote]Exactly. Other points on the matter we're in regards to the 3-D in the film and how 48fps aids a smoother viewing with less motion blur. For that purpose, cool. As far as 24p and how we see it, I can say if I'd had to watch The Goonies growing up at 60i, at 6 years old i'd still have thought, "wtf is this?" Or any film for that matter, even before I understood how all of it works. It just does. I think it "is" part of the aesthetic of visual storytelling. Someone will bring up the success of the Blair Witch project or the Paranormal series however, and have an argument as well. At the end of the day, most of us aren't that technical. All I hear between the lines from it's current reviews are, "It's beautiful, but f'ckin weird to watch." It'll be interesting to see how the masses react that have no idea how frame rates affect a film.It's like They're overhauling what "cinematic" means altogether. Which hey, however you wanna tell your story, do it. I hope "if" I ever did have the opportunity and budget to shoot my masterpiece, I could shoot it at 24fps without being shutdown for being outdated. I can't see 24fps going away anytime soon, but if it ever catches on, money talks.
  15. I don't want to judge why I tend to agree with the critics who are having a hard time with it, because I may see it and change my mind.  I'm sure it's something that everyone will have to get used to...  If for the last 100 years we'd all been watching 48fps and suddenly somebody slows it down to 24, we'd probably have the same reaction...  It's different.  You're messing with a key ingredient in a huge part of our culture.   When all of this talk about the Hobbit being shot at double the frame rate started going around, the first thing I saw in my head was a Middle Earth home video that just looked cheesy as hell.  Just another ploy to "change" things...which I'm all for innovation, but part of what I think makes 24fps work in cinema is how slow it is.  Really, go up just 6 frames to 30, and it takes on a new character.  Part of the magic of that slow frame rate is the disconnection it creates for the viewer...  They watch films to get "lost" in the story.  I'm trying to develop this into words but it's hard to explain why it just "works."    I'm not saying a great story can't be enjoyed at a higher frame rate.  If immersion is the goal, then it should be fine.  Just seems like everyone is saying it's all drawing attention to itself.  It's a bold scenario to try though...  In Indiana where I am, only ONE theater in the whole state is showing it at 48fps...the other 1,000 or so the usual 24.  Which begs the question, what's the damn point? 
  16. You guys see his new one? (People) "Natural" looks flat as a board. That's one of the 7 correct?
  17. These 2 cameras shoot raw. That's like, the only similarity they share... One is $40,000 and the other is $3000. It was designed for the guy with the dslr.... not the Ferrari. You may as well compare it to an Alexa then.
  18. Seriously...i would imagine if a $40,000+ camera is even an "option" for you, you're more concerned about Mr. Pitt. On paper, yes, the $35k camera with the bigger sensor, higher bit color, modularity, global shutter, higher frame rates, and 4k ability..(for another $5k) - is the better camera... for that market. The thing I never hear about is, don't you think Blackmagic could've made a camera like that? More than likely.. & then we wouldn't be having this conversation. So granted, you can rent. I don't know of any big budget productions where the DP said, "dude. f-ck fox. I have some Alexa's at the house. Gimme 10 minutes." They rent i'm pretty sure 95% of the time. But there again, we're talking about a different market even if they didn't.. At that level, they probably look at the BMC like the defacto crash-cam replacement for the 5D2 and I would assume, because it's only $3000. The argument shouldn't be that this "5-digit $$,$$$" camera is better than the Bmc..At the end of the day, money talks. If you're even "excited" about the Bmc when the Alexa, Epic, F65 shoot raw....it means you're probably poor, lol. ..forgot to add this in, so praise the edit option... The bmc doesn't have a production launch film like "Mobius", or "Dig" does it? Canon didn't market the C300 with random test shots of a woman frolicking around.. They launched a campaign of short films with it in its native demographic on lenses that cost souls. Blackmagic doesn't "have" to do this, but it should. We all know the advantages of raw, 12 bit, etc.. But for the simple fact that it hasn't had the royal treatment yet, i'd like to see it.
  19. i bought a plug in adapter on Amazon for my GH2 in April. A little ghetto seeing as it's a Gh2 battery with a cord hanging out of its ass. the battery door still closes though, and the cord can disconnect about 3 inches away from the camera to the other half that plugs into the wall. i was thinking about getting an external battery like the Switronix to add some productive mass to that little bastard. Even with a Voigtlander on the front, I have had no luck getting a proper balance on any steadicam. it's too light. So aside from taping a dumbell to the cheese plate, if the adapter works, maybe this could work. Way off track, sorry.
  20. [quote name='filmConvert' timestamp='1354159930' post='22598'] Hey all, apologies in advance for barging in on the conversation, but we just found this list, and wanted to let folks know that we've just released a brand spanking new version of FilmConvert, with all sorts of new camera specific profiles. In particular, we've now got Technicolor, Flaat, Prolost, and Marvels Cine picture style support for your 5D, as well as full GH2 support with data on all the built in profiles. We're always on the lookout for feedback from keen filmmakers, so we'd love for you to cruise over to our site, grab a copy, and tell us what you think. Cheers all! [/quote] annnnnd the GH2 profiles look awesome:)
  21. Who DP's this? It looks like daytime television. My wife loves this show, and all I can think about when I watch it is, "Damnit. This looks like a C300 on a stage." well that and, .. the strange parallel formula it has to NCIS in character dynamics. The badass, the equally badass woman on the team with a foreign intelligence background, the old guy with wisdom, and of course, the eccentric lab geek. and the terrible dialogue. lol.
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