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  1. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Orangenz in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Why haven't you posted your 2 hour feature film yet?
  2. Like
    jcs reacted to jpfilmz in C-LOG coming to 5D mk IV   
    They just confirmed that it's coming.  They also say that Canon "has been looking at ways to “improve” the 4K video capture crop".

  3. Like
    jcs got a reaction from William Koehler in TSA bans cameras in cabin baggage, on flights to the US from 13 countries   
    Plastic explosives could be hidden inside a working LiPo battery (Lithium by itself can explode and burn just by contacting water). Checked bags get heavier screening for bomb chemistry via high-energy devices: http://www.sds.l-3com.com/products/explosivedetect.htm. Additionally, checked bags are stored inside more resilient containers in the cargo hold vs. the relatively thin airframe where passengers sit. A bomb might also be used to gain access to a locked cockpit.
    These directives come from intelligence agencies and were also implemented on various levels from the prior administration, only now becoming politicized and amplified by people unable or unwilling to seek the truth, unaware that they are pawns in a much bigger plan. The programming is brilliant as the victims aren't even aware of what's been done to them, where their first unconscious reactions are typically expletives, irrational behavior, silliness, ad hominem, and complete inability for calm, rational, and polite discussion when their programming is challenged. How effective and deep does this unconscious programming go? Does Shaq really believe the Earth is flat, or is he just trying to get traffic for his podcast? http://gizmodo.com/some-photos-of-earth-for-shaq-who-thinks-the-earth-is-1793422926
    I've been studying the comment sections on MSM sites (all sides), comments on this forum too, and most people don't realize how close we are to nuclear annihilation. Everyone is acting like children insulting the previous and current leadership and each other. No one is trying to get along or solve the bigger issues. This is what the people behind the curtain want- everyone fighting each other! If the rumors of alien overlords here to protect us are false*, we're in big trouble if we don't start working together to live in harmony with each other and the planet. It looks like a highly advanced civilization on Earth was destroyed about 12,000 years ago. Are we going to repeat it? Will the iRock and iStick become the cool new gadgets?
    * UFOs look more like advanced terrestrial vehicles from everything I've seen. 99.999% look like hoaxes (nice job decorating your "UFO" like a Christmas tree). Truly alien or interdimensional vehicles could be invisible to us.
  4. Like
    jcs got a reaction from FilmMan in TSA bans cameras in cabin baggage, on flights to the US from 13 countries   
    Plastic explosives could be hidden inside a working LiPo battery (Lithium by itself can explode and burn just by contacting water). Checked bags get heavier screening for bomb chemistry via high-energy devices: http://www.sds.l-3com.com/products/explosivedetect.htm. Additionally, checked bags are stored inside more resilient containers in the cargo hold vs. the relatively thin airframe where passengers sit. A bomb might also be used to gain access to a locked cockpit.
    These directives come from intelligence agencies and were also implemented on various levels from the prior administration, only now becoming politicized and amplified by people unable or unwilling to seek the truth, unaware that they are pawns in a much bigger plan. The programming is brilliant as the victims aren't even aware of what's been done to them, where their first unconscious reactions are typically expletives, irrational behavior, silliness, ad hominem, and complete inability for calm, rational, and polite discussion when their programming is challenged. How effective and deep does this unconscious programming go? Does Shaq really believe the Earth is flat, or is he just trying to get traffic for his podcast? http://gizmodo.com/some-photos-of-earth-for-shaq-who-thinks-the-earth-is-1793422926
    I've been studying the comment sections on MSM sites (all sides), comments on this forum too, and most people don't realize how close we are to nuclear annihilation. Everyone is acting like children insulting the previous and current leadership and each other. No one is trying to get along or solve the bigger issues. This is what the people behind the curtain want- everyone fighting each other! If the rumors of alien overlords here to protect us are false*, we're in big trouble if we don't start working together to live in harmony with each other and the planet. It looks like a highly advanced civilization on Earth was destroyed about 12,000 years ago. Are we going to repeat it? Will the iRock and iStick become the cool new gadgets?
    * UFOs look more like advanced terrestrial vehicles from everything I've seen. 99.999% look like hoaxes (nice job decorating your "UFO" like a Christmas tree). Truly alien or interdimensional vehicles could be invisible to us.
  5. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Juank in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Interesting end result- kind of reminded me of a CGI scene (as a cool effect). Perhaps too much grain/noise was removed; tried adding some back and tweaked the color a bit. Specular on lip was oversharp/digital, fixed. I dig the super color of the 60's... It's harder to make a super-saturated image look good if the color science is off. This looks decent full size:

  6. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Leica50mm in TSA bans cameras in cabin baggage, on flights to the US from 13 countries   
    Plastic explosives could be hidden inside a working LiPo battery (Lithium by itself can explode and burn just by contacting water). Checked bags get heavier screening for bomb chemistry via high-energy devices: http://www.sds.l-3com.com/products/explosivedetect.htm. Additionally, checked bags are stored inside more resilient containers in the cargo hold vs. the relatively thin airframe where passengers sit. A bomb might also be used to gain access to a locked cockpit.
    These directives come from intelligence agencies and were also implemented on various levels from the prior administration, only now becoming politicized and amplified by people unable or unwilling to seek the truth, unaware that they are pawns in a much bigger plan. The programming is brilliant as the victims aren't even aware of what's been done to them, where their first unconscious reactions are typically expletives, irrational behavior, silliness, ad hominem, and complete inability for calm, rational, and polite discussion when their programming is challenged. How effective and deep does this unconscious programming go? Does Shaq really believe the Earth is flat, or is he just trying to get traffic for his podcast? http://gizmodo.com/some-photos-of-earth-for-shaq-who-thinks-the-earth-is-1793422926
    I've been studying the comment sections on MSM sites (all sides), comments on this forum too, and most people don't realize how close we are to nuclear annihilation. Everyone is acting like children insulting the previous and current leadership and each other. No one is trying to get along or solve the bigger issues. This is what the people behind the curtain want- everyone fighting each other! If the rumors of alien overlords here to protect us are false*, we're in big trouble if we don't start working together to live in harmony with each other and the planet. It looks like a highly advanced civilization on Earth was destroyed about 12,000 years ago. Are we going to repeat it? Will the iRock and iStick become the cool new gadgets?
    * UFOs look more like advanced terrestrial vehicles from everything I've seen. 99.999% look like hoaxes (nice job decorating your "UFO" like a Christmas tree). Truly alien or interdimensional vehicles could be invisible to us.
  7. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Ken Ross in TSA bans cameras in cabin baggage, on flights to the US from 13 countries   
    Plastic explosives could be hidden inside a working LiPo battery (Lithium by itself can explode and burn just by contacting water). Checked bags get heavier screening for bomb chemistry via high-energy devices: http://www.sds.l-3com.com/products/explosivedetect.htm. Additionally, checked bags are stored inside more resilient containers in the cargo hold vs. the relatively thin airframe where passengers sit. A bomb might also be used to gain access to a locked cockpit.
    These directives come from intelligence agencies and were also implemented on various levels from the prior administration, only now becoming politicized and amplified by people unable or unwilling to seek the truth, unaware that they are pawns in a much bigger plan. The programming is brilliant as the victims aren't even aware of what's been done to them, where their first unconscious reactions are typically expletives, irrational behavior, silliness, ad hominem, and complete inability for calm, rational, and polite discussion when their programming is challenged. How effective and deep does this unconscious programming go? Does Shaq really believe the Earth is flat, or is he just trying to get traffic for his podcast? http://gizmodo.com/some-photos-of-earth-for-shaq-who-thinks-the-earth-is-1793422926
    I've been studying the comment sections on MSM sites (all sides), comments on this forum too, and most people don't realize how close we are to nuclear annihilation. Everyone is acting like children insulting the previous and current leadership and each other. No one is trying to get along or solve the bigger issues. This is what the people behind the curtain want- everyone fighting each other! If the rumors of alien overlords here to protect us are false*, we're in big trouble if we don't start working together to live in harmony with each other and the planet. It looks like a highly advanced civilization on Earth was destroyed about 12,000 years ago. Are we going to repeat it? Will the iRock and iStick become the cool new gadgets?
    * UFOs look more like advanced terrestrial vehicles from everything I've seen. 99.999% look like hoaxes (nice job decorating your "UFO" like a Christmas tree). Truly alien or interdimensional vehicles could be invisible to us.
  8. Like
    jcs got a reaction from jonpais in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Interesting end result- kind of reminded me of a CGI scene (as a cool effect). Perhaps too much grain/noise was removed; tried adding some back and tweaked the color a bit. Specular on lip was oversharp/digital, fixed. I dig the super color of the 60's... It's harder to make a super-saturated image look good if the color science is off. This looks decent full size:

  9. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Tim Shoebridge in TSA bans cameras in cabin baggage, on flights to the US from 13 countries   
    Plastic explosives could be hidden inside a working LiPo battery (Lithium by itself can explode and burn just by contacting water). Checked bags get heavier screening for bomb chemistry via high-energy devices: http://www.sds.l-3com.com/products/explosivedetect.htm. Additionally, checked bags are stored inside more resilient containers in the cargo hold vs. the relatively thin airframe where passengers sit. A bomb might also be used to gain access to a locked cockpit.
    These directives come from intelligence agencies and were also implemented on various levels from the prior administration, only now becoming politicized and amplified by people unable or unwilling to seek the truth, unaware that they are pawns in a much bigger plan. The programming is brilliant as the victims aren't even aware of what's been done to them, where their first unconscious reactions are typically expletives, irrational behavior, silliness, ad hominem, and complete inability for calm, rational, and polite discussion when their programming is challenged. How effective and deep does this unconscious programming go? Does Shaq really believe the Earth is flat, or is he just trying to get traffic for his podcast? http://gizmodo.com/some-photos-of-earth-for-shaq-who-thinks-the-earth-is-1793422926
    I've been studying the comment sections on MSM sites (all sides), comments on this forum too, and most people don't realize how close we are to nuclear annihilation. Everyone is acting like children insulting the previous and current leadership and each other. No one is trying to get along or solve the bigger issues. This is what the people behind the curtain want- everyone fighting each other! If the rumors of alien overlords here to protect us are false*, we're in big trouble if we don't start working together to live in harmony with each other and the planet. It looks like a highly advanced civilization on Earth was destroyed about 12,000 years ago. Are we going to repeat it? Will the iRock and iStick become the cool new gadgets?
    * UFOs look more like advanced terrestrial vehicles from everything I've seen. 99.999% look like hoaxes (nice job decorating your "UFO" like a Christmas tree). Truly alien or interdimensional vehicles could be invisible to us.
  10. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Cas1 in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Until Edward Bernays effectively created 'Public Relations' based on concepts from his uncle, Sigmund Freud, marketing was based on people's actual needs. Bernays changed everything and marketing evolved into emotion and fantasy-illusion based and thus the world has been changed. Now marketing is based on emotion and desire, and not actual need for daily living or survival.
    The Universe Loves Drama, so combined with the emotional-fantasy-based social reality we now live in, explains the current behavior of social interaction, especially in social media. It's enough of a challenge for logical thinkers to effectively communicate with emotional thinkers (and neither side being able to communicate with the other). It becomes a deeper communication challenge with the added fantasy layer, which affects everyone at some level (including me: for example I too used to believe in the 'Full Frame' look until I studied the math and performed my own tests). What we really 'know' changes with time and it's important to remember that.
    Another interesting social element is that most of the people discussing cameras, and all gear for that matter, spend far less time creating with the tools than focusing on the tools themselves. The tools become a form of entertainment in and of themselves: playing with them, doing 'tests', debating online, discussing deficiencies in the current model(s) and yearning for the new model(s), buying and selling, etc. And for perhaps the vast majority, not actually creating any content other than writing, discussing, and debating the tools in social media. This is not a judgement, rather an observation of another form of creating and fellowship of like-minded enthusiasts: people who focus on the tools themselves for entertainment vs. using the tools to create content, for entertainment or for a living. Every now and then someone will post, "get out and shoot people!", but that's not why most of the people are on these forums.
    The GH5 of course is a major improvement and is an excellent content-creation tool. Is it a baby ARRI? Who knows, let's see some side-by-side tests as were done with Canon 5D3 RAW, which with 14-bit Canon color is indeed like a baby Alexa as shown by various tests done over the years.
  11. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Chrad in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Until Edward Bernays effectively created 'Public Relations' based on concepts from his uncle, Sigmund Freud, marketing was based on people's actual needs. Bernays changed everything and marketing evolved into emotion and fantasy-illusion based and thus the world has been changed. Now marketing is based on emotion and desire, and not actual need for daily living or survival.
    The Universe Loves Drama, so combined with the emotional-fantasy-based social reality we now live in, explains the current behavior of social interaction, especially in social media. It's enough of a challenge for logical thinkers to effectively communicate with emotional thinkers (and neither side being able to communicate with the other). It becomes a deeper communication challenge with the added fantasy layer, which affects everyone at some level (including me: for example I too used to believe in the 'Full Frame' look until I studied the math and performed my own tests). What we really 'know' changes with time and it's important to remember that.
    Another interesting social element is that most of the people discussing cameras, and all gear for that matter, spend far less time creating with the tools than focusing on the tools themselves. The tools become a form of entertainment in and of themselves: playing with them, doing 'tests', debating online, discussing deficiencies in the current model(s) and yearning for the new model(s), buying and selling, etc. And for perhaps the vast majority, not actually creating any content other than writing, discussing, and debating the tools in social media. This is not a judgement, rather an observation of another form of creating and fellowship of like-minded enthusiasts: people who focus on the tools themselves for entertainment vs. using the tools to create content, for entertainment or for a living. Every now and then someone will post, "get out and shoot people!", but that's not why most of the people are on these forums.
    The GH5 of course is a major improvement and is an excellent content-creation tool. Is it a baby ARRI? Who knows, let's see some side-by-side tests as were done with Canon 5D3 RAW, which with 14-bit Canon color is indeed like a baby Alexa as shown by various tests done over the years.
  12. Like
    jcs got a reaction from hyalinejim in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Until Edward Bernays effectively created 'Public Relations' based on concepts from his uncle, Sigmund Freud, marketing was based on people's actual needs. Bernays changed everything and marketing evolved into emotion and fantasy-illusion based and thus the world has been changed. Now marketing is based on emotion and desire, and not actual need for daily living or survival.
    The Universe Loves Drama, so combined with the emotional-fantasy-based social reality we now live in, explains the current behavior of social interaction, especially in social media. It's enough of a challenge for logical thinkers to effectively communicate with emotional thinkers (and neither side being able to communicate with the other). It becomes a deeper communication challenge with the added fantasy layer, which affects everyone at some level (including me: for example I too used to believe in the 'Full Frame' look until I studied the math and performed my own tests). What we really 'know' changes with time and it's important to remember that.
    Another interesting social element is that most of the people discussing cameras, and all gear for that matter, spend far less time creating with the tools than focusing on the tools themselves. The tools become a form of entertainment in and of themselves: playing with them, doing 'tests', debating online, discussing deficiencies in the current model(s) and yearning for the new model(s), buying and selling, etc. And for perhaps the vast majority, not actually creating any content other than writing, discussing, and debating the tools in social media. This is not a judgement, rather an observation of another form of creating and fellowship of like-minded enthusiasts: people who focus on the tools themselves for entertainment vs. using the tools to create content, for entertainment or for a living. Every now and then someone will post, "get out and shoot people!", but that's not why most of the people are on these forums.
    The GH5 of course is a major improvement and is an excellent content-creation tool. Is it a baby ARRI? Who knows, let's see some side-by-side tests as were done with Canon 5D3 RAW, which with 14-bit Canon color is indeed like a baby Alexa as shown by various tests done over the years.
  13. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Parker in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Until Edward Bernays effectively created 'Public Relations' based on concepts from his uncle, Sigmund Freud, marketing was based on people's actual needs. Bernays changed everything and marketing evolved into emotion and fantasy-illusion based and thus the world has been changed. Now marketing is based on emotion and desire, and not actual need for daily living or survival.
    The Universe Loves Drama, so combined with the emotional-fantasy-based social reality we now live in, explains the current behavior of social interaction, especially in social media. It's enough of a challenge for logical thinkers to effectively communicate with emotional thinkers (and neither side being able to communicate with the other). It becomes a deeper communication challenge with the added fantasy layer, which affects everyone at some level (including me: for example I too used to believe in the 'Full Frame' look until I studied the math and performed my own tests). What we really 'know' changes with time and it's important to remember that.
    Another interesting social element is that most of the people discussing cameras, and all gear for that matter, spend far less time creating with the tools than focusing on the tools themselves. The tools become a form of entertainment in and of themselves: playing with them, doing 'tests', debating online, discussing deficiencies in the current model(s) and yearning for the new model(s), buying and selling, etc. And for perhaps the vast majority, not actually creating any content other than writing, discussing, and debating the tools in social media. This is not a judgement, rather an observation of another form of creating and fellowship of like-minded enthusiasts: people who focus on the tools themselves for entertainment vs. using the tools to create content, for entertainment or for a living. Every now and then someone will post, "get out and shoot people!", but that's not why most of the people are on these forums.
    The GH5 of course is a major improvement and is an excellent content-creation tool. Is it a baby ARRI? Who knows, let's see some side-by-side tests as were done with Canon 5D3 RAW, which with 14-bit Canon color is indeed like a baby Alexa as shown by various tests done over the years.
  14. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Emanuel in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Until Edward Bernays effectively created 'Public Relations' based on concepts from his uncle, Sigmund Freud, marketing was based on people's actual needs. Bernays changed everything and marketing evolved into emotion and fantasy-illusion based and thus the world has been changed. Now marketing is based on emotion and desire, and not actual need for daily living or survival.
    The Universe Loves Drama, so combined with the emotional-fantasy-based social reality we now live in, explains the current behavior of social interaction, especially in social media. It's enough of a challenge for logical thinkers to effectively communicate with emotional thinkers (and neither side being able to communicate with the other). It becomes a deeper communication challenge with the added fantasy layer, which affects everyone at some level (including me: for example I too used to believe in the 'Full Frame' look until I studied the math and performed my own tests). What we really 'know' changes with time and it's important to remember that.
    Another interesting social element is that most of the people discussing cameras, and all gear for that matter, spend far less time creating with the tools than focusing on the tools themselves. The tools become a form of entertainment in and of themselves: playing with them, doing 'tests', debating online, discussing deficiencies in the current model(s) and yearning for the new model(s), buying and selling, etc. And for perhaps the vast majority, not actually creating any content other than writing, discussing, and debating the tools in social media. This is not a judgement, rather an observation of another form of creating and fellowship of like-minded enthusiasts: people who focus on the tools themselves for entertainment vs. using the tools to create content, for entertainment or for a living. Every now and then someone will post, "get out and shoot people!", but that's not why most of the people are on these forums.
    The GH5 of course is a major improvement and is an excellent content-creation tool. Is it a baby ARRI? Who knows, let's see some side-by-side tests as were done with Canon 5D3 RAW, which with 14-bit Canon color is indeed like a baby Alexa as shown by various tests done over the years.
  15. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Don Kotlos in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Until Edward Bernays effectively created 'Public Relations' based on concepts from his uncle, Sigmund Freud, marketing was based on people's actual needs. Bernays changed everything and marketing evolved into emotion and fantasy-illusion based and thus the world has been changed. Now marketing is based on emotion and desire, and not actual need for daily living or survival.
    The Universe Loves Drama, so combined with the emotional-fantasy-based social reality we now live in, explains the current behavior of social interaction, especially in social media. It's enough of a challenge for logical thinkers to effectively communicate with emotional thinkers (and neither side being able to communicate with the other). It becomes a deeper communication challenge with the added fantasy layer, which affects everyone at some level (including me: for example I too used to believe in the 'Full Frame' look until I studied the math and performed my own tests). What we really 'know' changes with time and it's important to remember that.
    Another interesting social element is that most of the people discussing cameras, and all gear for that matter, spend far less time creating with the tools than focusing on the tools themselves. The tools become a form of entertainment in and of themselves: playing with them, doing 'tests', debating online, discussing deficiencies in the current model(s) and yearning for the new model(s), buying and selling, etc. And for perhaps the vast majority, not actually creating any content other than writing, discussing, and debating the tools in social media. This is not a judgement, rather an observation of another form of creating and fellowship of like-minded enthusiasts: people who focus on the tools themselves for entertainment vs. using the tools to create content, for entertainment or for a living. Every now and then someone will post, "get out and shoot people!", but that's not why most of the people are on these forums.
    The GH5 of course is a major improvement and is an excellent content-creation tool. Is it a baby ARRI? Who knows, let's see some side-by-side tests as were done with Canon 5D3 RAW, which with 14-bit Canon color is indeed like a baby Alexa as shown by various tests done over the years.
  16. Like
    jcs reacted to funkyou86 in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
  17. Like
    jcs reacted to andy lee in Panasonic GH5 starts shipping in 3 days. How's the 180fps slow-mo quality?   
    This camera is a serious piece of movie making kit Panasonic have jumped leaps ahead of the competition with the GH5 , you can shoot serious movies to deliver to Netflix and Amazon Prime on this camera with out having to go to an Alexa or Red Epic/Dragon , it puts a lot of cinema camera features into the Gh5 at a superb price
  18. Like
    jcs reacted to andy lee in Panasonic GH5 starts shipping in 3 days. How's the 180fps slow-mo quality?   
    Just been with Nick Dirftwood playing around with a GH5 this morning and the IBIS is very very impressive even just in your hand with no rig ..... I do like this feature a lot especially on a shoulder rig for hand held shots , it does get rid of micro jitter and torn frames which I hate on hand held footage , and the rolling shutter is minimal - this is also great news for panning shots they don't lean over!! At last I can do great pans on a hand held rig. You can also upload your own LUTs into the camera , a very useful feature to have. 10 bit 422 looks superb ,we are getting into Alexa type quality looking footage now , the detail and clean blacks are there . I do think this camera is a game changer for Indy film makers . Panasonic are sending me one to use on the next film I'm about to start shooting, so I will share footage so you can see how good it is .PS on a Panny native lens you can programme in focus points on the rear screen  and it will pull focus between those two points very useful feature to have . you can actually programme in 3 focus points in all. We all as indie film makers have to thank Nick Driftwood for working closely with Panasonic to get these great new film making tweeks implemented on the GH5 .
  19. Like
    jcs reacted to tupp in The Advantages of Traveling Light   
    The Nila Arina appears to be one stop brighter, and it is doubtful that the Arina has the highest output of all LED filmmaking lights.  Nila was one of the very first high-power LED brands, so they have years of experience in designing for the film industry.
    There are weatherproof versions of the Nila fixtures.  I would also check out Mole and other major brands.
  20. Like
    jcs got a reaction from jonpais in The Advantages of Traveling Light   
    If you are shooting at night those lights could work fine. In daylight you need really powerful lights (or put light right next to subject face etc.). Reflectors can work well in daylight and are light and cheap. Something like these might be the lowest cost right now: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1259265-REG/intellytech_173004_fresnel_bi_color_high_output.html/prm/alsVwDtl 
    The F485 is about 3095 lux at ~10 feet at 20 degrees (https://www.intellytechusa.com/products/light-cannon-f-485-bi-color-high-output-485w-led-7-fresnel-w-dmx).
    The most powerful on the market appears to be this guy: http://aadyntech.com/products/the-punch-plus/, at 64,090 lux at 10 feet! (~$5700. About 21x more lux and only 3.6x the cost, so actually a very good value). That light is pretty huge and heavy.
    It's good to know ranges of lights available as many manufacturers vastly overstate the light output of their lights.
  21. Like
    jcs got a reaction from sam in Cinema5D slates the Panasonic GH5, calls V-LOG and 10bit "unusable" - They're wrong   
    Some people will maintain certain views no matter what and no amount of logic, reasoning, or real-world evidence will change their minds. Perhaps it's marketing, politics, drama, negative attention, ego, who knows? The best you can do is put information out there that everyone can use to find the truth for themselves and move on to the next puzzle. In the thread below folks argued with the inventor of the Speedbooster, one of the top lens designers in the world. As a cognitive scientist I wonder how these folks would argue in person with everyone physically present vs. the isolation and extreme dissociation created by the internet:

    When the GH5 is released you'll have your opportunity to refute Cinema5D with your own tests and evidence, and if you provide instructions for doing a proper test, your readers can replicate your tests and decide for themselves.
  22. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Don Kotlos in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    'Equivalence' is well defined, simple math. Not following instructions is like setting up a chess board where one player arbitrarily moves the pieces. If the other player is expecting a game of chess, they'll let the errant player know they are making mistakes. If the errant player says, "so what, I make my own rulez haha!", then what's the point of playing 'chess' or in this case 'equivalence' and what does this say about the errant player?
  23. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Timotheus in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    That's right especially if you're doing it wrong and you know it!  
  24. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Timotheus in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    Mattias, you are so close, if you set ISO correctly you've got equivalence down.
    What's the purpose of your videos? Is it to create drama or controversy to get views and negative engagement by doing things wrong on purpose, or is it to share your work, to help people make decisions and to help them learn how to shoot? Why not demonstrate equivalence correctly so other people can learn too?
  25. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Don Kotlos in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    Mattias, you are so close, if you set ISO correctly you've got equivalence down.
    What's the purpose of your videos? Is it to create drama or controversy to get views and negative engagement by doing things wrong on purpose, or is it to share your work, to help people make decisions and to help them learn how to shoot? Why not demonstrate equivalence correctly so other people can learn too?
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