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Everything posted by jcs

  1. It looks random as that's what it took to fit the camera package elements. Since everything is corrected/stitched computationally, random is OK since all positions are carefully calibrated. More info here: http://web.media.mit.edu/~raskar/photo/
  2. Computational cameras are indeed the future- this (and Lytro) are early baby steps in that direction. Unless they've got GPU-level computing power, it's unlikely that video will use more than one lens at a time (and thus no computational video- live zooming or DOF changes. Multistream video which can be processed in post is more possible, though would still require a lot of computing power and storage on the device).
  3. Some high dynamic range shots without log (Filmic Skin custom picture style). 1DX II, 1080p (post sharpened), 24-105 F4L at F4, Tiffen variable ND: I was knee deep in surf and got moved around a bit, slightly stabilized in post with Warp Stabilizer. The crawling on rocks shots were tests I shot to check overall DR, skintones in high DR (both bright light and shadow), and overall color. Jacqui liked the test shots so they made it into this short piece for Instagram.
  4. Can you feel it! Amazing what is happening now
  5. These can work really well to deal with weight (I removed the spring and replaced with a tilt-head quick release: https://www.amazon.com/Manfrotto-234RC-Monopod-Quick-Release/dp/B000JLM50I/): http://www.ebay.com/itm/DSLR-Rig-Support-Rod-Belt-fit-Shoulder-Mount-Video-Camcorder-Camera-DV-Black-/321177005827
  6. @kaylee this sentence reminded me of the pattern 9/11 debunkers, government agencies, and MSM used to discredit actual scientists and engineers. They got away with it in 2001 because most people don't have a science or engineering background and most people at that time trusted MSM and the government to tell them the truth. In 2017 MSM has been totally discredited (especially CNN), and most people now understand MSM are tools used by those truly in power (not the government). Now there is so much evidence that anyone who bothers to do their own research and educates themselves on basic physics and chemistry will understand that 9/11 was 100% an inside job. A couple smoking guns: did cell phones work on airplanes in 2001? Can buildings collapse in free fall without controlled demolition? Can fire, jet fuel (kerosene), and office material alone heat steel to fail? Was nanothermite a natural occurring building material for the WTC? Can a fire continue to burn for 3 months without oxygen and without a chemical oxidizer (such as nanothermite)? Did the building 7 video footage collapse even come close to NIST's "computer simulation"? If you got "yes" to any of these, please share the links The same information war techniques have been used for years regarding UFOs and secret government projects. Steven Greer has blown the whistle on the next planned false flag: the "alien invasion", so it's unlikely that will happen now. It's great that a former NIST government employee has been able to come out and tell the truth. That's a good sign that more people will be comfortable to come out and tell the truth about the real ancient history of this planet and E.T.s (I agree that secret government projects should remain secret, as long as the intent is to protect the people (all the people of Earth, not just their own countries)).
  7. This is a sales issue. While "people" won't pay for content, your fans absolutely will pay for your content. All you have to do is figure out how to provide them value and they'll pay you. What value does your content provide? Is it funny and unique, not available anywhere else? Is it dramatic, does it tell great stories, does it help people improve themselves, does it help people make decisions, etc.? Can you use your videos to sell related products? For example, we're starting to sell a line of CBD products which we'll promote on our free personal-improvement videos. YouTube ad sales for videos appears to be on the decline for a variety of reasons. That's why people are moving to Patreon. I cut the cord years ago and have been using Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and Apple TV to watch online content. Lately I've been using the YouTube app for living room/bedroom viewing and Apple TV or Amazon (not very often) for paid content. I joined Hulu to get Rick & Morty- since the new season isn't on Hulu yet, probably time to turn it off. As a "startup" filmmaker, I think it's important to focus on content and finding your audience to build a fan base. Give it away for free, then later ask for subscriptions once your following is large. Keep some content free to attract new subs. Keep production costs very low, and focus on story and value to others. I remember seeing a couple make videos with an iPhone and a ring light with over a million dollars in revenue. I started out with low cost cameras, lights and mics, and finally have end-game level gear (C300 II, Schoeps mics, high CRI lights), meaning I can't spend any more money to get higher quality (e.g. an ARRI Alexa isn't really going to look any better in the studio vs. the C300 II, plus it doesn't have AF ). The only thing holding back increased sales is producing more valuable content and finding fans who value this content. 'Value' is the key word.
  8. Ha! No drones allowed in Antarctica without a permit! http://www.auroraexpeditions.com.au/destination/antarctica-cruises/planning-your-trip/drone-use-in-antarctica Good luck getting a permit, lol. On the application form: Purpose of Commercial Drone Flights: to capture proof of advanced lost civilizations and advanced terrestrial and extraterrestrial vehicles. Response (large red letters, at an angle): DENIED. Reason: drone overflights might effect penguin mating, might increase global warming and iceberg break-offs, and might enlarge the ozone hole.
  9. Maybe this would be a fun kickstarter etc. project, just to see who tries to stop us and why. Since there is nothing 'official' going on down there, no one should care if we fly drones in to have a peek for ourselves. Surprised Steven Greer hasn't proposed this, or any of the folks over at Gaia.com. Get Steven Greer, Graham Hancock, Art Bell, George Noory et al to get behind it I'd bet interesting things could happen for disclosure, long before any private drone would be allowed to venture there.
  10. It really boils down to creating content for which there is a large enough market to support your venture. The key to growth is virality. If your viral coefficient isn't greater than 1.0, you'll need to make some changes. This is true for all products, not just video. If people aren't sharing your content/product with others, it's not yet good enough or you're marketing to the wrong audience. Finding your audience is just as important as creating great content.
  11. What contractor is in charge of building the most advanced flying vehicles in the world? Where is the latest hotbed for rumors of ancient civilizations and E.T. bases? What astronaut who walked on the moon visited this place recently? What high-ranking foreign affairs politician visited this place recently? What contractor is now in charge of all operations for this place? Answers: Lockheed Martin Antarctica (publish in the Sun if you don't want to be taken seriously. Yet. (That UFO looking thing is visible on Google Earth, I checked it out)). Buzz Aldrin (had to be airlifted out for a medical emergency after he saw what was down there. The official story was pneumonia/lung congestion) John Kerry, Secretary of State, USA Lockheed Martin Could all be perfectly timed coincidences which are making a lot of money for the Tin Foil Hat industry. Lockheed Martin running the show down there, that's very interesting indeed. Anyone interested in a filming expedition down there? The last film crew (for Atlantis TV, based in Beverly Hills) supposedly found ancient ruins and has been missing since 2002. Or maybe we could build a solar-powered sailplane drone which could fly from LA to Antartica and beam back video over the sat-phone network? We could sell tin-foil hats with alien logos to fund the venture
  12. Velocity is typically defined as the change in position divided by the change in time, dx/dt, the first derivative of position, where the second derivative is acceleration, etc. In 2 or more dimensions velocity is a vector with a direction and scalar magnitude: the length of the vector (speed). For angular velocity in 3D, the vector is the axis of rotation and the length is the angular speed. How do you define velocity? I define and use the label UFO to describe any flying object that is unidentifiable. To believe or not to believe in this label doesn't make sense does it? A "balloon UFO" is an oxymoron, where a hoaxer attempted to mislead people into thinking that the balloon was something else. "Anti-science magic worldview" - do you understand that real science is a perpetual self-challenging system, with the realization that there's always something new to learn? That's what separates science from religion. While some scientists fall into the religion trap, many politicians and all intelligence agencies use science as a mind control weapon, since unfortunately the average person has very little science education (so now the dumbing down of public education makes more sense, doesn't it?). And being "scientific" means being right, so you should listen to their messages and obey. "Why bother learning all that hard science stuff yourself, let the smart science people do all the hard work, we trust them!" This is a commonly used NLP brainwashing technique- to not want to 'appear dumb' by disagreeing with the smart, powerful, 'scientists'. So do the opposite of the "Why bother learning all that hard science stuff..." sentence. Knowledge is power- educate yourself for the benefit of yourself and those around you.
  13. Lol lucky that balloon didn't splash their drone. People ask since I used to fly RC airplanes and am a filmmaker, why don't I buy a drone. Simple- RC vehicles crash, fly away, etc. I was lucky to evade a few hawk attacks (highly maneuverable airplanes; not drones). For highly profitable paid gigs, sure it makes business sense. Otherwise, I don't think most people realize how fragile and easy it is to destroy or lose a drone. There were a few drones flying through the fireworks on the 4th of July. Didn't see any get shot down
  14. Someone private messaged me asking about NLP. I felt this info would be useful to everyone, so here it is. In college I read Carlos Castaneda's books on shamanism (e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Teachings_of_Don_Juan), presented as fact, but later found to be mostly fiction. He spoke of psychedelics and alternate realities which were just as real as this one. It was fascinating stuff, and even though what he wrote was a bit of fiction, the shamanistic concepts were still pretty accurate. Years later I picked up this book: https://www.amazon.com/Introducing-NLP-Psychological-Understanding-Neuro-Linguistic-ebook/dp/B00906LTH8/. I was focused on software projects at the time, skimmed it, then lent it to someone and never saw it again. I was familiar with hypnotism, thinking it was useful for making people do silly things on stage shows. Which I later filmed with actress Jacqui Holland and her friend who performs these shows. Seeing all those people being hypnotized and following instructions from another person was entertaining and also a bit eye-opening. Frankly, I didn't want someone hypnotizing me and having me run around on stage like a chicken, then having no recollection of having done so. When we started Cosmic Flow, we wanted to cover far-out concepts from the point of view of the believer (Jacqui) and of the open-minded skeptic/scientist (me). Then create drama on camera, kind of like the X-files but as a green-screen talkshow / YouTube channel. Jacqui suggested we take a shamanism class in San Francisco: https://www.ciis.edu/ciis-news-and-events/campus-calendar/mokelke-susan-sp17. It's based on this book: https://www.amazon.com/Way-Shaman-Michael-Harner/dp/0062503731/. I figured we could interview the shamanism folks and while in Santa Cruz could stop by the Bigfoot Museum for a fun interview (off the record I think most Bigfoot sightings, as with UFOs and all things potentially paranormal, are hoaxes. Until there's an @theRealBigfoot run be a real Bigfoot, I remain skeptical of the evidence presented so far. It's possible that Bigfoots are just visiting aliens (let's combine two fields!), say Chewbacca and friends here for vacation, and that's why there's very little physical evidence, because they are very 'green' and don't leave trash or waste in the forest like humans do ). During the shamanism class we had to retrieve "spirit animals" which I thought sounded like hokey mythology, but went ahead and did the exercises. I was surprised to find out that while doing the exercises with a drum being played at 4-7Hz, I had very vivid imagery which I wasn't expecting. What I was learning was how to better access my unconscious mind with the use of the drum as a tool. I learned that the drums helped get my brain into theta and also found academic research in this area: https://web.stanford.edu/group/brainwaves/2006/Maxfieldabstract.html. I have a degree in Cognitive Science from UCSD though never studied rhythmic drums and brain states. Jacqui mentioned she'd taken a course on NLP and was thinking about going back for the second course. I remembered the NLP book and after doing a bit of research, including finding out a big part of what Tony Robbins does is NLP, decided to take both courses, for a total of one month of intense training in Nevada with the Tad James company: http://www.nlpcoaching.com/. Since we were somewhat near Area 51 we did a live stream test on UFOs and aliens, yielding 0 viewers (we had fun though): During the NLP classes I began to understand that NLP encompasses modern psychology, hypnosis/trance and theta states of the brain, which are all derived from thousands of years old shamanism! Most of our behavior is unconscious, and if you truly want to change your own behavior, you need to reprogram your unconscious mind. Using hypnosis and other methods to get into trance (theta brainwave dominant), is a useful tool for learning, improving cognitive skills, eliminating unwanted behavior, weight loss, PTSD and so on. I then remembered the old Carlos Castaneda books on shamanism and psychedelics, and after searching for books on early human/hominid development and mind-expanding psychedelics, I found Food of the Gods by Terrance McKenna where he posits the same theory: that these compounds, especially DMT, found in many plants and mushrooms, helped early pre-humans to expand their consciousnesses and evolve into modern humans. These compounds are still mind-expanding and the real reason they are not easily available. Instead with have fluoride, heavy metals, xenoestrogens, and lithium in our food and water for the opposite effect. Supplement tip: take boron, magnesium malate, DIM, and alpha lipoic acid to help remove these toxic compounds from your body and brain. Also grab some plant-based omega 3-6-9 for neuron health and CoQ10 for energy. Have ADD? Grab some DHA. I'll go into more detail on nutrition with an eBook I'm writing. Kundalini yoga, transcendental meditation, chanting, and other physical and mental techniques can cause naturally occurring (endogenous) DMT to be released into the body, providing similar experiences to consuming DMT. See DMT and the Soul of Prophecy and Supernatural where it becomes clear that early religion was heavily influenced by visions which appear to be from DMT, either endogenous or consumed. What happens to your consciousness on a sufficient dose of DMT? You cease to be a human being, and instead experience reality in a whole new way, being one with the universe and accessing your unconscious mind in novel ways. DMT is only legal in the US in a special church setting and is being used in research and therapy settings to help with PTSD, drug addiction and other issues. See the documentary, DMT the Spirit Molecule for more info. Now why is it important to learn about NLP and the unconscious mind as a filmmaker? First, it's important to realize that experts in NLP, especially the mainstream media, advertisers, government officials, and the intelligence community, all use NLP techniques to control how the masses think and influence what they buy. Folks who tell you it's not real or doesn't work have an agenda. What do you think that could be? When you realize how it works, you can protect yourself from influences that may not be in your best interest. On the positive side, you can use NLP to better communicate in your work, on screen as well in personal and business relationships, e.g. rapport, sales, family, love life, etc. For the skeptics out there, a great example of someone who uses NLP and effectively teaches it is Tony Robbins. The biggest takeaway is to become aware of your unconscious mind, how it influences your behavior, and how to interact with it for the benefit of yourself and those around you.
  15. Obviously the LRO team Photoshopped all that. Everyone knows team NASA has mad 'chop'n skilz. If only electrogravitics were public so DJI could easily make affordable Moon drones, then we'd know for sure (and could peep the alien bases on the dark side of the moon)
  16. In college I worked on Navy and Marine bases in San Diego selling computers. You learned to respect the base MPs and didn't ever wander off into restricted areas; generally they were pretty cool. Area 51 private security (EG&G) on public land is authorized to shoot with deadly force and aren't accountable for their actions. Folks who worked at Area 51 and got sick/died had no recourse in court either. Messing with these guys is a bad idea- what's the point? Wonder how many drones they shoot down- a directed EM weapon could shoot them down appearing as a malfunction. They also have technology to accurately track transmitter sources, so folks would likely get arrested or worse. Or as you say they could have blown all the money the same way Wall Street does (you know what I'm talking about). Thus the macho armed responses are to keep people from finding out we got diddly squat for our tax dollars I contacted George Knapp for an interview for Cosmic Flow while in Henderson Nevada studying NLP for a month. He was booked solid but was cool enough to reply. I've seen some George Knapp, Bob Lazar & crew Area 51 footage (documentaries) that look pretty compelling, shot circa 1989 (before consumer drones etc.). Bob Lazar is an interesting character- telling the truth, hoaxer, psy-op, or combo?
  17. Haha right on. The SR-71 was Kelly Johnson and Ben Rich's (public) masterpiece. What they created in secret would probably blow our minds even today. Did you know that the fuel tanks leak during take off in order to be able to properly seal once at cruise speed due to heating? After taking off they'd have to do an in-flight refuel before starting their mission. And folks used to say that "if Man was meant to fly, he'd have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to." Oh wait that was Star Trek https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series. But they did say that around the time of the Wright brothers. Similar things regarding the Model-T vs. the horse. Folks even believed there was a Sound Barrier that couldn't be broken. Speaking of Star Trek, in Back to the Future, the Hoverboard was supposed to have been invented by 2015. We probably could have had the Hoverboard even before 2015 (not just a lame Lexus ad) if electrogravitics hadn't been classified Cosmic Top Secret (of course I made that up, if it was Cosmic Top Secret or whatever secret decoder ring name they gave it, I surely wouldn't know about it)
  18. @Snowfun @Orangenz where in this thread did I mention quantum anything? The math and physics I referenced I am familiar with enough to write a rigid+soft body and fluid dynamics based internet multiplayer racing simulation which can hide over 300ms of lag. And the physical surface is defined by piece-wise continuous 3D cubic polynomial surfaces, for which I perform a Newton-search ray-cast to find the tire contact patch points. That's why I called it Amazing Curves. All other games ray-intersect polygons then smooth things out. I do the opposite, ray cast a smooth surface, then apply a bump/displacement map to make rough when needed. This all runs in real-time, 100+ fps on modest hardware (over 10 years old). I wrote this from scratch- all the physics is custom using using a custom energy-accurate integrator (engine sound came from a Z06 Corvette I owned): @Orangenz perhaps I misunderstood but it sounded like you were saying I don't understand velocity? As in v = x*m/s? Or a = f/m, v1 = v0 + 1/2a*dt^2? And if you use a constant time step you can replace forces with stable-limit impulses :). Of course if we use a Verlet integrator we don't need to use velocity at all (implicit in the integration). I was discussing velocity and view vectors, are you familiar with linear algebra and vector mechanics? @Snowfun "Appealing to "quantum-this" or "quantum-that" might look good but really just exhibits an ignorance of quantum mechanics (which by definition operates at a quantum scale). The Higgs field is not, as far as I am aware, something one can opt out of." Since you brought up quantum physics operates at the quantum scale, that's like saying particle physics operates at particle scale, self defining and thus meaningless outside itself. The smallest measurable scale in the universe is the Planck Length and the shortest measurable amount of time is Planck Time. This means the Universe appears to be quantized, just like a computer! But, so what? What does any of this have to do with actual, real-world experiments that back up the predictions that a) Warp drives are possible, and b) That apparent mass/gravity effects can be changed with electromagnetism. Here are the links again in case you missed them earlier: https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antigravity/, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281439915_Gravity-Superconductors_Interactions_Historical_Background, http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/765861/China-beaten-Nasa-warp-drive-technology. If you have links which refute or debunk any of these links, please share them. Regarding the Higgs boson and Higgs field theories: while theory did kind of predict the mass of the Higgs boson, the whole thing is a fuzzy, sloppy guesstimate, applying to multiple possible theories: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_boson. Thus, it's probably wrong. That's the one thing we can say about physics: what we know today is only a rough approximation and is effectively wrong, such as the Newtonian model breaking down at both the quantum (very small) and relativistic scales (very large). None of this really matters since we're seeing repeatable real-world results in lab tests, some of which are publicly many years old. Again, who knows how far they've gotten in 57 years in electrogravitics since they went totally silent! @kaylee hope you enjoyed the video
  19. Yeah they stretch things a bit to make sales (actually a LOT), that's their day job I guess. Even if they made it all up (secret space program and related ideas), it's still possible once one has this kind of technology available. That's why it's important for everyone interested to do their own due diligence and research. Speaking of due diligence, this guy may be behind the balloon UFOs in LA and elsewhere: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLx8GKMC6G2P9p-Y7hBmLw Others have caught on too: https://wwwmacsufonews.blogspot.com/2012/05/ufo-robert-bingham-exposed-hoax-exposed.html
  20. lol I met David Wilcock (just a photoshoot for a movie premiere) and am familiar with Corey Goode. They and others have uncovered the same information I found today with a little bit of googling. While a secret space program is possible (and even probable if the military has mastered electrogravitics and warp technology), I would look at everything they say very carefully: verify with other sources of information. They have a bit of a reputation unfortunately, so if they say something that might be real, it can act to discredit things that actually are real.
  21. With your eyes and standard projections equations, 3D linear motion projects to 2D linear motion. Non-linear or curved motion projects to curves or a line (edge planar view). X_2D = X_3D*S/Z_3D Y_2D = Y_3D*S/Z_3D If you mark start and stop points in 3D and projected 2D, the time to traverse both points is equal. At one limit, an object directly approaches the viewer and appears to have zero motion (though its size is changing). Motion perpendicular to the view vector maximizes 2D motion. Radar systems have a concept called 'cosine error' that deals with this issue when estimating speed. Let's take a meteor in the sky (meteorites tend to be stationary ). It's traveling at 90 degrees to our viewpoint, so its apparent speed is maximized, and it zips by and hits the ground somewhere (note the angle is changing as it goes by, appearing to slow down slightly due to the angle change, but never appears to abruptly turn or stop). What would it take for the meteor to appear to stop in mid air while maintaining its velocity? An instant right-angle turn toward or away from the view vector. An instant right angle turn is impossible without advanced technology: same problem with actually stopping instantly. Any physical object interacting in the so-called Higgs field can't make instantaneous changes in motion. Not without some way of changing the field interaction, such as through electrogravitics (which have been publicly verified in lab tests, and NASA is public about its experiments as well: https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antigravity/. The question is how far have they come in developing this technology in secret). UFO is simply any Unidentified Flying Object. We tend to classify sightings from mundane to exotic: a bird/plane/balloon/drone/star/planet/meteor, advanced military vehicle, advanced breakaway civilization vehicle, alien technology (this universe), extra-dimensional technology (parallel universe). What's more interesting these days is the information war regarding UFOs: hoaxers out to make a buck and power structures using disinformation (both ways!).
  22. http://www.thomastownsendbrown.com/hydro/winterhaven.pdf This appears to be real: TT Brown had published results in 1929. In 1952 electrogravitics were being worked on openly in the military-industrial complex until around 1960 when it went silent: probably after a major breakthrough. More info here: http://users.erols.com/iri/TTBROWN2.htm. Given the evidence and the fact that the intelligence community along with the MSM have played both sides, it's likely we Earthlings have working electrogravitic vehicles in service today.
  23. Here is someone trying to debunk Ben Rich's comment about having the technology to take E.T. home: https://noriohayakawa.wordpress.com/2016/07/01/ben-rich-erroneously-misquoted-by-the-ufo-community/. If you're not familiar with Ben Rich (and Kelly Johnson), this book is amazing history: https://www.amazon.com/Skunk-Works-Personal-Memoir-Lockheed/dp/B011M8DBI6/. The debunker tries to make the case Rich was joking. Read the comments and you'll see that people aren't buying it. Many ex-military radar operators have testified and many more are willing to testify about objects doing impossible things. Mainstream media reported about UFOs shutting down nukes as reported by military officials: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-air-force-personnel-ufos-deactivated-nukes/, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/8026971/Aliens-have-deactivated-British-and-US-nuclear-missiles-say-US-military-pilots.html. More CIA trickery? Maybe, maybe not. That's part of the game.
  24. @maxotics I plug the Schoeps mics straight into the C300 II (has digital limiters). Full-time sound pros recommend at least going through an SD mixer to get the analog limiters and much better preamps. However I record in my own studio and have complete control over sound; if talent clips I adjust gain and reshoot. If I was shooting for a high-end paying client and sound was critical, using an SD mixer in the loop is a no brainer. At the even higher end, a sound person would be live monitoring and adjusting gain while recording separately. For voice work I use the SD USBPre2.
  25. @iamoui @tugela once the cat was out of the bag that warp drives were theoretically possible, it's important to understand that there is an information war going on for all kinds of reasons, usually fundamentally about power and control, which relates to money and wealth. Here's a paper where the scientists admit the warp drive is possible, however it will wipe out everything in front of it upon arrival: https://phys.org/news/2012-03-warp-killer-downside.html. During product development all sorts of problems are encountered and solved. This could be simply disinformation to keep people from believing that we or aliens can use warp drives now that it is commonly understood to be theoretically possible. Take a look at these incidents. The objects showed up visually and on radar and there was a big FAA/CIA/FBI etc. investigation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan_Air_Lines_flight_1628_incident. There are many more links and videos, surprised Wikileaks didn't try to debunk the flight 1628 incident. Were they secret military craft of something else? Either way, these objects displayed technology way beyond what we have publicly today. Philip J. Klass (paid by the CIA) "debunked" this case. Why does the CIA need to pay people to do debunkings? Maybe it would be fun if the CIA played the other side too, and promoted fake UFO/alien stories? They did that too: http://www.miragemen.com/. So now there's a great divide into believing what is real or not. Was that their ultimate purpose? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham_Forest_incident, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/11415831/Rendlesham-Forest-UFO-incident-truth-conspiracies.html Here's one from 1561: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg. Maybe the entire city was on powerful psychedelics? Else something was in the skies we can't explain. Back to this thread's video, If you look at the stills I included at the end of the video, you'll see that the objects are balloons: The bright spheres for the double weather balloon object appear to be simply reflective spheres. Reflective red, green, and yellow mylar also appears to be present. The solo yellow object appears to be a children's animal mylar balloon, perhaps a lion? Since these objects didn't drift (that I could see), they were either held with string (most likely, as it's cheap and easy, even Kevlar string) or some kind of drone tech. While I wasn't able to capture on video, there were also four objects with bright lights/reflectors that moved in formation nearby one of the larger balloon objects. They moved about as fast as drones or RC aircraft, so that is the most likely explanation if the hoax was private/corp. If government, it could be more exotic (much higher budget). Why do people hoax UFOs? The commercial reason is to sell UFO and alien related products. The government reason is it's part of the information war. The Rendlesham Forest incident and Roswell could have been psy-ops performed on their own people. The official Roswell story has changed so many times it appears they are hiding something or they are acting like they are hiding something: classic psy-ops either way. Now China wants in on the fun: http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/765861/China-beaten-Nasa-warp-drive-technology Gravity-superconductor/magnetic-field interaction has been publicly studied for over 30 years (probably much longer, dating back to WWII, perhaps even over 12,000 years ago when comet impacts caused massive floods and destruction, wiping out the advanced civilizations at that time. Study ancient massive stones structures and pyramids, perhaps start with http://gobeklitepe.info/). These effects, while publicly reported to be small, are real: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281439915_Gravity-Superconductors_Interactions_Historical_Background. This looks fake (could be an actual radar return test: conventional jet circles, then splits off, TR-3Bs then turn to reflect max radar (camera direction). The initial separation impulse of the two objects is impossible without gravity/mass reduction/warp or CGI fakery), however it's a good demo of what the TR-3B reportedly looks like: http://www.military.com/video/aircraft/military-aircraft/tr-3b-aurora-anti-gravity-spacecrafts/2860314511001. If the US gov has this tech, they don't want anyone to know for sure either way: psy-ops. Study Operation High Jump and what is currently going on in Antarctica- something special or more psy-ops?
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