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Everything posted by akmukuria

  1. dose anyone have any input on where to get a decent achromatic diopter no more than +1
  2. here is another one. [media]http://vimeo.com/48647825[/media] again with scneider 1.33X converter
  3. Enjoy All comments Welcome http://vimeo.com/43952095
  4. Pleas enjoy All coments welcome http://vimeo.com/43952095
  5. are you streaching your footage by 2x also how are you orienting your camera? rotation kills anamorphic....
  6. any thoughts on anamorphic with full frame and a 50mm aspherical lens, also what are the ideal focal lenghths?
  7. what are the thoughts of using a 50mm aspherical lens on anamorphic with a full frame sensor? and what focal lengths are ideal?
  8. Oh ok I see thanks really appreciate it
  9. wow Leang you have a very good eye, yea i upconverted 720p to 1080, how do you suggest gettting the slowmo without loosing sharpness.
  10. http://vimeo.com/42667029
  11. please let loos your thoughts and comment.....thank you http://vimeo.com/42667029
  12. Canon 5d mark 3, anamorphic please comment with your thoughts. http://vimeo.com/42667029
  13. i had a 1.33factor anamorphic and streached to 1.33 x in post, and since i mixed it with regular 16x9 footage, i scaled the 16x9 to 134% and cropped out the rest. is that a correct workflow?
  14. why is it that the 7d is unable to perform with anamorphic? why the gh2?
  15. Anamorphic shooting is simply awesome, if you want to know more download the anamorphic shooters guide. Here is proof. http://vimeo.com/40696184
  16. https://vimeo.com/channels/kimatamusic The benefits of anamorphic lenses they look amazing.......
  17. https://vimeo.com/39004270
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