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Everything posted by jcs

  1. We've had the camera for about 1.5 years, it's not an issue at all- took a long time for anyone to even notice it. It's probably related to the firmware release which vastly reduces noise. Hopefully they can fix it or at least provide an option to turn off that form of NR in the next FW release.
  2. When you get lemons make lemonade- I'm using ours for our next ghost movie- we're gonna save a ton on VFX post work! Strangely, I only recently noticed this, but didn't worry about it because I never saw it in moving footage (and most of our work has been a locked camera on a green screen). Still have a 5D3 and while it's tempting to try the new 4K ML, the C300 II has great AF, super low rolling shutter, smallish files (compared to RAW), won't stop recording due to data rate issues, and easy post workflow. Love the 4K ML RAW look, just not worth it when we have these other options and the target is YouTube. For experimental / pure art / narrative, 4K ML RAW is a dream come true.
  3. jcs

    which headpones?

    I found the ATH M50's by listening to detailed music I was familiar with at Guitar Center, trying all the headphones, regardless of price. The ATH M50's sounded the best, and they matched the online price at the time of around $110, which was a very good deal. Have I heard better? Sure, Stax electrostatic ear speakers with high-end preamps: http://www.stax.co.jp/index-E.html. I've listened to various Stax versions with various preamps throughout the years and they always blow me away. However for mixing some folks don't like them (see last review here- they prefer the ATH M50! https://www.amazon.com/STAX-SR-007A-Electrostatic-Earspeakers-Japan/dp/B0013D3BPE/). You really do need to try on and listen to headphones before buying them if you're going to be using them for professional (even hobbyist) mixing. For monitors I've used higher-end models including the Mackie HR824's (http://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/mackie-hr824-studio-monitor). These were highly rated and expensive when we purchased them, however I much prefer these guys- Tannoy Reveal 501a: https://www.amazon.com/Tannoy-Reveal-501A-Channel-Monitor/dp/B004B9YL1U (no longer made, new version: https://www.amazon.com/Tannoy-Reveal-502/dp/B00J66GUGW/). Combined with a little FocusRite Scarlet 2i2: https://www.amazon.com/Focusrite-Scarlett-Audio-Interface-Tools/dp/B01E6T56EA/ they sound great (decent preamps for recording too (also use a Sound Devices USBPre2)). I found the Tannoy's the same way as the ATH M50's: listening to known material while at Guitar Center. They sounded far better than much more expensive speakers. As some of the Amazon reviews note, they do put out white noise, but it's less than the MacPro fans so doesn't bother me. These might be a good deal (after a live listen): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LI6S6JW?psc=1&smid=A1FEN8WPYFT9YE https://www.amazon.com/KRK-RP6G3-NA-Generation-Powered-Monitor/dp/B00FXAUWW8/ (good deal for a pair (most monitors sold as single speakers)).
  4. jcs

    I'm Sorry

    Right on brother! ??
  5. jcs

    which headpones?

    I think these are the best bang for the buck, very detailed and accurate: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00HVLUR86/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1491355714&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=athm50x+headphones These are a bit more comfortable, not as accurate and detailed (still plenty good for mixing, also fold very compactly), great for location mixing and shooting. Considered the 'standard' all overHollywood): https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000AJIF4E/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1491355963&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=sony+7506
  6. You're right, I simply took the first google hit and the context was left out. This illustrates an important point about religious documents: people can find and interpret things in many different ways. Here's a Catholic discussion asking the same question, did Jesus say to worship him or not: https://forums.catholic.com/showthread.php?t=546343. The question is answered both ways, depending on the poster's point of view. Jesus did claim to be the Son of God, however we're all children of God, so that's not a directive that we should worship each other. Respecting and being kind to each other generally makes people happy. The Jews killed Jesus so he'd be the only "Son of God" for political reasons of power, so no one else would realize they too, are a child of God. Alan Watts discusses it here: Nothing in The Bible is meant to help people in Earthly ways? The reason you give is because the apostles died terrible deaths- wow does that logic work? All the sermons in church where parables and anecdotes (and the 10 commandments) are given to help people deal with their daily, Earthly lives is for what other purpose? From what I've seen the main purpose of most readers of The Bible (and all religions) is a tool to help deal with life on Earth, as one exists In the Now. The concepts of the after life and heaven are tools used to comfort people in dealing with their own certain death and death of loved ones while on Earth. In any case, what's important are the concepts, which are repeated, borrowed, copied and reused in all religions. The conflicts arise when people focus on their religion, their people, their book, as the only way. If one doesn't agree, they are 'bad' and bad things happen to them. Is that the kindness Jesus spoke of? The Golden Rule from the Hebrew Bible?
  7. The Bible doesn't teach anything by itself. Jesus said 'don't worship me, worship God' (Revelation 22:9). Yet many worship him anyways (same thing for Buddha). The original concept of God has been equally distorted for politics and control. God wasn't meant to be a 'vengeful/emotional' anthropomorphic being. Metaphors were used to try to describe difficult concepts. However they've been misinterpreted to fit the model of a patriarchal power structure. Jesus wasn't The son of God- he was A son of God, as we are all children of God. And in essence, we are all God co-creating reality together- that's what they really meant. This concept isn't even religious- it's obvious by itself, ipso facto. Jesus was killed to maintain a political power structure. And when I say Jesus, I mean all the different equivalent forms too which existed long before Jesus, for example Horus. Again, not focusing on the person, only the ideas, which are what's really important. People get distracted fighting over the source(s) and forget the truth in what was said (which everyone pretty much agrees with). The information recorded in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and New Testament is meant to help people. When people focus on 'The Bible' and who said it as Primary Importance, therein lies a fundamental misunderstanding of the original purpose of The Bible and similar religious documents. If everyone simply focused on the original intention of the scriptures for the big 3 religions, and not the books themselves, the people who spoke, and the associated religions and political systems, then people from all 3 religions would have a chance at consensus and agreement (actually all religions and atheists too). If you truly want to follow Jesus' teachings, why wouldn't you want to help unite everyone on Earth, and do whatever it takes to do so? The fire metaphor is a good one- let's add to it. You can yell fire in a certain way that only 1/4 the people will understand, and 3/4 of the rest of the people will die. You have the option to yell fire where all the people can be saved, yet it will require a small sacrifice in your personal political group, possibly against your ego, possibly with financial loss. How will you yell fire? I haven't asked you to do anything, only asked you questions.
  8. Is your goal to help people heal, to help unify people to be kind and work together for the collective good? If so, how will this experience change how you create your content? If you know directly quoting scripture will turn some people off, will you do it anyway 'because it's me', or will you have empathy for others and change it into a non-divisive form to help them remember the kindness and helpful knowledge you are sharing?
  9. I've gotta say, 5D3 RAW 4K has a unique look not available anywhere else at any price- very much looks like a pleasing form of film. Too bad we can't (yet?) get that look out of a C300 II, 1DX II, or 5D4 along with DPAF and small/easy files!
  10. And if you do interact, are you applying water (helping, calming, growing life) or fire (harming)?
  11. The problem with religion and quoting 'scripture' from any source, is it is automatically exclusionary if the reader is from another faith, atheist, etc. An even bigger issue is much of the texts are taken literally when they don't really resemble what the original authors and prophetic visionaries wrote as metaphors, trying to put into words ideas that are hard to describe in normal human consciousness, especially anything related to God. There is a huge ego one-upmanship of who's religion is more correct, better, superior etc. Alan Watts discusses this in length (only 7 minutes, worth listening!): Another issue is no one likes being told what to do, or preached to (unless one already believes the ideas, so why are people wasting time preaching to the converted?). The issue I had as a child with Christian and Jewish upbringing was the hypocrisy of the adults, and so I rejected it all at a very young age. Only after facing death a few times and life's many challenges did I start looking deeper beyond the surface layer of the reality distortion field of what runs on our current planetary civilization. As a complex system of interacting consciousnesses, it's more efficient to share ideas of kindness after an interaction of unkindness, when it matters most, and is more likely to have a lasting effect. In entertainment and especially filmmaking, we can remind and reinforce these fundamental and universal truths, that we already know to be true, through storytelling ('parables'), through metaphors, through humor, but not through quoting scriptures or preaching in any way (was this post preaching ?). Here's a great example of teaching, reminding, but not preaching. A powerful story, well worth watching (on Netflix): People ask, what is my faith, my religion. My reply is observe how I act and treat others, not what I say I am.
  12. +1.7 to +2 or so is fine with SLog2. WB also looked good (viewed on iPhone)- does everything match how it looked in person? I usually have a slight tweak on WB for skintones (set by eye, e.g G-M 2.25).
  13. You should be able to use H.264 with YouTube- I use PP CC with YouTube H.264 settings and it works OK.
  14. This is a problem with Color Profile handling which can affect color, saturation, and contrast (gamma). Adobe finally fixed their handling of it for stills with the latest version of Photoshop CC 2017. You can see it by going to File / Export / Export As, select JPG, then click Color Space / Convert to sRGB. Your image will become too red with a magenta shift. Then click Embed Color Profile and it will look correct. In OSX, if you select an MP4 and hit space, the image is undersaturated and flat (same with QuickTime Player). Then right-click and select VLC to playback (you've installed it, right?), and it looks closer to correct- saturation and contrast. As you've noticed, some browsers handle Color Profiles correctly, some don't. Knowing this, you'll see why it's important to have your final output as 'centered' as possible so when viewed on an 'off' device (including crazy TV settings such as "Vivid"), your material still looks reasonable. The reason this hasn't been fixed is it's a complex problem, and most end users aren't even aware there's an issue. When color grading, your eyes can become accustomed to 'wrong' colors, and until others point out the issues, you won't even know there's an issue. That's why calibrated monitors are important, and why looking away from the screen periodically, and at others images periodically (with completely different colors, especially complementary colors), during grading to keep your eye-brain color system from becoming OK (accommodated) with 'off' colors.
  15. If a Pro Mist or similar diffusion filter was used, you'd see blooming and glow on the highlights (which I didn't see). The hair in some shots is over sharp. If the hair is sharp and skin looks soft, either the face is not quite in focus, the camera is doing skin smoothing, or compression is removing skin detail (which can be very subtle compared to hair). I would suggest turning noise reduction off if possible (though might be a challenge for 4K material at these low bitrates). In order to get highlights looking filmic, it's best to shoot in log and make sure highlights don't clip (which they didn't do).
  16. Are you sure you figured it out? Might want to check your watch for missing time
  17. @webrunner5 everything I listed above plus film grain (ideally organic noise), and film-look grading or using a film style LUT (PP CC has a few, there's also Film Convert and others), I'm certain it can have a film look, even in 4K. A super detailed noise free look is fine for corporate, commercials, YouTube vloggers, etc., and with a little work can look quite filmic too. Remember @Neumann Films example (I tweaked this frame- see full screen): https://www.filmconvert.com/ has a GH4 + Vlog and Varicam LT profiles and I'm sure will have GH5 too (if the Varicam LT is log, that might work on the GH5).
  18. Nice all around camera. Can be cinematic with the right lens (e.g Voigtlander F.95), filter (ProMist or similar), 24p, and log to protect highlights (+grading. Lighting is important though cinéma vérité can work too). This is a no excuse camera, now anyone can make a blockbuster . @Orangenz are you waiting for Peter Jackson to get his so you can combine cameras for District Kong Hobbit IX 3D? If you shoot it Birdman style in one take then throw on a LUT, you'd be done in about two hours!
  19. You can create your own with Canon's Picture Style editor, or I released two free versions before the paid versions came out, here, and here. Mine are unlocked so you can see the curves and change them. I also tested CineStyle (also free, but locked)- didn't see much difference between my version (think their's was a little flatter). The folks who made paid versions probably spent a lot more time tuning the settings than I did. I only spent a few minutes and didn't try to match CLog etc., just did it by eye.
  20. Anyone with access to both the 1DX-II (or 5D4 etc.) and the 1DC could perform a test to see how much better CLog is vs. the log-like picture styles for both dynamic range and skintones (the harder part). @Luke Mason noted the 1DC with CLog has more DR but not much more info here:
  21. White balance was too magenta. Corrected in Photoshop. Now the background is gray, however green-magenta bands are still mixed in and skintones are slightly greenish. Some shades go magenta and some go green. That's the big challenge cameras have with color science. To get everything right in this example it would take secondary color correction and/or masking- a lot of work. While Canon is certainly not perfect, in my experience I have far less work in post with Canon vs. Panasonic or Sony (both of which can look great, but takes more time in post). Part of the issue could be the lights- spikey spectrums are hard for many cameras to deal with (that's why natural light and tungsten can look nice, and all other non-continuous spectrum lights prove challenging).
  22. Selfish people out to hurt others are like cancer. Indeed one is right to protect life. Online we are safe, and there we can practice kindness until it's a good habit. When confronted by those who wish to physically harm us, we fight with honor, without hate. This helps the warrior after the fight is over to lead a peaceful life. @webrunner5 thank you for your service, brother.
  23. In order to be angry at someone, you've first got to have something in your own mind that you are projecting on the other person to be angry about. Think about why that is and you can start not being angry at others (as often ). If someone tells you you are wrong when you are right, who are you really getting angry at? If you are completely confident and at peace with yourself, you won't get angry, maybe even chuckle in those cases. Sometimes they'll be right- accept that too, then you'll be right again!
  24. Think about it like this- those folks were infected with a virus or were like cancer. You were part of the immune system, helping the body to heal. In cases of life or death or warfare, it's unfortunate that people must die, especially if the warriors are fighting for someone else's cause and don't really want to be in battle. Online and via social media is perfect place to practice kindness. We can stop, take a breath, and take our time to respond. My favorite movie is The Last Samurai. Kindness is not weakness.
  25. Doesn't matter who did what- empathy for them too! What flows through our minds affects our minds and our bodies. Neurons that fire together, wire together. What you think, you become, or create. We can change ourselves, then those around us. You can see where this leads, like a fractal
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