Was a quick handheld test, right out of the box with no settings changes. You can print out the test pattern here: [url=http://www.bealecorner.org/red/test-patterns/]http://www.bealecorner.org/red/test-patterns/[/url] (ISO 12233). Canon's internal sharpen filter appears to be some form of Unsharp Mask, hence the halo. When I have more time can try with camera sharpen turned off. PPro's GPU accelerated sharpen is a convolution filter (same filter applied to still photo has no halo). That said, the sharpened video playing back in real-time in PPro looks pretty good: not soft! 8). Try sharpening your footage in post with a convolution style filter with in-camera sharpen turned down/off. At this price point, there's really nothing to compare with the 5D3 right now (if you want to use your Canon lenses and FF, etc.).