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Walter H

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Everything posted by Walter H

  1. I don't think it's a nitpick. I was expecting to shoot F-Log with the exposure tools and / using a monitoring LUT with my SmallHD Focus. Buh-mer.
  2. Well, unsurprising actually, but thanks for the confirmation.
  3. Totally agree. Unhelpful, unnecessary, ego-driven, snarky. No, Kisaha, it is not "simply pointing out information" if your reply swings that way. These sorts of comments just bring the purpose of these forums down. I'm looking forward to spending significant time with the new firmware later in the week. Curious if the slow-mo aliasing issues of the X-H1 show up in the X-T2 post-firmware update - in the 60p as well. Glad, glad for the Flog and Eterna LUT. Jonnie at Cinema 5D had a nice, short intro to the new firmware. Basic story but the images look good.
  4. @Vladimir Thanks for sharing your work. Hard to discern much from about the X-H1 from that set of images - very much about creating an emotional feel rather than the "impact" of the second half. Can you say a bit about settings that worked better for you / differences from the X-T2 that you appreciated from bit rates to lens options, etc.? Whatever stood out to you / made the the shoot easier or not?
  5. I hear you but not everyone is film making. I'm trying to use my X-series cameras as a b-cam to my C100mk2 for interviews or as a stand-alone when I want a smaller kit. The fact that the X-T2 and X-H1 cannot switch between batteries w/o interrupting the recording is a real bummer, certainly for the interview approach I prefer. This becomes more challenging when doing both stills and video over the course of a working day and batteries have been partially drained in the grip. It's an issue for me and makes the new camera not working it. Interesting. I experienced the flow of battery use the opposite in the X-T2 - grip first. Results in blood pressure are the same however.
  6. That is an excellent review shared by @jindrich. Interesting to see the behavior of the IBIS in the "Laguna Beach" video. I've just packed up the X-H1 I recently purchased and sent it back to Adorama. It really is an excellent camera and so many improvements over the X-T2 for a true hybrid shooter. These were my issues: I also experienced too much jerkiness with the IBIS. In "Laguna Beach" you can see some of the hops and jerks now and then, even within their chosen edit. Even with smooth, slow pans, I would have a fair bit of this. I spoke with a Fuji tech yesterday and "Dan" informed me that is was likely an issue of "buffer on the sensor" and that was all he could say. There are time too when the IBIS produces an effect akin to a warp stabilizer in post that I loathe. I also picked up a Fringer Pro adapter and much prefer the quality of the stabilization I get in my Canon 17-55/2.8. I am using this with both my X-T2 and tried it with the X-H1, both IBIS off and lens stabilization on and IBIS on and lens stabilization off as well as both on. For me, relying on the lens stabilization in the Canon produced the best look consistently. I would love to use my fast, small Fuji primes, obviously, but this 1st gen. just IBIS just isn't there yet for me. The other issue I had was the increased aliasing in the X-H1's 1080p/60 vs. the X-T2. It's there. So with the Fringer adapter, the upcoming firmware, and examples like what @Vladimir posted, I've got a lot of mileage to pull from my X-T2 still. Feeling good about that. Excited about that shutter mechanism coming to the X-T3 or an X-H2 with better IBIS and aliasing control. Oh, lastly, I think the new grip is not universally better. It is better than an X-T2 w/o the battery grip, which I shoot with, but felt just a bit more than what I wanted. Subjective, is all.
  7. Dude, you had me until your previous post. Now I wonder how sincere you are to make a move for in-the-moment needed cash. You are in the same breath lusting after other things (i.e. the most expensive route of a $2k new body) and saying that you are so broke you need a body in the $500 range. Which is it? And how much can you actually make by selling what you have to purchase other, lesser equipment. You love your camera and Zeiss lenses. Refer to posts by @Mark Romero 2 and @anonim. I am all for cutting out the hardware "fluff" and selling off anything you do not need, but the notion of downgrading might leave you very unsatisfied. I'd suggest being honest and doing a budget sheet to calculate what you could reasonably sell your kit for, actually sell two lenses you have not used in the past year (if they exist), calculate what a lesser "kit" would cost you, and then figure out HOW ELSE to raise the difference in cash you need. I've no idea of your circumstance but picking up some other part-time work and budgeting tightly for a couple months might be all you need. If this does not work, then sell the GH5 and m43 lens and any Zeiss glass you don't use. Keep the rest of the Zeiss glass and say, I'm giving myself a year to get my financial life in order and then re-enter passion film making. Learn some new skills in the meantime and shoot with your phone.
  8. Gotcha. Fully understand. If I could provide you with a body, I gladly would. Thank you for your work and for making it available! I look forward to downloading and experimenting with your LUTs this weekend. Where are you located, btw?
  9. Ich kann auch Deutsch wenn nötig! @Attila Bakos Amazing! Yes, would like to talk more about a flatter Eterna. I have a X-H1 that I believe I will return early next week. Want to give myself the weekend to be sure, but with the upcoming X-T2 firmware, I think that sealed it for me. What I would miss the most is the Eterna and the shutter if the X-H1. You could help with one of those at least! Can you give me a shot list to shoot in both Eterna and FLog that I can shoot I've the weekend? Various conditions? What do you need?
  10. As another C100mk2 shooter, totally agree. @everyone Here is something interesting - http://colorizer.net/ I will contact them about possibly creating an Eterna LUT. Would be great if others did as well. Regardless, really hits the mark of having a film sim LUT without the heavy contrast curve I dislike in the official Eterna LUT. I am certainly buying them a coffee.
  11. Fujirumors believes there will be an announcement tomorrow but that the firmware will not be available till May - https://www.fujirumors.com/leaked-full-details-of-upcoming-firmware-udpates-first-images-of-gf-250mmf4-and-gf-1-4x-teleconverter/ I wish it were that effective. I find the curve imposed by the LUT to be too harsh. If there was an Eterna color / mild-curve LUT that could be further refined, I would appreciate that a lot.
  12. Interesting. I may not be the first to upgrade then. I'm not crazy about inheriting one of the image issues that would keep me from holding onto the X-H1.
  13. We will find out soon, but I and others have noted already that what is the X-T2's image is nice at 1080/60p and the X-H1 trips up. Will try to post what I have noticed the past few days later this eve.
  14. @Attila Bakos Are you shooting with the X-H1 now?
  15. Yes, I've been desiring internal F-Log as well and with the hopes of the Eterna LUT... But in playing with F-Log from the X-H1, the bummer about the LUT is that it applies a REC 709 curve which crushes shadows far too much for my liking. I wish there was an Eterna LUT with a much milder curve. When I simply applying a curve to F-Log pushes, blues push toward teal or purple (depending upon initial WB), i.e. more fiddly color correction, whereas the LUT just nails the color in a click. But that curve... I currently have an X-H1 which I am debating to return. This is tough - trying to determine if it brings enough benefit. I LOVE the shutter, the Eterna, relative ease of switch between photo and video, internal stabilization, quickly grabbing both photo/video with my Fuji lenses. The body grip is GOOD but I'm very happy with the X-T2 plus external battery grip. Either work well for lenses such as Sigma's 18-35. The X-H1 plus battery grip does appear larger to subjects - it's more noticeable - than the X-T2 and that's a bummer for the lower-profile event shooting that I do. I like to blend for candids. I would likely shoot the X-H1 w/o the battery grip at such events. I am MEH on the performance of the internal stabilization. It is great to shoot stabilized footage with my 23 or 56, etc. But there is jumpiness that I don't care for and at wider angles, there at times appears to be a "warp stabilizer" effect that I really loathe - I think it happens with a slight change of pitch rather than pan or tilt motions. I have been spoiled with the lens stabilization of Canon's 17-55/2.8 on my C100mkII. I've just picked up Fringer's Smart Adapter and now I really like that lens on the X-T2. It's just large, doesn't go to 1.4, etc. I DISLIKE the amount of additional aliasing I am seeing in the X-H1 footage. We all know about the 120 slow-mo but I see it in the 60p in circumstances where the X-T2 has none. Need to look more at the 24p in both HD and 4K to compare. The IBIS irregularities and the aliasing dissuade me. Now with this firmware update for the X-T2. Hmmm....
  16. There is no "easy" laptop hack. It's one thing to get OS X working and quite another for it to run fluidly and optimally. I have built three HackPros in the last six years and am using the third as my daily editing machine. No issues. I am nursing my late 2011 15" MacBook Pro and will continue to as long as possible. Tonymacx86 is a good resource.
  17. Totally reasonable to consider BUT this is a thread about the XT-2, not what best compliments the C100mkII as a b-cam. *wink face* I brought that is as another comparison for the XT-2 base upon how I work and what I hope to do with the camera that I couldn't with the XT-1. In fact, I was agonizing over wanting to stick with Fuji for stills but needing a b-cam. I was considering switching back to Sony for stills and a second camera for video. I was considering a D750 too. I posted this bit with the C100 since the XT-2 can now viably, it seems, play that role and I'm pretty pleased about it. I do think the XT-2 is clunky for video in the way that all these cameras with this form factor are. It reinforced for me my move to a proper video camera for video. I'm glad tho that Fuji now provides rather than precludes. (p.s. sidenote: I also couldn't get right with the GH4 in part for colors but mostly due to DR and the roll-off to the highlights was just too harsh for me.)
  18. Yes, we'll see. The C100's isn't your average 4.2.0. I was one of those "purchase a Ninja Star" people until I realized that it's improvement over the Canon's internal AVCHD was negligible. I don't do extreme image manipulation, green screen and I've never had a concern with CLog and the internal codec. As I mentioned, Canon's Wide DR profile had more flexibility than the XT-2 profile (blacks crushing more easily) but the XT-2 is quite good - perhaps very good. We'll see how this translates to internal FLog. I agree - the bulk is a greater turn off than the $. Not how I want to use the camera.
  19. If if weren't for Color Finale and Neat Video, I don't think I would be using FCPX. CF was very good and I'm still getting on top of the new features of CF Pro which is much improved - a lot of streamlining to repeat corrections and looks, great integration of LUTS, etc. I really like it - love the curves and and the wheels are a breeze, etc. (Now if only there was a proper sharpening plugin for FCPX...) I didn't use a ColorChecker. I recently purchased a Passport version but am not accustomed to it in my workflow - need to start! "Back to topic," after I set exposure and white balance on both cameras, I merely looked at the two screens (man - amazing how much better the C100mkII screen is vs mkI) and then went into the XT-2's custom WB to take out a bit of green that I saw on the XT-2's screen compared to the C100. Once in Final Cut, I made no further color adjustments to either camera other than take an almost equal amount of red out of the mids. I made separate exposure adjustments but otherwise, no color adjustments to get the XT-2 and C100mkII "talking" to each other. I'm pleased it was that easy. One thing I noticed tho is that the C100 seemed to have more information to push around in the file. If I needed to be more aggressive, the C100's image seemed more robust. Particularly with the black levels as the XT-2 wanted to crush blacks with less adjustment. I'm a CLog person mostly and I soooo want to work with FLog to compare. No desire to dump another $850-$1200 on a 4K recorder, however.
  20. Face/Eye AF was OFF in photo mode. As far as I can tell, I don't have the option of enabling it for video even if I wanted. Fn button is unresponsive and option is greyed out in the menu during video mode.
  21. Here is my first attempt to intercut the XT-2 with my C100mkII. I had hoped to have the XT-2 as a companion in this way and I'm pretty happy about it already. Camera settings in the video and more info in the description. Short report is that I used Wide DR and ProNegStd dialed down. I shot the XT-2 in 4K. pswd: twocam
  22. Actually, you cannot change ISO while recording, but I'm referring to things like zebras and histograms, etc.
  23. I spoke with Billy at the Fuji booth at PhotoPlus (NYC) on Friday - compliments and feedback on the XT-2. He asked how the XT-2 has changed my work and obviously I talked with him about video and that the camera was "almost" to the point that for certain events, I could use it exclusively for photo/video vs. always bringing my C100 mk. II and using the XT-1 for stills. I emphasized the shortfalls for me was the lack of exposure tools in video to which he was very acknowledging - "That's a priority for me too." I also mentioned the desire for internal FLog - "We are hearing that from everyone..." He will be in Tokyo next month and said he would be bringing two months of feedback with him. His tone was appreciative and optimistic. It was clear to me that they don't feel at all complete with camera's video as it currently stands.
  24. Also frustrating to note that FLog is apparently only available as 4K output, not available in 1080p HDMI out. That's what the menu told me but outputting to my Ninja Star just now confirmed it. Wish it weren't restricted to 4K only. Firmware, Fuji? Nice to note that the 422 HQ 1080p wasn't a marked improvement over the internal recording using @Lothar's settings. I will do a few more comparisons of 1080p internal/external this afternoon. Wouldn't claim it yet but could be another Canon C100 scenario in which the ext recorder is redundant unless needing Fuji's flat profile.
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