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    jcs got a reaction from tomekk in Mantra Mania   
    Thanks for noticing the background/foreground blur. We have limited time to produce these and figure most viewers will be on mobile devices. In any case, I'll be sure to add Gaussian blur on backgrounds sharper than the foreground (have been doing this sometimes but not always).
    This was shot on the C300 II at 1080p 50Mbps IPB (holds up really well for most things, however for moderate to extreme grades, I might start using 12-bit 444 1080p).
    If I have time tomorrow I'll do the test with the 1DX II.
  2. Like
    jcs reacted to tomekk in Mantra Mania   
    Doesn't background's sharpness bother you a little bit? It's sharper than she is which makes her look a little bit soft (to me at least). Other than that, I like it :).
    BTW. Did you test 1DX II for hot pixel issue as described here? People on dvxuser forum suspect 1DXII might be prone to it.

  3. Like
    jcs reacted to Mat Mayer in Something fun to do   
    Deleted in case of something.
  4. Like
    jcs reacted to Cinegain in Something fun to do   
    I'd say weed. Or shrooms. Heck, I think it's inducing the effects onto the audience through video as I see a spaceship coming from her mouth. Some next level subliminal digital media shit right there. Time to forget about 4K, 3D and HDR.
  5. Like
    jcs reacted to kaylee in Something fun to do   
    what the actual fuck
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    jcs reacted to bigfoot in Something fun to do   
    I love to see her in a more natural state. I would maybe go slower in the breathing technique but ... that's just me, I like a good pause !  I have a bit of a hiccup with the green screen thingy, we don't breath stardust... go play outside guys !  :D 
    I love the intro on this video, I think we can see her personality shine a lot more that way.  
    The outro seems a lot more relax too ! It's working 
  7. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Hanriverprod in Dear President Trump   
    We are in the dawning age of Aquarius: while the world seems very dark right now, we are waking up to a new bright age of a radical shift in consciousness and awareness of the true nature of reality. A lot like what happened in the 60's and 70's though very different because of the connectedness of the internet. The ego-driven dominator culture is being transformed into a similar-but-new form that existed before the dominator culture took over (driven by the harmful drugs alcohol, caffeine, and sugar), to a plant-based feminine partnership culture (driven by healing plants and fungi). Plants and fungi are key in this transformation, as they were thousands of years ago when hominids evolved into homo sapiens and consciousness and awareness were massively expanded. We'll discuss organic nutrition and healing plants and fungi in future videos- we heal the world by first healing ourselves.
  8. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Damphousse in Dear President Trump   
    Shot on C300 II (4K), cover photo and beach scene 1DX II (4K 60p).
  9. Like
    jcs reacted to Richard Bugg in Dear President Trump   
    Thanks jcs. I doubt that Trump would -  nay, could hear your message. The leaders of these movements seem inoculated against such. Instead, reaching out to those who have the power to remove them from office is probably the more productive. So as you suggest, self-healing is in order, as is reaching out to others through literature, film, music, discussion and so on. Here's a potent article that addresses the current ideological and political pestilence from an Australian perspective. It talks about the power of decency and literature, amongst other forms of expression. https://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2016/october/1475244000/richard-flanagan/does-writing-matter This is a widespread phenomenon.
  10. Like
    jcs reacted to Nrubloc in Dear President Trump   
    Let the healing begin.... Maybe people can soon start to learn who they are.
  11. Like
    jcs reacted to Cary Knoop in Some great colors   
  12. Like
    jcs got a reaction from SebRoss in Dear President Trump   
    We are in the dawning age of Aquarius: while the world seems very dark right now, we are waking up to a new bright age of a radical shift in consciousness and awareness of the true nature of reality. A lot like what happened in the 60's and 70's though very different because of the connectedness of the internet. The ego-driven dominator culture is being transformed into a similar-but-new form that existed before the dominator culture took over (driven by the harmful drugs alcohol, caffeine, and sugar), to a plant-based feminine partnership culture (driven by healing plants and fungi). Plants and fungi are key in this transformation, as they were thousands of years ago when hominids evolved into homo sapiens and consciousness and awareness were massively expanded. We'll discuss organic nutrition and healing plants and fungi in future videos- we heal the world by first healing ourselves.
  13. Like
    jcs reacted to Andrew Reid in Dear President Trump   
    It has 'something'.
    No matter what the politics.
    There's Trump's gold elevator.
    And there's California's new age videos.
    The US really is different to the rest of the world.
  14. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Kisaha in Dear President Trump   
    Shot on C300 II (4K), cover photo and beach scene 1DX II (4K 60p).
  15. Like
    jcs reacted to Hanriverprod in Dear President Trump   
    That was trippy and soothing...
  16. Like
    jcs reacted to Andrew Reid in Dear President Trump   
    I now watch this video at the start of every day to put me in a calm, meditative state.
  17. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Hanriverprod in Dear President Trump   
    Shot on C300 II (4K), cover photo and beach scene 1DX II (4K 60p).
  18. Like
    jcs reacted to Oliver Daniel in Canon 1D X Mark II review part 1 - why superior colour means it's game over for my Sony A7S II   
    In all due respect, I think this is one of your weaker articles.
    The comparison is weird (as the A7SII does look better) and this newish stance regarding Canon contradicts many other previous articles written on the site. 
    I looked into the Canon 1DX II - although the entire package is nice, the file sizes are very large, you need a hotshoe monitor for serious work (exposure tools, tilt viewing angles etc), the highlight roll-off is steep, and finally we are back to the Franken-rig for steady hand held... so having a more video focused hybrid or a dedicated video camera will be a better option in a lot of cases. 
    Plus, while Sony images are much harder to get a pleasing look - with skill, you can get some magnificent results. Many users are uploading very poorly graded S-log videos with horrendous white balance, exposure and lighting. Get it right, and you have lovely dynamic range, lovely colour and detailed image. No auto modes required! 
    I can see the DPAF having huge value in many situations. I'm glad you are enjoying the benefits. However, I wouldn't throw out theta A7S II just yet, it serves a very different purpose and will be very useful. 
  19. Like
    jcs reacted to Richard Bugg in Canon 1D X Mark II review part 1 - why superior colour means it's game over for my Sony A7S II   
    I'm not sure that wether or not someone commercialises their work is particularly relevant, if that's what you meant. I have seen low quality output from people who charge for what they do, high quality output from people who do not, and a lot of stuff in between. So I'm not sure that commercialising your work is a necessary pre-condition for being able to express an opinion. Nor is it necessarily a good indicator of quality. Hence, not particularly relevant.
  20. Like
    jcs reacted to Django in Canon 1D X Mark II review part 1 - why superior colour means it's game over for my Sony A7S II   
    I'm a fan of Canon skintones and especially it's auto WB which i find superior to the competition. I actually switched over from Nikon for this.
    Andrew makes some valid points most of which I agree.. however to be fair to Sony, the comparison is an odd one since.. he compares Standard Sony profile to his custom Vivid profile.. which is rather intense! If one wanted to make a valid comparison about Canon colors vs Sony.. one really should have compared BOTH standard profiles (like TCS did in their Jpeg shootout). An interesting comparison would have also been Sony S-Log vs EOSHD C-Log.
    For what it's worth I do own and sometimes use Andrews film looks (for stills never video) but they do totally alter the infamous Canon color science.. so again odd conclusion, although I get the point for him personally it's just a more favorable custom look then what Sony may offer SOOC..
    Anyways no doubt 1DX2 is a beast of camera (and it should be at that price!) but I still find the A7SII is still damn desirable for it's class-leading low light abilities, FF zero crop 4K, IBIS, EVF, Slog..etc
  21. Like
    jcs reacted to MeatHammer in Canon 1D X Mark II review part 1 - why superior colour means it's game over for my Sony A7S II   
    I have to agree with jcs on this one - the Canon looks great out of camera but I was curious about the A7S II still so I messed with it in PS for a few minutes and came up with this. Not a dead on match but not bad either. 

  22. Like
    jcs got a reaction from kidzrevil in Premiere Pro CC 2017 Released   
    @fuzzynormal that's about right lol. Examining their source code when writing plugins it's clear they need a complete from-scratch rewrite, ideally combining After Effects and PP into one program (HitFilm gives an idea what this can look like). Latest FCPX looks really nice and is much more stable and far faster with 4K than PP CC. Resolve is also coming along nicely (still a ways off from being a full blown NLE to compete with FCPX and PP CC).
    @Parker 2015.3 10.4.0 has a huge memory leak (also happens on Windows, so it's core code, not OS specific). 10.3.0 leaks less often. Another issue has been NVidia drivers- it should not be possible to bring the OS down on a crash (this can happen when using OpenCL. CUDA never crashes the OS but exhibits the 'black screen' bug where after a while the view goes and stays black until PP is restarted).
    Everything we do currently uses green screen and compositing (Ultra for keying)- appears to cause more problems for PP CC than simple edits.
    @raf702 thanks for the report. Let us know if you find any issues.
  23. Like
    jcs reacted to Parker in Premiere Pro CC 2017 Released   
    I agree, the new proxy system has been a breeze, especially since for the most part I'm editing super high-bitrate h.265, which tends to bog my machine down once I get some effects and color correction on there. Toggling that little button keeps things nice and smooth, and is really simple to use. 

    I started editing a new project with the update yesterday. Some of my third-party custom effects presets aren't working in the new version and will cause a freeze, but other than that the RAM leak issue seems way more under control than in the previous version, so yeah... so far, so good!
  24. Like
    jcs got a reaction from Orangenz in Premiere Pro CC 2017 Released   
    2015.3 (10.4.0) was very buggy, reverted to 10.3.0- has been much more stable. With latest Creative Cloud don't see 10.3.0 as an option to revert back to. Hopefully 2017 fixes cumulative bugs without adding new ones (waiting to update after hearing there are less bugs).
  25. Like
    jcs reacted to Brian Caldwell in Full Frame Aesthetic?   
    A Zeiss Otus plus Speed Booster XL has pretty amazing IQ wide-open at f/0.90 on m43.
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