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    jcs reacted to SR in Books on audio/sound   
    Thanks, jcs. Hopefully I can start doing some audio tests of my own after going through a couple of these. =)
  2. Like
    jcs got a reaction from SR in Books on audio/sound   
    Everything you need to know is online for free... amazing time we live in!
  3. Like
    jcs reacted to gt3rs in Battle of the Canons! 1dc vs. C100 vs. C300mkii   
    Can you prove me that other than the s35 mode the 1dc is sharper and superior?
    Also the 1dx ii has much less rolling shutter....
  4. Like
    jcs got a reaction from hmcindie in My first 1DX II / 1DC wedding film   
    Look's great Matthew19- nice job editing and touching music choice. With a little post sharpening it can be sharp enough for tight and medium shots, which looks like most of your shots. For wides it's still not going to looking like 4K downsampled to 1080p. For YouTube which is watched heavily on mobile devices these days, the in-camera 1080p is detailed enough.
    I still have a 5D3 (haven't shot H.264 video with it in a long time) and don't feel that the 1DX II is improved in sharpness/detail over the 5D3 post sharpened (here's a test I did after the 5D3 debate that it was too soft):
    For anything serious and short in length I use the 1DX II in 4K and downsample (lately only for 4K 60 paired with the C300 II as the primary camera).
    In any case, the 1080p from both cameras is sharp/detailed enough for people/closeups/mid shots and the colors look great out of camera. People have been using diffusion/softening filters (e.g. Black Pro-Mist, nylon stockings) to take the edge off over-sharp cameras for a long time 
  5. Like
    jcs reacted to Matthew19 in My first 1DX II / 1DC wedding film   
    Looks nice and detailed. I think post sharpening is a must with Canon. 
  6. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Matthew19 in My first 1DX II / 1DC wedding film   
    Look's great Matthew19- nice job editing and touching music choice. With a little post sharpening it can be sharp enough for tight and medium shots, which looks like most of your shots. For wides it's still not going to looking like 4K downsampled to 1080p. For YouTube which is watched heavily on mobile devices these days, the in-camera 1080p is detailed enough.
    I still have a 5D3 (haven't shot H.264 video with it in a long time) and don't feel that the 1DX II is improved in sharpness/detail over the 5D3 post sharpened (here's a test I did after the 5D3 debate that it was too soft):
    For anything serious and short in length I use the 1DX II in 4K and downsample (lately only for 4K 60 paired with the C300 II as the primary camera).
    In any case, the 1080p from both cameras is sharp/detailed enough for people/closeups/mid shots and the colors look great out of camera. People have been using diffusion/softening filters (e.g. Black Pro-Mist, nylon stockings) to take the edge off over-sharp cameras for a long time 
  7. Like
    jcs reacted to Matthew19 in My first 1DX II / 1DC wedding film   
    This was done in FF 1080p mode, which is still beautiful looking. I think that the image is improved over the other canon full frame options out there, espically for 60fps. Colors are exactly what I want.   I'll try and share a 4k wedding as soon as we shoot one. But, Is not looking forward to storing that data. 
  8. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Alkım Ün in Battle of the Canons! 1dc vs. C100 vs. C300mkii   
    Hey mawnnn, the C300 II with ARRI compatible settings rocks: Canon Log 2, Cinema Gamma, and Production Matrix. Then use an ARRI LUT to Rec709 in post and add saturation & contrast as desired- really fast & easy:
    We also use the 1DX II, and while it looks excellent, the C300 II with ARRI compatible color is like using an Alexa with autofocus. To speed up production and save diskspace, we use 1080p24 50Mbps (IPB) most of the time. 4K is used for wide shots that we crop in post (faster & easier than doing a 2 camera shoot). Ya gotta use the C300 II in production to really appreciate it beyond tests: it's underrated until you've used it for a while
  9. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Kisaha in Suitable Micophones to large indoor spaces   
    Audix SCX1-HC on one channel and the Schoeps CMC641 on the other (stereo). Can you tell the difference?
  10. Like
    jcs got a reaction from webrunner5 in Trump is POTUS now what?   
    Why stop there? Why not internal 12-bit RGB 444?   (only aware of the C300 II currently with that option. RAW of course reconstructs to 10+ bit RGB 444). 
    @webrunner5 No perfect solution, though there are better solutions than what we've been experiencing, namely we need to not accept behavior that serves them and not us (voting, buying/not-buying goods, peaceful protests, writing/calling congressmen etc.).
  11. Like
    jcs reacted to kaylee in Trump is POTUS now what?   
    omg ?
    omg ?
    @jcs i tried soooo hard not to post about that stuff in the many threads that turned political before the election
    lol well true
    then again, if you want to work on my film and you say "911 was an inside job" when we talk i am 100% hiring you
    @Hans Punk i wish @richg101 would come back to talk to these globalists
  12. Like
    jcs reacted to Axel in Trump is POTUS now what?   
    1. Be the voice of free America. Say and show that human beings of different ethnics can live together peacefully. 
    2. Propagade the positive values, liberty, fraternity, equality, solidarity, inclusion, justice. Not the words alone, but what they mean in everyday life.
    3. Reinstate facts over fearmongering, hysteria and conspiracy theories. All conspiracy theories ("Deep State") tend to be bizarr exaggerations of very banal truisms, i.e. that corruption exists (everywhere, by the way) and that there indeed is a swamp. A criminal detective would ask cui bono? In a capitalist system? Do we really need to speculate? Rich elites of course. Make their interests transparent! Obamacare (with all it's faults) was financed by progressive taxes, who will pay in the future?
    4. And: reinstate facts over false political correctness. Lets add honesty to the positive values under point 2.
    5. Don't attack Trump. Facts don't stick to him. Everybody already knows why he doesn't show his tax reports. That his crew is not qualified for the tasks assigned to them. And so forth. A bag full of shit can't be critizised. Better stop this kind of scandal-obsessed celebrity journalism which made him all too famous in the first place. Clinton was impeached for Lewinsky, but he stayed in office. These things are not what policy is about.
    6. Trumps "reign" can be an opportunity. Become aware (and make others aware) what has been accomplished in the past decades. And what we risk losing by DJT. Ignore the ridiculous enemy. Unite to show the world how great America is. For us non-Americans, it always had it's sinister sides too. Would global capitalism - uncontrollabe for a single nation (and not to be stopped by any kind of protectionism) and a severe threat to our planet and our species - exist without the USA?
    The good thing is, if you survive this regime, you will be stronger. I mean not militarily or economically ...
  13. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Shield3 in 1DC vs 1DX II Shootout   
    Such as 79,400 views for that camera test. Northrup and Dugdale have millions of views by making camera tests entertaining. Whether you agree with them or not, they are creating content that many people enjoy watching. My 'best' camera test only got 26K views- no story and pretty boring (this kindof had a story, though not much really going on (11.5K views)). How about yours?
  14. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Shield3 in 1DC vs 1DX II Shootout   
    Documentaries tell a story too: all good content tells some kind of story. Test videos or 'art videos' have a very limited audience to the general public. To be honest, calling something 'art' when it's a random jumble of incoherent shots is a cop out. True art tells a story and evokes emotion in a way that words alone cannot. Telling a good story isn't easy, that's why most content leaves us unfulfilled. My first short (which I co-wrote) wasn't very good, as the story was weak. All great filmmakers say the same thing: keep making movies, the first ones won't be very good and don't give up. You'll get better by making more. If one doesn't continue to make more, and learn from each until they are good, then they are stuck where they quit. If one is making a filmed work and not thinking about story, they are missing out on the most important element. Just a little bit of story makes the work much better (even wedding videos, a soccer game, etc.). Save the Cat explains 'the physics of storytelling' and it's right on: http://www.amazon.com/Save-Last-Book-Screenwriting-Youll/dp/1932907009 . If you add story to your next test video / review, it will be much better / easier to watch. Sure it's more work and planning, but well worth the effort. Which reminds me, I need to re-read Save the Cat
    Her story resonates with me- she was a teacher and also worked some kind of corporate job ('interior office'). After she had her daughter and having learned the basics of pottery she decided to take a risk and start her own business doing what she loved. And she succeeded, which is very rare, starting a business from nothing with no experience and becoming successful on the first go (profitable) . In the end it's more work than a corporate office job, but since she loves what she's doing it's not really work. Doing what you love and getting paid for it, isn't that what everyone wants? That's an inspiring story.
    Our current project involves interviews which on their own can be boring unless watched by a very small relevant market. So we're adding fun cutaways / animations / graphics to make it more entertaining for a wider audience. What's boring to you may be very interesting to someone else (for example anyone interested in starting their own business, entrepreneurs etc., may find the pottery piece interesting as it involves doing what one loves, art, creativity, recycling, and making enough money to not have to work a corporate job). The pottery piece also shows the 1DX II works well as a doc / short / advertorial camera.
    Sure, the 1DX II highlights blow out earlier than we'd like (I'll compare to the C300 II's Canon Log 2 at some point (much better than CLog, though requires 10 or more bits)). However I doubt a single non-camera-person consumer would ever notice blown highlights when the subject is properly exposed (they've seen blown highlights for years). IIRC, shooting with highlights at 80 IRE on the WFM (sunlight on a white fence, subject in shadow) with the C300 II resulted in blown highlights which I couldn't fully recover in post with PP CC. My background is image/graphics software and tech (not a camera operator), and intuitively 80 IRE should have been recoverable (where 100 IRE is 'max voltage'/signal value). Guess I'm missing something or there's an issue with PP CC. The point is even the mighty C300 II with Canon Log 2 will clip highlights if care is not taken (need to shoot tests to understand highlight clipping behavior).
    The 1DX II's strengths are very good color reproduction, including pleasing skin tones, very good (but not perfect by a long shot) PDAF, very nice 4K (and 4K 60p), decent audio preamps, and native Canon lens support without adapters. It's so nice to get footage straight from camera that needs little or no tweaking- that's why we skipped the FS7, FS5, etc. We're voting with our dollars: we're not spending any more money on cameras with poor color science (regardless of bells and whistles).
  15. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Shield3 in 1DC vs 1DX II Shootout   
    He used the camera to shoot a mini-doc, he told a story; I think he did a pretty good job. Then he discussed how it performed doing the job. A flip out screen would be nice, sounded more like a wish list item (something like a SmallHD 502 effectively solves the need). I stopped using 1080 on the 1DX II as the quality is so much better in 4K (and scaled to 1080p for 1080p projects). The tradeoff is less recording time and storage costs (though minimal as hard drives are so cheap). I haven't even tried 1080p 120 (60 slowed to 24 (2.5x) is good enough. Still have the FS700 for up to 240, but we just haven't needed it (probably sell it soon). The A7S II does decent 1080p 120. The 1DX II's 1080p 120 might be OK for a face close up (similar to 5D3 H.264 resolution, but with aliasing). 
    What is the value of a forum post? Does it contribute knowledge to the community, does it help people, does it solve a problem? Were you ironically joking with the ego comment? Pure technical tests are helpful, as you like to do to and adding a storytelling component where the camera is used in production is even more valuable. 
  16. Like
    jcs reacted to Don Kotlos in Sony A7S II compression issues   
    My guess would be the SD card. Try another card that is always formatted in camera and see if you can replicate it.
  17. Like
    jcs got a reaction from IronFilm in Suitable Micophones to large indoor spaces   
    The Schoeps CMC641 is one of the top indoor microphones if you want the best. The Audix SCX1-HC performs very similarly and is a great deal (we use both and they match well). Curtis Judd doesn't recommend the NT5 for indoor dialog (you can hear the NT5, Audix, and a few others tested here).
  18. Like
    jcs reacted to Kisaha in Suitable Micophones to large indoor spaces   
    You don't need a cardiod, but a different, more directional version, some of them already mentioned by jcs. The Sennheiser MKH-50 is excellent, but as you seem to search for a very low budget solution, I could suggest something like this, http://www.oktava-shop.com/Small-and-medium-diaphragm-condenser-mics/Oktava-MK-012-01-movie.html or this http://www.oktava-shop.com/Small-and-medium-diaphragm-condenser-mics/Oktava-MK-012-02.html if you need the extra capsules (or you know what they do).
    It is a bit tricky though, and if you want to move this mic, you would need the best protection from air, best shock mount system, and on top of that extra-super-special-ninja boom op ability, which is very difficult to find (or achieve) these low budgeted production days. If you have it stable on a stand, it will be just fine.
    The Audix seems like the best of both worlds.
  19. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Kisaha in Suitable Micophones to large indoor spaces   
    The Schoeps CMC641 is one of the top indoor microphones if you want the best. The Audix SCX1-HC performs very similarly and is a great deal (we use both and they match well). Curtis Judd doesn't recommend the NT5 for indoor dialog (you can hear the NT5, Audix, and a few others tested here).
  20. Like
    jcs got a reaction from kaylee in Biggest clusterfuck of 2016   
    We have discussed contacting Coast to Coast as we both have contacts there. I contacted George Knapp (area 51, Bob Lazar stories) when we studied NLP in Vegas, however he was busy and we're not primarily focussed on UFOs or Area 51. There is something possibly very interesting going on in Antarctica- a discovery of a lost civilization, (advanced technology ruins), a break-away civilization (with advanced technology- zero point energy, antigravity, etc.), or aliens from other planets or universes. All these subjects are fascinating, as is the human mind and the nature of reality itself. While most of the reports of these things are bunk, hoaxes, etc., a few are very compelling, especially military, commercial pilots, and astronaut reports. The central theme of Cosmic Flow is mind expansion and healing. While my day jobs are executive leadership positions and I have no issues speaking to live audiences, my on camera performance needs work. Jacqui is a trained actress and comedian (+ hypnotherapist and NLP coach) and thus we've focused on putting the best talent in front of the camera. We'll both be talking at the Conscious Life Expo in LA Sunday February 12th (George Noory will be there (c2c), as will Sean Stone (Oliver Stone's son; we had him on Cosmic Flow as a guest talking about Aliens/UFOs)). Jacqui will be talking about past lives and I'll be talking about nutrition and health (we'll be selling my e-book on recommended supplements and experiences with nutrition and healing myself after facing death a few times (started after being poisoned with gadolinium for an MRA (MRI with contrast)). Facing death completely changes one's view on life. There is a way to experience facing death without actually almost dying: DMT can do it and especially 5MeO-DMT. I used to eat junk and didn't listen to people recommending that I stop and eat healthy, so I completely understand when people won't listen to truth- I ignored it too until facing death. Many people won't quit smoking, drinking, or eating junk until having a heart attack, stroke, or cancer, etc., and a doctor tells them you have a choice. Change your ways or die (some people still choose death, and that's OK too).
  21. Like
    jcs reacted to mechanicalEYE in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
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    jcs got a reaction from Thpriest in Biggest clusterfuck of 2016   
    There is a very deep power struggle going on right now. Let's be thankful so far. The other side wants WW3. The other side wants division. Let's unite for peace. Let's envision the world we want to create and make it reality.
  23. Like
    jcs got a reaction from kaylee in Biggest clusterfuck of 2016   
    Easy- we just need more dimensions (we currently can't detect them). Superstring and M-theory try to address it (10 & 11 dimensional theories). Everything in the universe appears to have come from a single point, a singularity (not even a point really- one undefinable spot). Then the question becomes, what came before, why did it start, etc. Ancient man has been saying we are all still connected, and I believe they are right- in higher dimensions. We create quantum entanglement with a beam splitter and perhaps in nature by other means. There aren't necessarily twins on the other side of the universe (there could be though). A natural question is if we create a quantum entangled pair with a beam splitter, can we repeat the process and get many all entangled together or does the next beam split break the prior connection?
    DMT journeys can provide some clues, however what is experienced is beyond words, so hard to explain in human form. What is commonly observed is that we are all part of a continuum consciousness, collectively God. The Dominator culture (I first heard this term from Terence McKenna), which claims one god and promotes alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and processed food (sugar), is currently being challenged again by the Feminine Plant culture (again from McKenna), guided by the wisdom of plants: organic foods and for mind expansion- MJ, mushrooms, ayahuasca, ergotamine (synth as LSD). This last happened in the 60's, where we had the Vietnam war. The Dominators are trying to start a war with Russia and are using MSM and fake news to try to hold on to power. The internet and social media threw them a curveball as too many people have woken up and voted them out (both parties are the same- Trump is an outsider). We've got to keep waking people up, and make sure Trump does what's best for everyone and the planet. Lots of work to do, and everyone needs to be part of it (vs. expecting someone else to do it and blaming those in power). We've got to ease into a new way of sustainable living on this planet beyond capitalism.
  24. Like
    jcs got a reaction from kaylee in Biggest clusterfuck of 2016   
    Yes, Feynman was a great teacher (Six Easy Pieces & Six Not-So-Easy Pieces are good books, he explains the concepts clearly and the math is relatively simple (not a lot of it if one isn't into math; simple calculus and linear algebra)). The reason he said that is because unlike classical physics, we can't make predictions in quantum physics, only estimations based on probability. We need more dimensions than 3 space + 1 time to describe this universe. Superstring theory requires 9 space + 1 time dimensions, and M-theory which unifies superstring theories requires 10 space + 1 time dimensions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-theory . The challenge so far is coming up with a way to test them. These theories also give rise to 'many worlds', parallel universes, and are very interesting for both physicists and lay people alike (tons of cool Sci Fi based on these concepts). Have you watched Rick & Morty? Amazing writing! It's on Hulu & YouTube if you don't get cable. Also see The Man in the High Castle on Amazon Video.
    What she says and Deepok says is good (video starts at the point I'm talking about): 
    I jumped around, didn't find anywhere Deepok was schooled- what part specifically? Deepok made more sense than Shermer.
  25. Like
    jcs reacted to kaylee in Biggest clusterfuck of 2016   
    good article, this is EXACTLY what im talking about when i tell people how profound this is. i fundamentally agree with what youre saying tbh
    we might not know HOW that changes our day to day reality in a literal way, but it MUST, right? i say yes but i am not richard feynman
    "look him up" was a little condescending lol. btw id like to recommend a great book to everyone called Feynman's Rainbow. the author Leonard Mlodinow details his time as a postdoctoral student spent under Feynman's wing, and although its a little sad as feynman fights cancer, the author makes a lovely analogy between artists and theoretical physicists, in that both must create a problem to solve, or find one to work on that cant be solved – theres more, its fascinating. good book

    "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." ~ Richard Feynman
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