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Everything posted by gelaxstudio

  1. the body is not all that matter ,lens maybe higher value than the camera all sony E lens is metal,while canon & nikon lens are not,some expensive lens they made are plastic body
  2. You judge something without a detail review and now judging me? A load of piffle I did not seeing any professional review evaluate the lens on rx10 as trash,but reviews like thecamerastoreTV and cinema5d did shows the xc10 lens is just a plastics toy,and you trying to compare a plastics lens with a metal lens and said the metal one is shit? Dude,you are so fanboy than I can be ,one without brain You judge something without a detail review and now judging me? A load of piffle I did not seeing any professional review evaluate the lens on rx10 as trash,but reviews like thecamerastoreTV and cinema5d did shows the xc10 lens is just a plastics toy,and you trying to compare a plastics lens with a metal lens and said the metal one is shit? Dude,you are so fanboy than I can be ,one without brain You judge something without a detail review and now judging me? A load of piffle I did not seeing any professional review evaluate the lens on rx10 as trash,but reviews like thecamerastoreTV and cinema5d did shows the xc10 lens is just a plastics toy,and you trying to compare a plastics lens with a metal lens and said the metal one is shit? Dude,you are so fanboy than I can be ,one without brain
  3. But sony and zeiss did make one under $1000 (RX10) and a fast one with F1.8(rx100),and all with powerzoom
  4. The lens and build quality of the XC10 are terrible,a $2000 cam with totally plastic body,can u believe that? It is ridiculous to use it as a working tool,and it is not underrated,it is a mistake that canon made!
  5. uh...TheCameraStoreTV gave it the award as the worst video camera of 2015 and the lens was awarded one of the top three worst lenses of 2015 ! https://youtu.be/Mexs7HvHR2I?t=1316
  6. Apparently,5D4 will just like the 1DXII with ancient codec and in lack of all cinema features It is destined to be a fact in the next 4 years,but many canon fans just feel hard to accept it
  7. If you check out the XC10 review on DPreview ,you will see RX10II actually perform better The image of the RX10II is sharper (specally at the edge of the image),less Moire ,and skin tone is close to the CX10 Are you sure ? http://***URL removed***/reviews/crossing-the-bridge-canon-xc10-review/7
  8. Why? I don't work well with canon cams. They in lack of customizable buttons, customizable menu , some auxiliary features like zebra and preaking ,power zoom ,picture profiles for colour creativities,and not IBIS I think they work easily because they are simple Some people criticize menu system on sony,but its menu contain times more features than the canon cams in the same levels,it take time to get used to it
  9. 14BIT 2K raw with 11 stops DR beats 8BIT 4K with 14 stops DR? I don't think so BTW,all hack are risky,what if it cause hardware problems or data crash? Do you think ML taem will take that responsibility? Not to mention your reputation maybe ruin if problems happen when you shooting videos for your client sony cams do overheat somtimes ,but it won't ruin your all day work
  10. Without c-log ,5D4 only get poor DR like a cellphone~ Without log and supersampling ,it make no difference,and just like the IQ of 5D2 in 2008,except the 4k
  11. This is what I bet 5D4 will be (90%) 4K 30P and FHD 120P shot 4K with 1.5 crop (even double-chips 1DXII has to crop for 4k,no exceptions for 5D4 ) 24M pixels (on-chip ADC) the same focus system like 1DXII including DPAF Mjpeg for 4K,500M/s ( class-leading compression quality,uh... and Cfast cards only) WIFI touchscreen dual cards slots: And then a bunch of NO no c-log (100% sure) no peaking no zebra (100% sure) no 4k output (100% sure) no tilting LCD (100% sure) no oversampling or full pixels read out for FHD (100% sure) no HDR video mode (50% sure) Finally,priced around $3800
  12. How it become a no game changer. without peaking\ log\tilting LCD\4K output ect.? And it still using old codec even with dual processors in it
  13. 5DIV with 4K is easy,but developing a FF mirriorless with FF M-lens line means a huge change,not to mention it will threaten their existing DSLR line It is impossible over the next 4 years~ Do you see how the EOS-M going now ? It is way behind its competitors,specially the short battery life BTW , I have just found that dual piexl AF will stop working during zooming,anyone know why?And does it the same on C300M2?
  14. new FF mirrorless by Canon? U actually believe that joke?
  15. The H264 codec also produce very great results. othewise canon won't use XF-AVC for their C cams ,and other brand also use H264 for their 4K cams The only problem that canon don't use H264 for the 1DXII is either processor shortage or just do it on purpose for protecting C-line
  16. uh...Mjpeg actually was invented since the 1990s when did people watch video with 100% zoom?
  17. Hey Actually ALL-I can also be encoded by using H264 BTW,those HUGE video files come from 1DXII requires a lot of harddrives for storage ,A lot! And do you know how fast common mechanical hard disk can read? Their average value only 100MB ,so as the buffer will slow everything down Unlike sony cams with 4K high bitrate output, 1DXII users have no choice but using that inefficient codec,plus no 4K monitoring
  18. Now you should see the point,the 800Mbps 8bit Mjpeg is even bigger than the 14bit raw with full DR,so it is a poor codec,why not wait untill ML hack it?
  19. Firstly ,prepare about 30 CFast cards for daily use,because that 800Mbps Mjpeg codec makes huge file size
  20. The only brand that should warry about overpricing their products is Canon,even their APS-C flagship 7D2 cannot shoot 4K,and not provide log ,nor super sampling Even thier new FF flagship 1DXII using antique codec instead of the XF-AVC
  21. Hey,guys If you really want Canon to change ,the first step is to be their largest shareholder,otherwise nothing you say make a difference
  22. Weight is a big problem for shooting handheld and for shooting first-person (VR) video as well yeah ,a much cheaper 80D has better IQ than the superior model 7DII.so unlike canon-style ;)
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