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Everything posted by JHines

  1. Very cool article. Great content. Thought the short was riddled with suspense which kept me watching. Only negative I saw was the really bad noise on the last shot and the out of focus shots every now and then using a DOF too thin on the Steadicam. 
  2. Summertime vibes in Florida. Details in the Vimeo caption. Enjoy.    https://vimeo.com/68629926
  3. I am selling a like new 82mm Lightcraft Workshop Digi-Pro fader for $200 + shipping if anyone is interested. Message me or post on here. 
  4. Damnit I deleted my post accidently. I'll re-write it tomorrow... haha. Here's a raw grab(Facebook hosted) from yesertday. 1920 x 1080 5D3 128GB Transcend 1000x card Canon 70-300L.
  5. I HIGHLY doubt Canon will be topping the image quality that the 5D3 ML raw provides in a camera under $12,000 during the next 3-4 years. I have a feeling they will offer 4K burst modes to record high resolution video for limited amounts of seconds with anything under the 1DC. Maybe they'll step up and actually try hard but when they release an 8-bit 1080P camera for 20 fucking grand, I'm not going to hold my breath.
  6. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7QlH_BH2m32VmNkUWhFd194bHc&usp=sharing
  7. Nice. That's pretty much as good as it gets right now speed wise. I'm stoked on my 64GB Komputerbay cards. Hopefully they hold up over time, if not they come with a lifetime warranty according to Komputerbay so they should be able to be replaced if something were to happen. I bought 6 different 128GB Komputerbay cards hoping I'd find a fast one but had no luck finding any performance near what the 64GB cards write and read at. The best 128GB I've tested so far has been the Transcend 1000x. 
  8. Yes and it's been fixed in later builds or the newer version of raw2dng for Windows. Happens on edges of high contrast. Usually on blown highlight areas transitioning to darker colors. The latest June 3rd build seems to be working really well for me.
  9. What eveyone running the ML benchmarks need to bear in mind is whether live view is on or off. When it is off, your write and read speeds will be much faster, showing you the true write and read speed of the card.   My Komputerbay 1000x 64GB cards are faster than my Lexar 10000x 64GB card. Live view off I hit a peak write speed of 118.9MB/s, read speed of 150MB/s. With live on I hit a peak write speed of 95.5MB/s and a read speed of 121.8MB/s. I think I got lucky with an extremely fast batch of cards.
  10. Such a massive camera... When the image coming out of the 5D3 is close to identical, I'll take the 5D3 any day of the week over the Kine.   So is it possible to convert the 5D3 raw files straight to Cineform raw or do we still have to convert to DNG and then to Cineform raw?
  11. Could you post some Cineform raw files to play with? $300 seems a bit steep but being able to save the raw files in the cineform raw sounds pretty amazing to archive with. Can you edit a Cineform raw inside Photoshop or Lightroom like the DNG files?
  12. Just picked up a 128GB 1000x Transcend CF card and it's consistently a good 10-12MB/s faster than my fastest 128GB 1000x Komputerbay card, which topped out around 74MB/s. I can record 1920 x 1080 with the Transcend reliably while the Komputerbay I can only go up to 1920 x 900 reliably.
  13.   This chart should help with knowing what ISO's to use to reduce the presence of the fixed vertical noise patterns. Looks like 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 are the cleanest. Curious to try shooting a daylight wide landscape with ISO 100 and 800 to compare the vertical patterns. Seems like once you get above 800 it's less apparent as all the noise kinda blends together. I was shooting at 160 for my first raw test video and I'm pretty sure that ISO made the vertical banding worse.  
  14. Thanks for doing these tests! Awesome to hear our mushy 5D3 image now has the ability to shoot a more detailed and vibrant image than with the stock compression. Even more awesome to know it compares closely with the Cinema line.    Some of your shots from the 5D3 are still showing some of the fixed vertical patten noise. This is my biggest concern after shooting raw with my 5D3. Having to push the luminance sliders past 50 (up to 75 for some shots) is definitely making the image more muddy. Sharpening helps bring back some detail but it's a shame so much noise-removal is necessary to get a clean image with no vertical lines. Maybe this will be worked out eventually? You've mentioned you like to shoot a few notches under-exposed to retain better highlight detail but it seems more people are reccomending the opposite, over-exposing then bringing down the highlights, in order to help with the vertical pattern issue. I'll have to do some more comparisons to see if this verifies but it's typically the way I shoot photos with my 5D3.
  15. Cinema5D was claiming their 128gb 1000x Komputerbay cards were much faster than what Andrew and I have been getting. I'm wondering if I should just order 5-6 cards at once and only keep the fastest ones? Thoughts?
  16. Naysayers and narcissistic brand pushers can poo-poo all they want on ML's raw developments. They can hide their jealousy through honest and thoughtful posts on why the general public doesn't need what pros need. They can pretend like they are excited only just a little about the raw developments. However, their relationship with Canon is too important and they will continue to push the 8-bit cinema line as "the way to go." People are clearly seeing this and these industry heads (who gained all their popularity due to the HDSLR-revolution) are losing credibility they'll never win back. My bet is pretty soon you'll see positive posts from some of these industry heads to go into damage-control mode to try and regain the credibility they already lost. I'm so glad we have honest people like Andrew and Neumann Films who are genuinely excited for the sheer image-qualtiy now possible, FOR FREE, that was previously hidden from our 5D's by Canon.  
  17. "the obsession of this whole 5dmk3 raw hack is just nuts. Please just calm down and go and shoot something instead please! ;)" - Philip Bloom The Canon video-dslr community has been starved for better image-quality through almost 3 generations of Canon bodies. This ML raw has pushed the progress of the image far beyond what the incremental 5D3 generation of crippled cameras by Canon has brought to the market. It's nothing short of astounding. Not sure why he's so surprised as he's been quoted - "If you have never shot raw, you don’t know just how much of a giant leap it makes compared to compressed codecs." - Philip Bloom - It's amazing how bad the 5D3 footage looks with its stock H.264 footage compared to the raw. I honestly can't believe Canon didn't cripple the video image-quality to keep a bigger distinction between the dslr range and its cinema line. When Canon announced their $20,000 C300, I knew shit had hit the fan. Will Canon step up? Probably not. The BMC4k is a step in the right direction, so I hope more companies will take a chance on pushing progress and join them.
  18. Great. I would love to see your "work" when they can't even ship the camera to you within 6 months. I'm sure you'd get loads of "work" done with that imaginary BMC of yours. 
  19.   Body of work from the 5 people who actually received their camera they ordered over a year ago? The fact that this hack by ML even comes close to the quality of the BMC is astounding. See that for what it is and let your constant comparisons proving the BMC is slightly better go, please. It's obnoxious to say the least. Yes there's slightly more resolution and more convenience in recording to SSD's but the BMC was designed to record raw from the beginning. Let the hack develop and stop talking about how the BMC is slightly better in whatever regard you may think. No one is denying this and no one really cares. ML has gotten 14 bit raw out of a camera that was at the bottom of their totem pole image quality-wise for video. With this hack the 5D3 is now near the top of that totem pole and it has come at absolutely zero cost, which makes it even more ridiculous.   I shoot photos and video with my 5D3 mainly. I also use two 60D's and a 5D2 during my weddings.  
  20.   You bought a BMC. Good job. Your insecurity with your purchase is clearly evident, so please get off your high horse and stop justifying your purchase to everyone here on the forum when comparing it to the 5D3. The BMC has a stop better highlights and a shit ton more moire. Awesome. We get it. 
  21. I've never seen so much test footage of trees, shrubs and flowers in my life with all of these 5D3 raw clips being uploaded online. I appreciate seeing the quality of the footage but let's try to shoot some landscape wides of a lake, highway, city line, or something besides closeups of the bush in your backyard.... lol
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