if this is it - it's $45
[*] gf3 ($165 on eBay)
[*]14-42mm panny - useable zoom 30-42 - $85 eBay
[*]century 16:9 37mm adapter
[*].5 diopter
[*]step down ring
Waiting patiently on the gf3 hack - 14-42 is so cheap, the OIS and minimal but useable zoom and touch pull focus made it a judgement call I may revisit...
GF3 should be hacked soon...
What I'm looking for is a travel anamorphic setup - seems all the generic anamorphic adapters have disappeared - anyone want to aid in my search?
Looking to do some street documentaries in anamorphic on a gf2 - anyone know of a streetable setup? SOmething that doesn't require support and is small enough for tabletop tripoding - wondering if the generic 1.33x or 1.5x with the 20mm pancake is the way to go (or something to mount on the end of the 14-42mm to use the OIS) but helpful ideas/links/pictures would be greatly appreciated...
Looking to build a bit of a GF2 Anamorphic Hack guide here - a where to buy so I can point the HERO converts I'm making to go from ghetto HD to anamorphic cine...