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First of all, thank you guys for providing some background, controversial as it may be. For my part, I am just curious if the so-called cinematic look is the ultimate answer to all our questions. Cause if it were, we practically reached the summit of simulating film stock, had the holy grail of manipulating colors to a degree never deemed possible a decade ago and with *just* HD had enough resolution to depict anything we could dream of. Even analog film projection (I know what I'm talking about here, I had been both an analog and digital projectionist for many years) effectively didn't have more resolution and dynamic range than we can produce today. With the advance of technology these standards are about to change. The UHD specifications schedule more DR, more color differentiation, higher resolution and higher framerates. Particularly the latter is something cinéastes swear they will never get used to, and I am one of them. While I still think that all these quality improvements do not expand the vocabulary of film, I can now imagine that contemporary SDR films may look faded a few years from now.
Or will it be hardware processed by the TV to look better? Perhaps almost as good as real HDR? Perhaps I buy expensive hardware now to meet the requirements. Then, in three or four years, HDR is a real hype. Everybody views the measly old 8-bit rec_709 on the new TV sets, and they look 95% as good as mine? And then: since I can monitor 4k natively I have becoming more critical. What was announced 4k once turned out to be BMTHD (barely more than HD). The same could apply to early adoption of HDR.
We have these tendencies in Europe as well. The prospects for the future darken for many. And the established political parties don't address this. Even the socialists keep repeating empty clichés. Their whole language and way of thinking had been invented by Marx during the industrial revolution, when the factories were crammed with workers, no global outsourcing, computer-assisted automatization asf. People don't want ideologies, they want practical solutions. Like a program. We do this or that, and you'll get a decent job. That's what Trump did, he made false promises. The right-wing parties in my country do the same. And if he fails to deliver, he may very well be shot. Though this was perfect poetic and ironic justice, it would mean more barbarism. I hope Trump resigns early on. Or he does something so dangerous or inappropriate that he is impeached. If not, many countries will follow this example, and WW3 is just around the corner.
Everybody who states he could bring back an industry that keeps everybody employed for the payment they were used to is a liar. Like Trump i.e. - and everybody else, to be fair. There need to be major changes, new infrastructures, new industries aiming for the future, subsidized by whom? People need to be qualified, because untrained workers will be needed even less in the future, and they will be paid less. These changes, if s.o. had any idea, any concept in the first place, would take time. One lost generation. You can't let people starve. There has to be a minimum income for everybody. Enough to make you feel part of the civilization. Everything else leads to disaster, unavoidable. These conditions can't be tolerated in one of the richest countries of the world. One day you would see people hanging from the trees. Probably not bankers or politicians. I sometimes think it's time to wake up from the American Dream. Trump is the ugly truth. Grotesque wealth is for very few. It tends to drive you mad.
Nobody except Peter Jackson liked The Hobbit in 48p, and 3D is about to die - again. As you said, don't declare the end of something. 3D is like Dracula. Often impaled and turned to dust. When the world just had forgotten his existence he came back. Stereoscopic images are first reported from the very early 17th century: At school I had a girlfriend from Romania. She spoke 10 languages fluently and got the international baccalaureat. Studied in Belgium and became a dermatologist. Her parents had been very poor. And no intellectuals ...
Talking about 60p, did you hear about this film? This Youtube-clip is 23,97 (downloaded and checked), but the film was originally shot in 120 fps (also in the rec_2020 specification). On the premiere, it was projected at this framerate and got mixed reviews due to an "uncinematic experience". Somehow I sense the aesthetics of HFR in this, and I can imagine I'd like that. This is weird, because I always despised HFR. Or people shooting 50/60p because it looked less juddery or shaky. Film is dead. Viewing habits change. Creative filmmakers tell new stories. Using bleeding edge technology. And make cinema great again (Alas! You can't use certain phrases anymore).
Agaig doesn't fit here, it can easily be questioned. I can't edit anymore, but it should read ... for what it's worth. EDIT: wrong again. Urban dictionary says fwiw means the same as imo. Opinion. Phrases dictionary says it's better than a poke in the eye. I give up.
There is a big TV showroom in my city. I don't know if the panels there are connected to the internet, but I like to find out. I saw they have two or three HDR devices there, probably just fed by a UHD bluray. As you can see in the UHD specifications, these support rec2020 (rec_609 for SD, rec_709 for HD and rec_2020 for UHD). Personally, I believe UHD BDs will be a still birth, but UHD may be not. The question what was more important, 4k or HDR, could be misleading. It should read, if it's UHD it should be HDR as well ... And: come on, this thread was read 620 times, but only 21 contributors to the poll? No wonder demographic studies don't work anymore!
Good times for satirists. I laughed out loud many times this week. On the other hand, there is a chaotic opinion war going on. In talk shows, forums, facebook, modern mass media. Not *so* much in the streets. Granted, opinion must be free, but it never counts in the long run. As one of my idols once said, opinion must be overcome by knowledge. Facts are not disputable, they never suit to confirm opinions, the attempt always exposes me as a liar. Truth exists. If it exists, there can be no versions of it. If a statement still can be questioned, it's an opinion, not the truth. Admitting that you don't know the truth of a certain aspect is wise. Democracy is a way of testing a hypothesis and find a synthesis, as good as it gets. One thing is true: Donald Trump was elected President of the United States ...
Thanks. It's the biggest update yet, and I think it's very good. But we must find out about hidden bugs.
Never use the built-in luts. You can't color correct the image underneath (the way you could with LUTutility on an adjustment-layer) and bring back the highlights. You can only grade on top of that lut, after it has limited the signal!
Yes, I've seen these clips months ago. Now what is left of all this cockiness is waling and gnashing of teeth. The protagonists have disappeared from the scene, and the only one who shrugged and pursued damage limitation was no separationist but a Brexit-opponent: May. The main promises were declared void the very day (immigrants are not expelled, money is not rerouted to Health Care - the figures were made up anyway - , fishing quota cannot be ignored, and all that was left were the negative consequences, even before the Brexit is officially announced in the first place. Britain had been VERY influential inside the EU. They negotiated so that they got everything on a silver plate anyway. London had effectively been the financial center of the EU. Aside of that Britain doesn't produce many things, even their tea mugs are seldom Made in Britain. Before the plebiscite there was a (semi-satirical) campaign self-explanatorily called Hug-a-Brit. We are in the same kindergarten, playing in the same sandbox. So don't cry, you can have the shovel ... They got the shovel, always. And then some. Compared to this they are marginalized now. Little Britain. Looks as if Trump is ready to announce a new world order, receiving the gutless Farage so early. Swell club, like to join? Is there anyone who can defend this ridiculous behavior? This man is mad, isn't that obvious? At least, some argue, he isn't corrupt. Really? But then in the sense that Vito Corleone wasn't corrupt. But old Vito had a sense of honor, distorted as his views were. He had power, but he was a quiet man with good taste. Talking about fences: twenty years ago there was a very good british (BBC) TV doc called The Rise Of Europe. Six parts, from the ice age to the foreseeable future. The last part was about the big migration period of the 21. century. The first world would try to stop the stampede, close their borders and build walls and fences. In the end, this never helped in history. Cultures rise and fall, the useful ways of life of the ancients (i.e. democracy) get adopted by the majority, everything else remains a footnote in the books.
Globally the USA do a lot that other nations profit by. That's absolutely right. The crackbrained idea is that this isn't mutual. The same populist, right-wing idiots rise in my country too. They lament about all the billions we pay for Greece (true is: the wrong people pay and the wrong people get paid, as always and everywhere). They want to close the borders against the immigrants. They even want back the Mark. Must history repeat itself? The installation of the EU once cost round about 80 million lives. Truce between small, very different nations with different languages was maintained through negotiations, shared markets and joined ventures. International contracts that overrode national ones. No doubt that justice doesn't rule the way it should. People have every right to complain. They should be loud. But the USA (and recently GB with the Brexit) threw out the baby with the bath water. Everyone will lose. Let's hope just money.
We should attack misleading advertising. It's illegal, but tell me which advertising is not misleading. No wonder people are no longer interested in facts. We should show the reality behind all those lies. And unmask the indirect lies, when a supposedly 40 year old woman looks 25 after smearing an ointment to her face. We should gratulate the model to her 17th birthday and explain the post that makes her skin supernaturally smooth. We should portrait girls with eating disorders and have them explain why they hate their bodies. The society wants to stop age. We should make old people speak out. We should identify every behavior we should show according to the consumer industry. And ask what we really want instead. Dreams of quitting the job and living easy. Success? For whom? The ad industry: professionals in leading us all on thin ice, making us unhappy, making us feel a deficit of something their product temporarily is a substitute for. What is the real thing? Would be very entertaining and have good ratings or many clicks. But it was hard to find a sponsor.
Good idea, really. There are more language-related problems I found now. In this regard, 10.3 seems to be hastily cobbled together. For example, there now is a new function to remove attributes (Attribute in german). BUT: in the timeline-index, they changed the old translation for tags (Schlagwörter, the clumsiest translation imaginable, no one ever says Schlagwörter in real life) to Attribute And if we use FCP X in english, this free iBook-manual helps us. As one comment says, the hyperlinks don't work reliably. But it's a better way to learn about the new features in depth (Wide Color Gamut, Audio Components asf.), much like the old FCS PDF manuals, which explained everything patiently. I never liked the FCP X online help. Here the links work, but often you find yourself in a link-loop: You can nest several independant clips in a compound clip. > A compound clip is a way to nest several independant clips ...
That's what I expected. The rec709 or sRGB image we usually see compresses the dynamic. The sky in this HDR-image would usually be 1000 x brighter than the houses' faces: ... but they are almost the same. Also, in an additive color space, brightness (the white-point) comes from full saturation of RGB. The shadows are 'made' by little saturation. In a compressed 8-bit world this means that the midtones have to provide 90% of the color differentiation. That's why SDR (standard dynamic range) images have little vibrance. I expected the HDR-clip to look that flat, and I can only guess that it will resemble the rec709 image when viewed on an HDR display. So my question again: If I want to make (10-bit or raw) video HDR-futureproof without being able to judge it right now, should I shoot log and keep this ungraded version for later? OR is there a workflow (like ACES? I have to admit, I haven't fully understood this so far), by which you can grade in LDR for HDR, and in three years everything looks like sRGB, only better? OR is HDR vs. SDR comparable to HD vs. SD in another way too? We all know that a DVD on a good modern TV set doesn't look upscaled five to twenty times. It isn't as brilliant, right. Until three years or so, my mother still had an old tube TV, native SD, and the image looked worse in every respect, even from a distance. Maybe the future Dolbyvision TV sets treat our poor old 709-trickle equally lovingly?
Or it's changing back and forth, seesaw principle. Are we going to live in an era of oppression (nationalistic and racist movements everywhere) again? The simple minds like being told what to to and what to be. Lays the ground for future Golden Times to remember. When Dad had a job in the factory, Mom stood in the kitchen, and the gasoline dropped from the exhaust, the smell of my childhood. Agreed. Empathy is a superpower yet to be developed, next evolutionary step for mankind and reason for hope. But once you reached them, it's your duty to guide them. I am all for democracy, but the majority must follow a benign elite. The wiser head does not give in!
Yes. But a few years from now - three, four? - all our videos may look faded, who knows. Right, you can't make your stuff future-proof really, and for most videos it isn't worth the headaches. But for some it is. I wouldn't know how to monitor it. Perhaps it's sufficient to keep an ungraded flat 10-bit or raw version of your edit. Is that so?
Here. What do you think?
I saw this film before, and I believe the general accusations it makes. How can you be so naive, or even blind, to believe that Trump will be the Heracles who cleans the Augean stables? He is the "fox in charge of the hen house" (had to look this phrase up, hope it makes sense in the context). Isn't that obvious? That Trump is the one to make America great again (as if it had been uninfluential before), is absolutely absurd. Imagine he stays eight years, and you could visit his TRUMPWORLD (like Disneyworld) then. Do you really think you would enjoy that ride? What in his biography or which of his words makes you believe that? Are mainstream media to blame then? Their ratings? I think that's confusing the root of the problem with the soil that embeds it. If people were not so shockingly dumb to be entertained by this BS and believe it, those embarrassing soap characters never had a chance to get public attention. Did you ever hear Trump say: It's the education, stupid! We have to improve our school system, our universities. Our white trash will never be able to compete with chinese workers on the global job market (or with illegal immigrants in our own country), not because they can't live of two dollars daily wages here, but because they are not qualified for anything. ???
You are right. This was inappropriate. You can't compare this. Other democratic leaders just forbid such comparisons and sue individuals who distort the facts, like Erdogan. Excuse me. German poet Berthold Brecht said of the nazi hype of the time: Only the dumbest calves choose their own butcher. See? That's how morally degenerated I am, having to cite a communist to make my point!
This is great. Sounds like one of those speeches the generals hold before the battle, like "A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship ..." . I agree with you. Before he was democratically elected, Hitler hung a sign at the wall in his office (the one with the helium-filled globe, you know) reading It's the media, stupid! - He as well had received harsh comments in contemporary newspapers, but if it wasn't him who coined the phrase there is no bad publicity, he could very well have been. Later on he famously gave a Volksempfänger (literally people's receiver) to every household to tell (almost bark) his strong opinions on the corrupt establishment, Mexicans and Obamacare to the, er, world. Wasn't the worst design, you have to admit. Other radio receivers of the period, unaffordable for the masses, looked like cuckoo clocks, this one almost has the elegance of an iPod ...
Not fixed then. I noticed a few months ago that I couldn't map the 'Magic Keyboard' (german version) to FCP X shortcuts (left bracket, right bracket etc. become Umlaute- äöüß). Wrote to Apple, but there is no solution other than buying a traditional keyboard or use FCP X in english. The translation to german is flawed. In FCP 7, they didn't translate the important stuff like Browser, Viewer, Canvas, Playhead and Timeline. No one knows what the german word for browser would be anyway. In 10.3, it became worse. Originally, they had translated roles ('Rollen' in german) to Funktionen (functions). Because a term of analog film, reel, translates to Rolle as well. Now they call it Funktion in some places, Rolle in others. Very confusing, particularly for newbies.
No, it's not for everybody. If you work together with other pros it makes much less sense I guess. Just let me say that I find roundtripping to and from Resolve very reliable so far. For OMF export, you'd need a plugin, afaik there are a few, one of them from well-known Automatic Duck. As far as I am concerned, I never loved Premiere, but I am an AAE subscriber. I precompose 'layers' in FCP X as compound clips from my project-timeline and conform the XMLs with XtoCC. I know it's no dynamic link, but again: reliable. With more complex post, the time you spend to shove clips back and forth probably matters less. Who is a professional anyway? You start by connecting the audio clip with "q", not "e". It gets connected to a black gap placeholder clip the length of your audio. You never use "e" in such a project. "b" - if you want to cut to the beat (which I don't, I cut to the rhythm), you can chop the gap in pieces, select one piece with "x" and 3-point-overwrite it with "d" or "shift + d" (backwards) "d" - to overwrite the gap clip at the position of the playhead "q" - to move clips freely above the solidly-synched primary storyline, the way you would tracks allow to staple above the locked audio track "alt + cmd + down" to finally move a connected clip to the main storyline, lock it ("alt + command + up" if it needs to be free again) Of course you can trim clips without moving the rest out of synch. You just have to find the find the right tools for a given task. This example shows four things: 1. depending on the project, the actual editing in the timeline can be quite similar to that of track-based NLEs. 2. using the primary storyline as a dummy clip easily gives you back the open timeline experience. Start with a gap, hit "ctrl + d" and make it ten minutes long. Then there IS no story. 3. More often than not, having that linear "track one" is a big timesaver. And it doesn't need to make you lazy, as long as you are aware of the formal simplification it implies. 4. Many comments on how FCP X performs poorer than Premiere for a certain job (i.e. music clips) show how little experience people have with the tools and that they don't plan their projects in advance.
No. Had the photographer who was hired by the travel agency sitting next to me. He had been asked to shoot some additional video with his DSLR for a change for their homepage. Shot 1400 clips, some GoPro too. Copied them to a USB drive in the hotel each morning - naked files without card structure. Said, "oh, that must have been Angkor Wat, belongs in the middle. There was a monk with a monkey somewhat later. That was cool. Only now I realize I should've made some notes perhaps." I said, "you mean this monk?" That I defend the skimmer is no fanboy behavior. No chance to do that in Premiere, hover scrubber or not. Not the same. These relations are arbitrary, there is no hierarchy. That's why this comment is misleading. When an audio clip IS the main storyline it's high time to think things over. Compare this to what you would do in Premiere. If it's paramount to keep clips at various points of the timeline in synch with clips on other tracks, you have to start the old Tetris routine. You have to manage the tracks, padlock them or create new ones to avoid collisions. No problem for an experienced editor, I know. Keeps you alert and stimulates your creativity, and I'm not being farcical now.. That's my point against FCP X, it is too easy. I don't think so. FCP X users can learn from Premiere users and vice versa. Narrow-mindedness doesn't help anybody.